The Telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU and Rucriminal.info received data on schemes for large-scale theft of compulsory medical insurance funds. We introduce them to our readers.
Bogomolov P.O. being the chief hepatologist of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region, together with Yury Aleksandrovich Zhulev - Co-Chairman of the All-Russian Union of Public Associations of Patients, by virtue of their official powers, received unlimited access to databases of patients with hepatitis C.

Subsequently, with the connivance of the former director of the Moscow City Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky and the former directors of the Moscow Regional Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund: Olga Vladimirovna Verkhovodova and Georgy Kazbekovich Butaev, the funds were withdrawn through the following organizations: Joint Stock Company Group of Companies United Medical Systems ”, LLC MC Harmony, LLC Center for Targeted Therapy, LLC Mair, LLC MK Caring Doctor, LLC Universal, LLC Polyclinic No. 1, LLC Polyclinic No. 3, LLC Jupiter , MOGC, etc.
Roles are well distributed in the group. Bogomolov Pavel Olegovich was its leader and organizer, Shub Nadezhda Anatolyevna was responsible for economics and finance, Smaznova Evgenia Borisovna served as the general director of Center for Targeted Therapy LLC and MC Harmony LLC, Kurko Nelya Ibragimovna was responsible for accounting, control of incoming payments and their subsequent legalization, Petrenko Ekaterina Yuryevna, was the deputy Shub N.A. and General Director of OOO MK Caring Doctor.
The following scheme of theft was used: patient data (full name, passport, insurance policy number, registration address) with hepatitis C were transferred to medical registrars at the above-mentioned medical organizations through the head office of OMS Group JSC. Based on these patients, false medical records (case histories) of day hospital patients were formed. According to the documents, a picture was formed, as if the patient had been receiving daily treatment in a day hospital for a month. On the basis of forged medical documents, invoices were generated and sent to the funds of Moscow and the Moscow Region to pay for allegedly provided medical care. In fact, no help was provided. In turn, the Funds of Moscow and the Moscow Region paid these accounts without any verification.
To give legitimacy to the entire process of withdrawing money, some patients were indeed invited to see a doctor, but patients came to the MONIKI to the hepatology department, which was headed by Bogomolov P.O., where they were given antiviral drugs. Such patients had referrals from the regions issued by local infectious disease doctors. For each such patient, a doctor in the region received 5,000 rubles on the card, and medical documentation for patients was drawn up in the medical organizations of Bogomolov P.O. The preparations generally had a very low residual shelf life.
Medicines that were given out to patients were purchased from JSC R-Pharma, through Bogomolov's P.O. the firm LLC "Ferer", the founder of which was the father-in-law of Bogomolov P.O. Manchenko Vladimir Andreevich, former GRU colonel and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Lukom-A Agency LLC, a company that provides security for Lukoil, and Elena Alexandrovna Dementyeva, ex-wife of Bogomolov P.O.
The stolen funds were legalized through fictitious loan agreements, through bonuses to management, but the main part of the funds was cashed out through Ferer LLC, which purchased antiviral drugs, allegedly for medical organizations of Bogomolov P.O., but in fact, no medicines were transferred to these organizations, but sold third parties, thereby Bogomolov P.Oh. with their accomplices received money from the funds, for the alleged treatment of patients with hepatitis C and from the resale of medicines.
In 2018, Misyukevich Olga Alexandrovna was appointed director of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Moscow Region. She immediately saw how much money was being stolen from the fund and wrote a statement to law enforcement agencies. After that, Misyukevich Oh.A. quickly dismissed, and theft, though to a lesser extent resumed. In April 2019, the Mytishchi police department, at the request of Misyukevich O.A., opened a criminal case under part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
10/31/2019 Smaznova E.B. and Shub N.A. were arrested and placed under house arrest. On the same day P.O. released. He remained as a witness. Literally two months later, the case was seized from the Mytishchi Department of Internal Affairs and sent to the Central Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region. The case was taken over by Major of Justice Yu.V. Khatchenkova, but as soon as the witnesses began to testify against Bogomolov P.Oh. business with she was removed immediately. In total, five investigators were replaced. The case is currently being investigated by investigator M.F. Ungina.
In order to suspend the investigation of the case in the SC GSU MVD MO, Bogomolov P.Oh. turned to his influential friends.
After that, the Rucriminal.info source had a strong impression that the investigator was tasked with leaking this case. There can be no other explanation, since the case has been under investigation for more than three years. A similar case related to the theft of compulsory medical insurance in the Altai Territory was investigated, brought to court and convicted in two years.
Moreover, it was decided to “remove” one of the main witnesses to the embezzlement of the CHI Fund – Yuri Mezhenkov.
Bogomolov P.O. wrote a false denunciation to the Ostankino Interdistrict Investigation Department of the Investigation Department for the North-East Administrative District of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for Moscow, where a criminal case was already opened against Mezhenkov and sent under house arrest, where Mezhenkov arrives for 10 months. The investigation of the case was entrusted to the investigator E.V. Barkova, who openly defends P.O. Bogomolov. prevents participation in interrogation in the SC of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Moscow Region.
Such actions of investigators in the SC GSU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Moscow Region, the actions of the investigator Barkova E.V. associated with huge amounts of funds stolen from funds. In total, more than 6 billion rubles were withdrawn from both funds over the period from 2018-2021.
All firms of Bogomolov P.O. are organizations that were bought almost at the same time and registered in the name of Shub N.A. Organizations were selected according to the main criterion, they had to be included in the compulsory health insurance system in order not to be tested by funds. All organizations, as a rule, were located in the entrances of residential buildings and physically could not let through themselves the number of patients who were declared for payment.
Also, one of the key witnesses, Vladimir Vladimirovich Sirotkin, who transported cash at the direction of P.O. circumstances.

To be continued
Timofey Grishin
Source: www.rucriminal.info