From 07/04/2022, the already former head of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Yaroslavl Region, Sobolev A.M., as reported by the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU, was appointed first deputy head of the SEC of the Investigative Committee of Russia with the prospect of subsequent appointment to the position of head of this department.
All this happened despite the ruined image of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of Russia in the Yaroslavl region, an unprecedented shortage of personnel, and practically no indicators of the work of the department in all areas over the past 3 years.
The most interesting thing is that a comprehensive 5-year audit of management in the Yaroslavl region, which was supposed to take place in 2021, since the last one was in 2016, was not carried out. Low performance indicators of the department, lack of personnel, numerous facts of loss of files, materials, seized funds, a huge number of lawsuits against the department, appeals to the Central Administration of the Russian Investigative Committee with requests to sort out the situation, statements about bringing the management to administrative, disciplinary and criminal liability, etc. D., no one cares. I wonder why? Yes, everything is simple. Because, according to rumors, the appointment of Mr. Sobolev A.M. for positions in the IC of Russia, including the latter, as well as hiding all the above and other negative aspects related to his work from the higher leadership of the IC of the Russian Federation, artificially inflating real management indicators and much more is lobbied and supervised by the Deputy Chairman of the IC of Russia, who deals with personnel issues.
Rucriminal.info and the Cheka-OGPU continue to talk about the facts of loss and theft of seized funds, materials / criminal cases in the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of Russia in the Yaroslavl Region, as well as the facts of the surface falsification of official documents in order to settle accounts with former employees of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for Yaroslavl region.
Earlier, the Cheka-OGPU already announced the initiation of two criminal cases on the facts of theft of seized funds, material / case from the investigative department for the Kirovsky district of the city of Yaroslavl of the Investigative Committee of the RF IC for nuclear weapons and on the fact of registering a report in connection with the loss of the material of check No. 203-54pr -2015 dated 06/01/2015 and money in the amount of 10,000 thousand rubles attached to it.
Recall that the decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case on the allegedly lost material No. 203-54pr-2015 was issued on 07/01/2015.
According to available documents, in 2016, the Department of the Investigative Committee for Nuclear Weapons received a request from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Yaroslavl Region with a request to return the funds issued as part of operational activities in the amount of 10,000 rubles. In response to a request in the spring of 2016, the deputy head of the second department said that the specified funds were attached to the material and could not be returned. For the next 3 years, no one remembered the material.
In February 2019, Sobolev A.M. was appointed to the position of head of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of Russia in the Yaroslavl region, who accepted all the materials, criminal cases, things. docks, mat. values, etc.
06/04/2019, the head of the second department for the investigation of especially important cases of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Yaroslavl Region retires and on the same day the head of the department issues order No. important matters”, which includes 10 employees.
By the following order, the head of the department, from 06/04/2019, appoints the investigator for especially important cases Kobylenkov A.S. as the acting head of this department.
Fulfilling the order of the head, the former head of the second department draws up an act of acceptance and transfer of criminal cases, inspection materials, etc. from 2009 to 2019, that is, until the date of his dismissal. At the same time, no one, except for the outgoing leader, checks the availability of materials and criminal cases. It is clear that about any commission acceptance and transfer of materials, criminal cases, etc. there is no speech at all. After the signing of the act by the former head of the department and the investigator acting in his capacity, the other members of the commission signed the act of acceptance and transfer at different times, in different places. Nevertheless, the act of acceptance and transfer is dated 07/11/2019. From that moment on, all cases, materials, etc. “are considered transferred” to the acting head Kobylenkov A.S.
According to the order of July 31, 2019 No. 181-o “On granting leave to A.S. Kobylenkov”, 20 days after the transfer and acceptance, the latter went on vacation, and due to illness, as well as being on vacation, he returned to work only on 04/06/2020. At the same time, during the vacation, the duties of the head of the second department are assigned by the same order to another employee of the same department with his consent. Is there a transmission? Of course not!
On September 2, 2019, Tsaturyan A.V. was appointed acting head of the second department for the investigation of particularly important cases. - protege and one of the most faithful followers of the head of the department Sobolev A.M.
It would seem that the transfer of cases, materials, mat. values, etc. should be carried out in the near future after the appointment of Tsaturyan A.V. acting in this department. However, the transfer “as it were” takes place on 01/29/2020 on the basis of the order of the head of the department to create a commission of 7 people to receive and transfer cases, materials, etc. from Kobylenkov A.S. to Tsaturyan A.V. Everything seems to be going smoothly, without any comments or questions, no missing materials, money, etc. not found. And here the most interesting begins.
In the spring of 2020, a request is again received from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Yaroslavl Region, similar to the request of 2016, for the return of funds in the amount of 10,000 rubles. according to the material of inspection No. 203-54pr-2015 dated 06/01/2015.
Instead of looking for or restoring the material, as prescribed by the organizational documents of the IC of Russia, register a report and start a procedural check by looking for material No. 203-54pr-2015, money and not finding them, Tsaturyan A.V. together with the head of the department decides not to answer the request and forget about the material with money until better times.
It should be noted, and this is important for understanding the following events, that on April 20, 2020 Kobylenkov A.S. returns from vacation and on 04/30/2020 goes on vacation again, and in June 2020 goes on a business trip to the CA of the IC of Russia and upon returning from which on 08/11/2021, retires. At the same time, Sobolev A.M., Tsaturyan A.V. and Khodunov V.N., in connection with the personal hostile relations that have arisen towards A.S. Kobylenkov, by any means try to prevent him from continuing to work in the Russian Investigative Committee. As a result, Kobylenkov A.S. during 2020-2021, he files several claims for violation of his labor rights. In the same period, a lot of other employees are dismissed from the investigative department in the Yaroslavl region, who automatically fall into the category of "enemies of the state" according to the ratings of Sobolev A.M., and who also begin to fight for their labor and housing rights, violated on the direct instructions of the head management.
It is worth saying that from the very appointment of Sobolev A.M. in 2019, as the head of the Investigative Committee of the ICR in the Yaroslavl region, he somehow did not get along with the team, as well as relations with teams in the Tver region and the Republic of Khakassia. This is caused, for the most part, by the behavior of the leader himself, who, having received “carte blanche” from the higher leadership, feeling untouchable, instead of performing direct duties, fanatically sought out internal and external enemies, trying to destroy them by any means, without shying away from the lowest methods, as well as his inability to have a constructive dialogue and understanding of his subordinates, rudeness and frankly rude, disgusting, unworthy behavior of him and his team. Since the appointment of Sobolev A.M. the Russian Investigative Committee began to receive numerous appeals, both anonymous and not, from current and former employees, from civilians, who sent signals about the inevitable collapse of management under such leadership of Sobolev A.M. Needless to say, all these appeals were ignored by the CA RF IC.
So, closer to the summer of 2022, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Yaroslavl Region receives another request for a refund in the amount of 10,000 rubles attached to the audit material No. 203-54pr-2015 dated 06/01/2015.
In 2021-2022 in a number of Yaroslavl Internet publications, in telegram channels, a number of publications are published telling about the “victories” of former employees of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of Russia in the Yaroslavl region in courts, revealing the situation with violations of labor, housing and other rights of workers on the initiative of the head of the department A.M. Sobolev . and management situation in general.
And in the spring of 2022, in front of Sobolev A.M. loomed the appointment of the first deputy head of the SEC of the IC of Russia with the prospect of leaving for the position of head of this institution instead of the current acting A.M. Bagmet. For Sobolev A.M. and his team, such an appointment was not just rosy, but very, very desirable (still a resting option without this whole consequence, something that one can only dream of).
But the publications published on the Internet, as well as on various telegram channels, greatly damaged the reputation of Sobolev A.M. in the eyes of management and the public. He understood that he needed to somehow resolve the issue with those who, in his opinion, spoil his reputation, rehabilitate himself, and also prepare the ground for a smooth transfer of affairs to a new leader.
The desire to restore the “status quo” at all costs led to the appointment of a single enemy, who, according to Sobolev A.M., spoiled and spoiled his life. Then it becomes clear who he is. The culprit was appointed, it was only necessary to figure out how to pacify him.
This is where the idea of implementing the plan is born with the loss of the material of inspection No. 203-54pr-2015 and money on it, as previously reported by the Cheka-OGPU.
At the end of spring 2022, as directed by Sobleva A.M. the hero of previous publications of the Cheka-OGPU - the deputy head of the criminalistics department V.N. Khodunov. on the fact of the loss of the specified material and money, an internal check is carried out. The result is a report on the discovery of signs of crimes under Part 3 of Art. 160, part 1 of Art. 285, part 1 of Art. 293 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The verification is entrusted to the second department for the investigation of particularly important cases under the leadership of Tsaturyan A.V.
07/01/2022 former investigator for especially important cases Kobylenkov A.S. summoned to the investigative department for the Yaroslavl region to give explanations.
According to the information at the disposal of the Cheka-OGPU, the person conducting the check on material No. 84pr-2022 confirms the information that Sobolev A.M., Tsaturyan A.V. (perhaps someone else) knew back in 2020, but no measures were taken to detect them, restore the material and conduct a procedural check, thereby hiding the malfeasance from accounting.
The essence of the claims against Kobylenkov A.S. reduced to the following: on 07/11/2019 he accepted material No. 203-54pr-2015 and money from the former head of the second police department, and when receiving and transferring criminal cases, materials, etc. on 01/29/2020 Tsaturyan A.V. the specified material and money are lost. Therefore, Kobylenkov A.S. embezzled 10,000 rubles, which were attached to the material, and for some reason stole the material itself. The logic seems to be ironclad, but the execution failed.
The calculation of Mr. Sobolev A.M., Tsaturyan A.V. and Khodunov V.N. apparently was aimed at the fact that under the weight of irrefutable documentary evidence that was presented to Kobylenkov A.S. upon receiving an explanation from him, he repents, admits guilt in the loss of money and material, and the whole thing is in the bag. Here it will be possible to put pressure on him about publications in the media (it does not matter whether he did it or not) and generously offer to leave for a suspended sentence. However, something went wrong!
After reviewing the documents available in the audit material No. 203-84pr-2022 on the fact of the loss of material No. 203-54pr-2015 and money on it, nothing but indignation and shame for the once decent department and “his colleagues” Kobylenkov A.S. did not experience. And then we'll go back.
07/11/2019 Kobylenkov A.S., in the status of acting head of the second department, received from the retired head of the same department criminal cases, materials, etc. And already on July 31, 2019, Kobylenkov A.S., that is, 25 days later, went on vacation, from which he left only on April 20, 2020. At the same time, the duties of the head of the second department were ordered by Sobolev A.M. dated July 31, 2019 No. 181-o were assigned to another employee of the second department for the investigation of particularly important cases with his own consent.
How, then, Kobylenkov A.S., being officially on sick leave, after surgery on the spine, on January 29, 2020, in the presence of the commission, could transfer the newly appointed head of the department A.V. Tsaturyan criminal cases, inspection materials, etc.? Why exactly Kobylenkov A.S., whose duties of the head were removed by order No. 181-o of July 31, 2019, handed over the materials to Tsaturyan A.V. 01/29/2020, and not the employee who acted as the head?
Is it worth writing about the fact that the signature in the act dated 01/29/2022 raised doubts in the former employee about its authenticity. But the oddities didn't end there.
According to the act of July 11, 2019 from the previous head of the second department Kobylenkov A.S. accepted criminal cases and materials from 2009 to 2019, and Tsaturyanu A.V. according to the act of acceptance and transfer of 01/29/2020 Kobylenkov A.S. handed over cases, materials, etc. since 2006. How can you convey what you did not receive?
Kobylenkov A.S. retired on 08/11/2021. So why, when he retired, and he drew up a bypass sheet, which was also signed by Tsaturyan A.V., no one had any questions about the disappearance of material, money? Why did these questions appear only in 2022?
All this convincingly testifies to the obvious custom-made nature of the indicated “loss” of material No. 203-54pr-2015 and money, as well as to the obvious falsification of the transfer and acceptance certificate of 01/29/2020, that is, in this case an official document, an official forgery by Sobolev A .M., Tsaturyana A.V. and Khodunov V.N.
As a side note, I would like to say that, according to the sources of the Cheka-OGPU, the falsification of documents and the concealment of malfeasance is a common thing for the leadership of the Investigative Committee of Russia in the Yaroslavl region. So in June 2021, a statement from one of the former employees under Art. 292 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on the fact of publication by Sobolev A.M. knowingly illegal order No. 50-o dated March 16, 2020. By the decision of the Zavolzhsky District Court of Yaroslavl dated January 28, 2021, order No. 50-o was declared illegal and not aimed at creating legal consequences corresponding to this document, since it was issued after the termination of employment with a former employee in October 2020 and provided to the employee in 2020 vacation in the past tense, that is, 2019. Simply put, the order was issued in 2020, and the vacation is in 2019. It can be argued that no one has ever seen such an amazing document in form and content!
Surprisingly, despite the obvious signs of a crime under Art. 292 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, this statement was “released” to the administration of the Russian Investigative Committee for the Yaroslavl Region, and there acting. the head of the personnel department Kuznetsov L.I., that is, a person who does not have any procedural powers, sent a response to the applicant that there were no grounds for conducting a procedural check on this fact. Was there any reaction of the CA of the IC of Russia to this fact in connection with the above. The question is rhetorical.
With the head Sobolev A.M., Tsaturyan A.V. and Khodunov V.N. Everything about this story is clear! Feeling their impunity, having quite serious support in the CA of the IC of Russia, these gentlemen decided that the falsification of official documents, numerous facts of the loss of criminal cases, materials and funds seized on them, concealment of crimes, would never be disclosed by anyone and everything could be shifted to shoulders of former and even current employees. But, apparently, permissiveness and an overly strong desire to stay away caused premature and inept actions, which led to what they led to.
A number of questions remain open. Isn’t material No. 203-54pr-2015 and the money attached to it deliberately “lost”? Is the material and money really lost or just destroyed? Where is the leadership of the Russian Investigative Committee looking when they appoint such people to such high positions in the IC system, and how many more facts need to be revealed in order for at least some kind of reaction to all this disgrace to follow?
It turns out that the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia, the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, the commission on civil service and the reserve of managerial personnel under the President of the Russian Federation, information about the possible involvement of the head of the department of the Investigative Committee of Russia in the Yaroslavl region and his team simply does not reach a number of malfeasance. Or, after all, the nomenclature of the Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia, who is a member of this commission, is inviolable. But that's another story.
As it became known to the Investigative Committee of Russia and the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, applications have now been sent to bring officials of the Investigative Committee of Russia in the Yaroslavl Region to criminal liability for falsifying official documents, about the withdrawal of material No. on the withdrawal of criminal cases on the facts in 2020 in the investigative department for the Kirovsky district of Yaroslavl and on the suspension for the duration of the inspection and investigation of these cases of Sobolev A.M., Tsaturyan A.V. and Khodunov V.N. from positions held. I wonder how the indicated departments of the country will react to this. Will they all be thrown into the "garbage" again?
Even more interesting is the question of how the acceptance and transfer of criminal cases from Sobolev A.M. will take place. to the newly appointed head of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Yaroslavl Region A.P. Shchurov in the presence of a clearly falsified act of acceptance and transfer dated 01/29/2020.
Timofey Grishin
to be continued…..
Source: www.rucriminal.info