Continuing to strengthen his personal power and influence among the subordinates of the gang members, in order to suppress the facts of possible disobedience and provide personal protection both in the process of committing crimes and from attacks by representatives of other criminal groups, Piskarev, at the suggestion of Zemtsov, no later than 22.08.2002 involved in the gang of Dmitry Nikolayevich Yurov and Nikolai Nikolayevich Yurov, who, knowing about the purpose of creating a gang, as well as the forms and methods of its criminal activities, voluntarily joined it and actively participated in the attacks it makes, receiving monetary reward for this from the income from joint criminal activities ...

Yurov D.N. and Yurov N.N., having sufficient physical training, skills in hand-to-hand combat and possession of firearms, as part of the gang were Piskarev's personal bodyguards, ensured his personal safety, directly participated in murders and proceedings with representatives of other criminal groups, participated in illegal possession of firearms weapons, ammunition, explosive devices and explosives.
In the process of carrying out entrepreneurial activities, out of revenge for an attempt to terminate cooperation in the provision of legal services, organized by Aleksandrov, Zemtsov, Mishin and Saryan, they prepared and on 06.06.2003, carried out the kidnapping of Vladimir Mikhailovich Postyshev, after which on the same day, using a stranglehold, they committed his murder near house 99 of the village of Ulyankovo, Mytishchi district, Moscow region, and staged his unknown disappearance, hiding the corpse in the ground.
Realizing that the expansion of the gang's scope of activity requires an increase in its number, Piskarev, no later than November 2003, personally found and involved Sergei Vladimirovich Zhelnovsky in the gang, at the suggestion of Mishin, involved Sergei Yuryevich Bezrukov, as well as Alexey Mikhailovich Makarov and Oleg Nikolaevich Shchesnyak in the gang, criminal prosecution which was terminated after their death, and at the suggestion of Aleksandrov - Andrey Nikolayevich Stolyarov and Damir Aliulovich Kapkov, who, knowing about the purpose of creating the gang, participated in it, receiving income from the gang's activities.

Zhelnovsky, having connections with representatives of government and criminal structures on the territory of the Sergiev Posad district of the Moscow region, represented the interests of Piskarev as part of the gang, acquired in the interests of the gang and registered vehicles used for attacks on the frontmen, participated in the illegal storage of firearms, ammunition , explosive devices and explosives.
Makarov - in financing the gang, commercial structures, participated in the illegal possession of firearms, immediately before the day of his murder on October 21, 2003.

Bezrukov, possessing technical knowledge in the field of video surveillance and driving skills, was involved in technical equipment and video surveillance as part of a gang, participated in tracking the persons whose murder it was planned to commit, carried out their search and video recording of their movements, brought Piskarev to the places of murders.
Shchesnyak, as part of the gang, participated in the collection of information, participated in the storage of ammunition, explosive devices and explosives immediately before his murder in the period from 06/01/2004 to 09/30/2004.
Stolyarov, having sufficient physical training, possession of firearms, was involved in collecting money as part of a gang, participated in the illegal possession of firearms, was engaged in collecting information about the persons whose murder it was planned to commit, participated in the illegal possession of firearms, ammunition, explosive devices and explosives ...
Kapkov, possessing the skills of hand-to-hand combat and possession of firearms, as part of the gang, participated in proceedings related to the activities of the gang, participated in tracking down persons whose murder was planned to be committed.
Suspecting Makarov in an attempt to subordinate other members of the gang to his influence and undermine his (Piskarev's) authority by collecting information not intended for him, and also wanting to strengthen ties between the gang members by committing a joint murder, together with Zamyatin, Zemtsov, Mishin and Saryan, acting as part of an organized group, using unidentified firearms equipped with ammunition, they prepared and on October 21, 2003, at about 4:00 pm, they murdered Makarov on a site near the Alaska SNT in the Pushkin District of the Moscow Region, after which they staged his unknown disappearance, hiding a corpse in the ground.
The funds received from the gang's activities, Piskarev invested in the entrepreneurial activities of citizens and commercial organizations, while using the gang's capabilities to punish debtors or guaranteed return on investment and transfer of a share in the authorized capital of the organization. By transferring as a loan to the general SP Savchenko, Director and Founder of Sand International CJSC Piskarev demanded from Savchenko a part of the share of his ownership in Sand International CJSC and a part of the amount of money received from the sale of the said aircraft by the latter in the amount of USD 100,000 for the repair of the engine of the Yak-40 aircraft belonging to the latter. Having received Savchenko's refusal, Piskarev, out of revenge, acting as part of an organized group with Mishin, prepared and on 02.12.2003, no earlier than 11 hours 38 minutes, using a pistol designed by Tokarev "TT" model 1930/33, they attempted the murder of Sergey Savchenko Petrovich, and with the aim of his relief, and attempted murder, who was next to Savchenko-Petrov Gennady Mikhailovich at the address: Moscow, st. General Beloborodov, 11.
Expanding the sphere of interests, Piskarev, in order to remove obstacles in the market for the sale of confiscated property and strengthen the position in this area of the gang-controlled LLC Global Computer Service, out of mercenary motives, together with Aleksandrov, S.A. Bezrukov, Mishin and Saryan, acting as part of an organized groups, using an unidentified 7.62-mm pistol designed by Tokarev "TT" model 1930/33, equipped with ammunition, prepared and 20.05.2004, at about 09 hours 49 minutes, at the address: Moscow, Prospekt Mira, d 49. committed the murder of Marat Gazizov in Firdausovich.
In order to prevent the possible disclosure of information about the activities of the gang in the event of the arrest of its member, Piskarev, acting together with Lupichev and Saryan, using unidentified firearms equipped with ammunition, prepared and in the period from 01.06.2004 to 30.09.2004 in the area near the CIS "Coal" of the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region, committed the murder of Oleg Anatolyevich Shchesnyak, who was put on the federal wanted list, after which they staged his unknown disappearance, hiding the corpse in the ground.
Realizing that maintaining discipline and cohesion between gang members requires demonstrating one's own determination to commit murder out of revenge even for an insignificant offense or damage caused, Piskarev together with Aleksandrov, Lupichev, Saryan. Yurov D.N. and Yurov N.N., acting as part of an organized criminal group, using unidentified firearms equipped with ammunition, out of revenge for the poor-quality and untimely performance of work on facing the fireplace in Piskarev's office, prepared and on 07.02.2005 committed the murder of Alexander Viktorovich Orlov at the forest an array located near the public transport stop "Sholokhovsky Les" on Dmitrovskoe highway in the Mytishchi district of the Moscow region, after which they staged his unknown disappearance, hiding the corpse in the ground.
Keeping in touch with representatives of other criminal structures, Piskarev together with Aleksandrov, Mishin, Bezrukov S.Yu. and Saryan, acting as part of an organized group, for hire, using a 7.62-mm modernized Kalashnikov design assault rifle (AKM) with a BI4469 equipped with ammunition, prepared and on June 14, 2005, at about 08:30 a.m., at a railway crossing located on the road section 1100 meters from the Sergiev Posad-Kalyazin-Rybinsk-Cherepovets highway and 4600 meters from the house 66 of the urban settlement Bogorodskoye, Sergiev Posad district of the Moscow region, they attempted to murder the deputy head of the administration of the Sergiev Posad district of the Moscow region, Alexander Shurukhin Anatolyevich, firing shots at the car "Volvo S80" (state registration plate O0400090), in which, as Piskarev believed, the victim was following. At the same time, Piskarev and members of an organized criminal group during the attempted murder of Shurukhin committed the murder of Nikolai Sergeevich Klimov, who was driving the specified car.
Having long-term commercial interests in the Klyazminskoye reservoir area in Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, in order to acquire 75% of the authorized capital of Sailing Club Vodnik LLC and 100% of the authorized capital of Vodnik Yacht Club CJSC, which owned expensive property complexes and property rights, out of selfish motives, Piskarev, together with Aleksandrov, Bezrukov S.Yu., Lupichev, Mishin, Stolyarov and Shchesnyak, using an unidentified 5.45-mm pistol equipped with ammunition, prepared and on November 14, 2005, no later than 06:00 55 minutes, attempted the murder of Mikhail Sergeevich Pankin near house No. 31 on the street. Mayakovsky DSK "Sosnovka" microdistrict Mamontovka, Pushkino, Moscow region.
Out of revenge for the insult inflicted on him, Piskarev together with Bezrukov S.Yu., Mishin and Yurov D.N., acting as part of an organized group, using an unidentified 7.62-mm pistol of the 1930/33 model. Tokarev's "TT" designs and an unidentified 9-mm rifled firearm equipped with ammunition prepared and on 23.12.2005, at approximately 4:10 pm, committed the murder of Owl Mi Khaila Yurievich near the house 13 on the street. 7th Northern line of Moscow. 4.
In order to hide the traces of the theft of funds received on January 13, 2005 as payment for the sold confiscated property to the settlement account of Global Computer Service LLC, the owner and general director of which was a member of the gang, S.A. Bezrukov, and on September 1, 2005, the figurehead Poshkus Alexey Romualdovich, Piskarev together with Aleksandrov, S.A. Bezrukov, Lupichev, Saryan, D. Yurov, N.N. Yurov and other unidentified persons, acting as part of an organized group, using unidentified firearms equipped with ammunition, in the period from December 2005 to February 2006, at an unspecified date and time, prepared and committed the murder of Alexey Romualdovich Poshkus on a section of the road at the exit from Moscow Small Ring (federal highway A 107) towards CHT "Priozernoe" and the garden association "Dzerzhine 83" of the Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow region, hiding the corpse in the ground.
Wishing to achieve tax benefits for legal entities associated with him, Piskarev in the fall of 2007, through Zemtsov, transferred 3,000,000 rubles to the senior detective of the 3 operational-search unit under the Tax Crimes Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District of Moscow Maslov Roman Valerievich 3,000,000 rubles for the latter's promise to help in termination of inspections against unidentified legal entities and refund of value added tax. Not having received the promised result, out of revenge for deception and material damage caused, Piskarev together with S.Yu Bezrukov, Zemtsov, Kapkov, Stolyarov as part of an organized group, using 2 (two) unidentified copies of homemade rifled firearms of caliber close to 9 mm, equipped ammunition, prepared and 29.12.2008, 08 hours 41 minutes, committed the murder of Maslov Roman Valerievich near the house Ne 9 on the street. Taganskaya in Moscow.
Continuing to hide the traces of the theft of funds and the murders of Gazizov and Poshkus associated with this theft, when there is a danger of detention and exposure of these crimes, Piskarev, together with Saryan and an unidentified person, acting as part of an organized group, using unidentified firearms equipped with ammunition, prepared 05.21 .2009 in an unidentified place committed the murder of S.A. Bezrukov, after which they staged his unknown disappearance, hiding the corpse in the ground in a forest, near the village. Plaskinino, Ramensky District, Moscow Region.
Out of revenge for the unfulfilled obligation to transfer to him (Piskarev) a share in the authorized capital of LLC Alfa Martel, Piskarev, together with S.Yu. Bezrukov, from an unidentified copy of a 9 mm rifled firearm equipped with ammunition, prepared and 27.12.2010, at about 19 hours 40 minutes, they committed the murder of Mugashe Joyce Kokutety near house no. 26 on the street. Tallinn city of Moscow.
In order to eliminate opposition to their plans to extract profit from the commercial development of land plots located in the city of Sergiev Posad, Moscow Region, for selfish motives, Piskarev, with S.Yu. Bezrukov, using a copy of a non-standard automatic firearm of 9 mm caliber with a chamber length 18 mm, equipped with ammunition, was prepared and on August 22, 2011, at about 07:05 a.m., the head of the urban settlement of Sergiev Posad of the Sergiev Posad municipal district of the Moscow region, Evgeny Anatolyevich Dushko, was murdered at the house number 49 "a" on the street. Soviet town of Sergiev Posad, Moscow region.

Thus, Piskarev in the period from 16.03.1998 to 08.11.2016 was in charge of a stable armed group (gang), which included: Aleksandrov, Barabashkin, Bezrukov A.A., Bezrukov S.A., Bezrukov S.Yu., Berezhnov, Zhelnovsky, Zamyatin, Zemtsov, Kapkov, Lupichev, Makarov, Mishin, Saryan, Stolyarov, Fedoseev, Schesnyak, Yurov D.N., Yurov N.N. and other unidentified persons who committed 3,000,000 rubles to Roman Valerievich Maslov on the territory of Moscow, the Moscow Region and other regions of the Russian Federation for the latter's promise to help terminate inspections of unidentified legal entities and refund value added tax. Not having received the promised result, out of revenge for deception and material damage caused, Piskarev together with S.Yu Bezrukov, Zemtsov, Kapkov, Stolyarov and unidentified members of an organized group, using 2 (two) unidentified copies of homemade rifled firearms of a caliber close to 9 mm, equipped with ammunition, prepared and 29.12.2008, 08 hours 41 minutes, committed the murder of Roman Maslov by persons, acting in about Valerievich near the house Ne 9 on the street. Taganskaya in Moscow. Continuing to hide the traces of the embezzlement of funds and the murders of Gazizov and Poshkus associated with this theft, if there is a danger of detention and exposure of these crimes, Piskarev, together with Saryano m and an unidentified person, acting as part of an organized group, using unidentified firearms equipped with ammunition, prepared on 05/21/2009 in an unidentified place, committed the murder of S.A. Bezrukov, after which they staged his unknown disappearance, hiding his body in the ground in a forest, near village Plaskinino, Ramensky District, Moscow Region. Out of revenge, the unfulfilled obligation to transfer to him (Piskarev) a share in the authorized capital of LLC Alfa Martel, Piskarev, together with S.Yu. Bezrukov, acting in an unidentified copy of a firearm with a 9 mm rifled barrel equipped with ammunition, prepared and 27.12.2010, at about 19 hours 40 minutes, they committed the murder of Mugashe Joyce Kokutety near house no. 26 on the street. Tallinn city of Moscow. as part of an organized group, using In order to eliminate opposition to their plans to extract profit from the commercial development of land plots located in the city of Sergiev Posad, Moscow Region, for selfish motives, Piskarev, with implementation with S.Yu. Bezrukov, with the rifled composition of an organized group, acting in the victim's official activities, communications jointly using a copy of a non-standard automatic firearm of 9 mm caliber, having a chamber length of 18 mm, loaded with ammunition, prepared and on August 22, 2011, at about 07.05 a.m., committed the murder of the head of the urban settlement Sergiev Posad Sergiev Posad of the municipal district of the Moscow region Evgeny Anatolyevich Dushko at the house number 49 "a" on the street. Soviet town of Sergiev Posad, Moscow region. Thus, Piskarev in the period from 03/16/1998 to 11/08/2016 led a stable armed group (gang), which included in Aleksandrov, period Barabashkin, Bezrukov A.A., specified included Bezrukov S.A., Bezrukov S.Yu. ., Berezhnov, Zhelnovsky, Zamyatin, Zemtsov, Kapkov, Lupichev, Makarov, Mishin, Saryan, Stolyarov, Fedoseev, Schesnyak, Yurov D.N., Yurov N.N. and other unidentified persons who attacked citizens on the territory of Moscow, the Moscow region and other regions of the Russian Federation, as a result of which the murders were committed: Asina and Potekhin, Akhrameev and Shepelenko, Bezrukova S.A., Dushko, Gazizova, Danilin, Klimov, Kormilin, Makarov, Maslov, Mugash, Orlov, Poshkus, Stepanov, Tkachev, Filin, Shchesnyak; abductions and murders of Aleksyukhin and Postyshev; attempted murders of Pankin, Shurukhin, Savchenko and Petrov. The activities of the gang under the leadership of Piskarev caused significant damage to public safety and resulted in numerous casualties among citizens of the Russian Federation.

To be continued
Arseny Dronov