Recently, published an investigation about the golden colonel of the head of the Directorate for Economic Security and the PC of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Stavropol Territory Fedor Dubrivny, and it mentioned the head of the department of documentary checks and audits of the UEB and PC of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Stavropol Territory Tatyana Vladimirovna Popova. Our investigation made the golden colonel and his companion nervous, but, in their opinion, there is not enough texture. In the new investigation, we will tell you in more detail how the falsifications happen and not only.

Everyone knows that work in the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is assessed by the APPG (the same period last year), and there are also coefficients (points) for individual crimes. In order to remain “afloat” and calmly engage in corruption, it is necessary not to fall below the indicators of the previous year and to show a slight increase in the number of detected crimes. With the arrival of Colonel F.A. the number of detected crimes is steadily growing, especially those that bring the maximum number of points (tax and corruption structures). In this connection, F.A. was repeatedly encouraged by the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Stavropol Territory and the GUEB and PC for "excellent" indicators. Everything seems to be good and it turns out to be "earning" and the management is quite enough, but, unfortunately, there is always a downside, it is impossible to jump above your head.
As sources told, in pursuit of indicators for the identified crimes, Dubrivny F.A. and Popova T.V. created a conveyor for falsifying the results of operational checks. So, Popova T.V. at the direction of F.A. Dubrivny forces the specialists-auditors of the UEB and PC of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Stavropol Territory to enter false information in the acts (revisions) indicating unconfirmed (unreliable) data, then the falsified materials go to the Investigative authorities, where, without due verification, on the basis of "friendly" relations with the leadership and the “requests” of F.A. Dubrivny. criminal cases are initiated. It is one thing to initiate a criminal case and send statistics to the GUEB and the PC, but a criminal case must not only be initiated, but also helped to send an investigator to the Court, and for this, in most cases, it is necessary to write an independent examination with supporting conclusions. At this stage, the head of the department of documentary checks and audits of the UEB and PC Popova T.V. at the direction of F.A. Dubrivny and on the basis of incomprehensible documents from the investigators makes them write (in violation of federal laws, the Criminal Procedure Code, the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 184 of 03/10/2015, job descriptions) of specialists-auditors of the UEB and PC of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Stavropol Territory of the examination, according to the previously written " fake ”certificates, which clearly goes beyond the limits of official authority and is a crime. Thus, Dubrivny F.A. and persons associated with him have the opportunity to initiate a criminal case against any enterprise and person who refuses to pay money, either simply against a merchant who does not like him or at the request of a competitor. Here are a few, out of more than 70, "fake" examinations under Art.198-199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for 2017-2021:
1. Conclusion of the expert No. 734 dated September 21, 2017, expert Davydenko N.I. against SP Simindyaev A.The. TIN 261102796482;
2. Conclusion of the expert No. 960 dated 26.12.2017, expert Davydenko N.I. in relation to JSC "Izobilnykhlebprodukt" INN 2607000171;
3. Accounting forensic examination No. 251 of 18.04.2018 in relation to LLC "Leto", expert Zinovets Kh.S.
4. Conclusion of the expert No. 771 of 15.11.2018 IE Bondar INN 263406402341, expert Yampolskaya A.V;
5. Conclusion of the expert No. 6 dated 2.06.2019 LLC "Mig-2017" INN 2630048943, expert Zinchenko A.G.;
6. Conclusion of the expert No. 1 dated January 29, 2019 LLC KF “Vestalia” INN 2607800763, expert Yampolskaya A.V.
7. Conclusion of the expert No. 4 dated 04/12/2019 LLC "Sfera" INN 2635215235, expert Davydenko NI;
8. Conclusion of the expert No. 5 dated 04.24.2019 LLC "Invest Plus" INN 2610800636, expert Yampolskaya A.V;
9. Conclusion of the expert No. 3 dated 02/15/2019 LLC "Aquamarine" INN2634815166, expert Davydenko N.I.
All of the above pseudo-independent experts are employees of the department of documentary checks and audits of the UEB and PC of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Stavropol Territory and are directly subordinate to F.A. Dubrivny. and Popova T.V., who, in turn, are extremely interested in writing the "correct" examinations. (Article 70 of the CPC An expert cannot take part in criminal proceedings if he is in official or other dependence on the parties or their representatives).
It should be especially noted that in the staff of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee for the Stavropol Territory there are experts with special education and knowledge, whose duties, according to job descriptions It includes writing examinations and giving opinions on criminal cases and inspection materials (Articles 198-199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), but unfortunately for F.A. they are not ready to cross the law and turn a blind eye to inaccurate (incomplete) information specified in certificates (audits) from the UEB and PC, which ultimately can lead to the termination of already initiated criminal cases due to the absence of a crime event and, accordingly, maximum negative consequences, in the form of disciplinary sanctions up to dismissal, for the operative, investigator and the Prosecutor who approved the decision to initiate a criminal case, in connection with which “miss” Popova T.The. and the criminal cases go safely to the Court.

To be continued
Timofey Zabiyakin