The topic of a possible increase in the criminogenic situation in Russia is constantly being discussed in the media. Of course, this also applies to Ryazan. To unscrupulous civil servants who plunge the country into a whirlpool of corruption, there are also frankly immoral elements that gravitate towards profit, violating both criminal and moral laws. This awakening beast is more terrible than the brothers from the 90s, when crime shared: "Caesar - Caesar's, and God - God's."
Now crime is tightly fused with both the authorities and law enforcement agencies. We know many examples of such metamorphoses. For example, Ramazan Akhadullayev or the recent anti-hero of our story, Karimulla Abdulgalimov, nicknamed Karim, found the 90s still too young. After serving military service in Ryazan, excavating trenches for laying cables, he decided to stay in the new territory of residence to conquer the expanses of central Russia. He started his career as a tough kid with the banal theft of trucks on highways and other objects.

At that time, Karimulla Abdulgalimov did not particularly like the aces of the criminal world, as he was a coward and, with a slight hint of a police capture, he ran away first, plunging into shock his accomplices who continued to unload the next truck.
Then fate brought him together with Shilov's authority Valery Simonov, nicknamed Simon (Dorokhovskaya OCG), who saw the potential of "a pale young man with burning eyes" in the brutal Caucasian. Simon would have known then that over the years he would turn out to be waste material for Karim, like many other former accomplices - abandoned and deceived.
A noteworthy example here is the frank kidk of the former friend and accomplice of Igor Filatov, nicknamed Filat, who faithfully plowed on Karimulla Abdulgalimov. Good money was earned on one topic, but fate hid Filatov for several months in places not so remote. Having dealt with the problems, Filat came to Karim for his share, but he let him go around other accomplices, to whom he allegedly transferred the share. After several days of walking, Filatov realized that he was being held for a donkey and in a telephone conversation, being a former boxer and a guy of more than a dozen, he promised Abdulgalimov punishment. Karim, don't be a fool, avoided the meeting and thought hard about putting together a permanent brigade. Well, Igor Filatov, according to a knurled scheme, he handed over to the police under fictitious reasons.
Karim has always gone over the heads to achieve goals. He himself was illiterate with two unfinished classes of education, sometimes dumb, unable to write and read normally, he, nevertheless, had a natural bestial instinct, deceit and acumen. Sometimes, walking along the edges, he made enemies for himself, but he learned how to skillfully get rid of them: intimidating someone, substituting someone by ordering through employees of law enforcement agencies.
Considering that there were a lot of hotheads against him, Karim became afraid and hysterically looking for something strong and official to cover up his deeds. And then fortune smiled broadly. One of his familiar businessmen began to suddenly get rich and acquire the necessary baggage of acquaintances and connections. The founder of el`Porta Ptakhin Alexander Ivanovich turned out to be a talented businessman. With his fantastic capacity for work and generosity, Ptakhin became the number one target for Abdulgalimov. Obeying his bestial instinct, oriental cunning, sweet flattery and certain tuning situations, he enters into full confidence in Alexander Ivanovich, constantly proving his friendship and necessity. Abdulgalimov simply fell in love with Ptakhin and, in fact, made him his own tame poodle.
Ptakhin's reputation by that time was already almost impeccable. He often acted as a sponsor and patron of everyone and everything. He was noticed in the government, law enforcement agencies, business circles. And then bam ... news for everyone: Alexander Ivanovich had a named brother - Karimulla. It was a shock to those who knew Karimullah. But Ptakhin did not want to listen to anyone, called him his brother, introduced him to business and often visited him in his historical homeland in Dagestan. There were rumors that Alexander Ivanovich even converted to Islam.

It's no secret that with all his talents, Ptakhin does not know how to understand people.
Therefore, everyone is simply waiting for his eyes to open, and he will turn from a tame poodle into a wolfhound. There is no doubt that Ptakhin is not even aware of the dark deeds of his brother. Karim, like a spider, has wove a web around Alexander Ivanovich and is squeezing out, like a cuckoo, from a fraternal nest everyone who can interfere with his influence and indispensability.
It seems to be a mandatory need to verify transactions from Abdulgalimov's bank cards over the past 7-8 years in order to identify sponsorship of unwanted items. It is worth considering the fact that for these purposes he also used the cards of some accomplices from among friends and women with whom he was close, in particular, Marina Bukanova.
Other details will also follow soon.
To be continued
Arseny Dronov
Source: www.rucriminal.info