As it became known to the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU, the victim in the case against the head of the investigative department for the Tverskoy district of the Main Investigative Committee of the ICR in Moscow, Marat Tambiev, is Mark Bergman, one of the main defendants in the investigation of the hacker group The Infraud Organization (called itself the "Ministry of Fraudulent Cases" and chose the motto "In Fraud We Trust" - "We believe in fraud"). For the amount of 1 million dollars, Bergman's lawyer Roman Meyer promised to resolve a number of issues with law enforcement agencies, and named Andrey Strizhov, head of the Main Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for Moscow of the Main Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for Moscow, and Moscow Prosecutor Denis Popov as the final recipients of the money. At the same time, Meyer himself, a man who repeatedly changed his last name and everyone knew him, was a former employee of the Sixth Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation. Meyer is not just a lawyer, but also Bergman's partner in business matters. They own various properties in the North Caucasus that could have been purchased with funds from hacking activities. Meyer also undertook to resolve the issue with the Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which is engaged in operational support in the case.

As Rucriminal.info found out, the main character of the story with the detention of the head of the investigation department for the Tverskoy district of the Main Investigative Committee of the ICR in Moscow Marat Tambiev, lawyer Roman Meyer, previously had the surname Kovalev and was a lawyer in the KChR. However, then he changed his surname to Meyer and became a lawyer in the Moscow region. He allegedly took money for Tambiev from his clients, Mark and Konstantin Bergman, who are accused in the case of the hacker group The Infraud Organization. These are not just Meyer's clients, but also his business partners, which the lawyer leads through his relatives Naida Kovaleva and Elena Van Meyer. Another of their partners is Nadim Aliverdiev, who is in the testimony of Roman Meyer as the person who brought the money for the bribe. This is a very branched business, in particular, through BEMSIDGE RUS LLC, partners own in the KChR LLC Mountain Resorts of the Caucasus, LLC GSK Arkhyz and many other structures. There is every reason to believe that the proceeds from hacker activities were used to purchase them.

Based on the materials that came into the possession of the Cheka-OGPU, Meyer extorted quite large sums from his principals, Mark Bergman and Konstantin Bergman, for "solving" their issues:
- 1 million US dollars - to be transferred to the head of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for Moscow, Strizhov, and the prosecutor of the city of Moscow, Popov, in order to approve the pre-trial agreement and ensure a suspended sentence;
- and just the same 26 million rubles for not seizing the property of the company of Meyer's trustees by the preliminary investigation body.
- Separately, there were negotiations on resolving issues (for an additional fee) with the Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Meyer offered such a wide range of services not by chance. Everyone knew him as a former employee of the Sixth Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation. In life, he changed his surname several times. In particular, before Meyer he was Kovalev. And no one really knows what his name was at birth. At least his close relatives have Caucasian names and patronymics.

The Bergmans, who had already been thoroughly gutted earlier, filed a complaint with the FSB of the Russian Federation.
As a result, all the lawyer's conversations with his clients were recorded by the secret service.
There are many such conversations. At the same time, interestingly, there are no conversations of Tambiev with a demand to transfer him some kind of reward in the materials. As well as records that he promises something to someone or offers to solve it within the framework of the mentioned case. Based on the content of the audio recordings, one gets the impression that Meyer was not at all an intermediary in this scheme, but an organizer and ideological inspirer.
What happens next: Meyer is caught red-handed while receiving the money. The documents say so: Meyer's illegal activities were suppressed by intelligence officers. And here we see an interesting turn - this is what the source of the Cheka-OGPU said:
"During the interrogation, Meyer declares (having previously changed his testimony several times why he took this money from his client), that BEFORE receiving 26 million, he realized the illegal nature of everything that was happening, and not wanting to be a participant in these actions, he voluntarily wrote and made an appearance. Of course, this is all far-fetched. He did this already AFTER the arrest. In order to evade criminal liability, he himself suggested this version - let me now carry it [the money] further and jump back on the note. Well, of course, the calculation is 100 % was like this: "Not wanting to be a participant ..." - in this case it will not work, because he has already become a participant and there is a completed composition in his actions.
According to the materials at the disposal of the Cheka-OGPU, the chronology of events is as follows. Meyer took 26 million from his client for "solving" a certain issue (we will return to this next time) and as a result was caught red-handed on March 23. However, despite this, no criminal case was initiated on March 23 or 24.
To take the blow away from himself, Meyer began frankly bargain, offering to turn over a high-ranking recipient of money. However, he put forward different versions. In particular, he stated that he took 26 million to be transferred to the head of the Main Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for Moscow Strizhov, then to be transferred to the Moscow prosecutor Popov. However, he could not participate in the operational experiment to detain these leaders - he did not know them and they would not let him in at the threshold. As a result, Meyer settled on the version with Tambiev, whom he had known for many years.
The VChK-OGPU managed to talk with Tambiev’s lawyer Rustam Gabdulin, who told interesting details from Meyer’s biography and did not refute, which means we can consider that he confirmed the authenticity of the materials mentioned above.
"The history of high-profile detentions in recent years suggests that the so-called applicants or intermediaries in obtaining illegal rewards often turn out to be provocateurs and fraudsters themselves. Such persons are often distinguished by regular changes in personal data, exposure to various corruption scandals, as well as a desire to extract material any situation.
What is the place to be in the case where I am the defender:
According to our information, applicant Meyer has previously participated in dubious schemes, getting out of these situations "dry from the water." We also know that he repeatedly changed his full name. Our criminal case looks like another series of his practiced actions. Whether this is true or not will be shown by objective evidence that will be collected by both the investigation and the defense, as well as a number of specific facts that, I am sure, after time will become known to a wide range of people and parties to the process. "- Lawyer Gabdulin R.R.

Timofey Grishin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info