The FSB begins to talk about its high-profile disclosures at the weekend, apparently so that no one reads such nonsense at the dacha and on vacation. On April 31, it was announced that the murder of 26-year-old vice-governor of St. Petersburg Mikhail Manevich, who was a friend of Putin, Chubais, etc., had been solved. He was shot from a Kalashnikov assault rifle by a sniper in 1997. They blamed, of course, the former "night governor" Peter Vladimir Barsukov (Kumarin). Like, he personally gave the killer a machine gun with a sniper scope. According to the VChK-OGPU channel, everyone knows that the head of the Tambov organized criminal group may not even dream of freedom. He is Putin's personal prisoner, who knows all the innermost secrets of the Kremlin elite: contract killings, money laundering schemes, relationships with people, something that can undermine the authority within the country, Barsukov-Kumarin will be in prison for as long as his life will last.

Another acquaintance of Putin and the Kremlin elders, Ilya Traber (Antiquarian), was involved in the murder of Manevich. He was a friend of Manevich, but then Traber was sent to capture one of the most tasty morsels of St. Petersburg - the Sea Port (MP). Aleksey Miller, Alexander Dyukov and other members of the team of a friendly St. Petersburg team, close to the city hall, were delegated there for these purposes.
When a large team of St. Petersburg officials moved to Moscow, Manevich should have been among them, but before leaving, he decided to sign an order that would return the port to the state and prevent Traber and those who were close to him from learning full control over the MP. The corresponding instruction was given to Manevich by his friend Chubais, whom he could not disobey. Traber dissuaded Manevich from this step, warning that then he would not be able to help him in any way. There are forces that Traber cannot disobey. But everything was useless. Added to this was the fact that Traber was in love with Manevich's wife Marina. As a result, literally a day before the planned signing of the order, Manevich was shot dead.
After the assassination of Manevich, the situation with the MP did not develop in favor of the state. On November 18, 1997, an extraordinary meeting of shareholders was held, which decided to transfer the management of the port to CJSC OBIP, controlled by Traber. As the Accounts Chamber later established, after that the MP began to be pulled apart "to pieces." And only then one of the "pieces" went to Kumarin. But in general, the port was run by Traber and his friends.
Rucriminal.info wants to talk about other high-profile St. Petersburg murders committed by snipers that have not been disclosed.
In the evening of October 24, 2020, an unidentified person fired a firearm from the opposite bank of the river at 61-year-old Alexander Petrov, who was on the territory of his house near Vyborg in the Leningrad Region. “Currently, investigators, together with employees of operational units, continue to establish the circumstances of the crime, interrogate witnesses, and study the victim’s social circle,” the ICR said after the murder. Sources of Rucriminal.info believed that it was precisely the “circle of contacts” that would not allow solving this crime. And the guess came true. There have been no arrests in the case for three years. If the "contract" murder of the participants in "Gangster Petersburg" and it cannot be "led" to Vladimir Kumarin, then it remains unsolved. As, for example, the "fresh" murder of Badri Shengelia has not yet been solved. In order to uncover these crimes, one must plunge into the dashing 90s, when these now murdered comrades closely communicated with the current inhabitants of many Moscow offices.
For more than a quarter of a century, the murder of the vice-mayor of St. Petersburg, Mikhail Manevich, a man whom Vladimir Putin called a friend and "a terrific guy," has not been solved.
If we talk about people who were related to the port in the 90s, we should not forget about the former vice-governor of St. Petersburg, and now the first deputy chairman of the Committee on Financial Markets of the State Duma, Igor Divinsky. In his youth, by the way, he himself was a professional sniper.
Rucriminal.info tried to restore interesting facts from Divinsky's biography.
Igor Borisovich Divinsky was born in 1957. He's from a military dynasty. He served in the GRU. In 1989, as a deputy commander of a company of the Limited Contingent of Soviet Forces in Afghanistan, he took part in the hostilities on the territory of this country. Got injured. Upon recovery, he was sent to serve in the Western Group of Forces in Germany. At the same time, Yuri Volkov served as the head of physical training there.
Igor Divinsky, having left the army, together with his former colleagues, went into the security business in St. Petersburg. However, rather, his activities resembled the creation of a "roof" of former GRU employees for individual businessmen. In 1994, he was the head of the security company Medi. In the same year, he established and headed the security company "Divo". Its other founders were Andrei Markovsky and Yuri Rydnik (in various times was the chairman of the Board of Directors of BaltONEXIMbank, a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg). At that moment in his life, Rydnik headed the St. Petersburg branch of the Soyuzkontrakt company, the main supplier of legs to Russia. Soyuzkontrakt was closely associated with the Russian Foundation for the Invalids of the War in Afghanistan (RFIVA), which was led by Valery Radchikov, a native of the GRU. These Afghan thugs won huge foreign economic benefits and drove goods to Russia, practically without paying duties.
As for Divinsky's closest partner at that moment, Yuri Rydnik, nowhere in the media can one find some interesting features of his biography. The businessman carefully cleaned up the police databases. However, from the archives of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of St. Petersburg, you can find out that he was involved in the case against a number of employees of the Gatchina traffic police. They had unregistered firearms in their addresses.
Sources suspect that to remain in the case just a witness, Rydnik was helped by the same Divinsky, who had been responsible for his safety for a long time.
As for the OP "Divo", it served only seven objects - a residential building and seven premises of the "Soyuzkontrakt". A different audience worked in the OP, both former GRU fighters and former district police officers. Some of the employees of "Divo" had troubles with law enforcement agencies. They were held accountable either for arbitrariness or for hooliganism.

On August 18, 1997, Vice Governor Mikhail Manevich was shot dead in St. Petersburg. Later, on suspicion of this crime, Yuri Volkov will be arrested. He gave "orders" for the elimination of people to the Chelyshev brothers' group, which included a number of former GRU employees. During interrogations, the Chelyshevs admitted that they even visited the headquarters of the GRU, and some of the "customers" were in the leadership of the Ministry of Defense. After that, this direction of the investigation into the murder of Manevich (it was conducted by the FSB in St. Petersburg) was curtailed. Volkov was taken away from the employees of the Prosecutor General's Office and the RUBOP of Moscow by the FSB and his further fate is unknown. According to some information, some employees of the OP "Divo" "surfaced" in the investigation of the activities of the Chelyshev gang. Further more. According to the main version, Manevich was “ordered” because of the situation with the trading port, which was then controlled by businessman Ilya Traber. And one of Traber's partners in the port at that moment was Rydnik.
Coincidentally or not, exactly ten days after the murder of Manevich, Igor Divinsky resigned as head of "Divo" and headed another OP - "Dome". Its founders were Divinsky himself, the same Rydnik, Yuri Burdo (a former employee of the OP "Divo", later headed the OP "Kupol"), CJSC "Europe-Hotel", Andrey Yezhov (was registered at that moment in the hostel of military unit 71113) . In 1999, Divinsky resigned as head of the Dome and again headed the OP Divo. By this time, together with Boris Gryzlov, he managed to direct the election campaign of Viktor Zubkov, who ran for governor of the Leningrad Region. Gryzlov and Divinsky also became the founders of the St. Petersburg branch of the Unity party, which was later transformed into United Russia.
Divinsky was the founder of Breeze LLC and KUNIG LLC. His partners in this business were Yury Vladimirovich Kobyakov and Nikolay Valentinovich Kosarev. The last former employee of the KGB of the USSR, a former employee of the Ministry of Security, a former employee of the Federal Tax Service, a member of the Federation Council, etc.
Together with the same Kosarev, Divinsky established the Russian Athos Society NGO - the "abode" of Orthodox Chekists. Grigory Poltavchenko (he is the main trustee of the Russian Athos Society), as well as other ex-employees of the KGB and the FSB, are directly related to this ROO.
Goloshchapov Konstantin Veniaminovich, a rather shady person, became another founder of this ROO. Goloshchapov cleaned up the databases. You can find a mention in it only in the archives preserved by employees. It follows from them that in 1995 he was prosecuted, but in 2000 all information about his problems with the law was deleted.
Looking with whom Goloshchapov travels abroad and abroad, you can find that the same Arkady Rotenberg and the son of Grigory Poltavchenko, Alexei, appear there.
An interesting detail. In 1997 Igor Divinsky was the founder of CLUB BOX ARGO SPB. Another founder of the club was Gennady Vetrov, a comedian and Full House participant. Not many people know that Vetrov has a “combat” biography. He served in a special forces battalion (he served at the same time as Divinsky). And at the time when Divinsky served in the Western Group of Forces, Vetrov lived in Germany, where “he worked independently as an artist.
To be continued
Alexey Ermakov
Source: www.rucriminal.info