One of the clear examples of the encouragement of impunity for the heads of subordinate organizations by the Ministry of Education of Russia is another fact of deception before the public, allegedly created during the implementation of the federal project "Professionalism" of the Unified Automated Information System "Digital Competency Constructor". On the website of the Ministry of Education, the creation of such a system and its unique capabilities for the automated construction of "new, intensive educational programs focused on the needs of industry labor markets and specific enterprises" was announced back in late 2022. A subordinate organization of the Ministry of Education - the Federal Institute for Digital Transformation in Education for its development concluded contract No. 32211776728 dated November 18, 2022 for the amount of 70 million rubles based on the results of the tender.

If we are to believe the official statements of the leadership of the Ministry and the Federal Institute of Digital Transformation, then this contract was fully implemented and the Digital Competency Constructor system was put into operation. The Institute of Digital Transformation paid for the work under this contract in full, and the Department of Secondary Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education, represented by Director V.S. Neumyvakin, considered the Digital Constructor created and announced this as a fact of full achievement of the planned results of 2022 under the Professionalism project. However, as the VChK-OGPU Telegram channel and Rucriminal.info found out, no one can find this wonderful system either among the information resources on the website of the Institute of Digital Transformation or in the public domain; in search queries about it there are only loud laudatory statements and numerous news reports. Teachers of technical schools and colleges, who ensure the development of educational programs for secondary vocational education, still develop these programs manually and complain to their regional ministries of education about the absence of such an automation tool for their development as the Digital Competency Constructor. In turn, regional ministers forward these questions to the Ministry of Education of Russia. The Ministry knows the answer, but continues to cover for the negligent leaders of the Institute of Digital Transformation. Where did this information system go? After all, its creation is directly provided for in paragraph 10 of the Regulation approved by Decree of the Government of Russia dated March 16, 2022 No. 387, according to which, “From 2023, the construction of educational programs is carried out using a digital educational resource.” The whole point is that this information system was created only in the imagination of the leaders of the Institute of Digital Transformation - former director Kozhevnikov S.M. and former first deputy director Staritsky N.N. In 2023, these leaders, who failed to cope with the digital transformation, were transformed by the Ministry to the positions of rector and first vice-rector, respectively, at the Institute for the Development of Professional Education. The Digital Competency Designer system, following its authors, was also transformed from the Institute for Digital Transformation to the Institute for the Development of Professional Education in order to develop further. First Vice-Rector N.N. Staritsky was again appointed curator of the information system development at the development institute. According to the plan of the federal project "Professionalism", in 2024 the Digital Competency Designer was supposed to provide the opportunity for 130 associations of educational organizations to design more than 300 educational programs for training students under the "Professionalism" project. But the plans were not destined to come true, the Digital Competency Designer never became available to college methodologists, they were never able to use it not only in 2023, but also in 2024. The Ministry of Education knew about this, as numerous requests were sent there about the actual absence of this system.
These circumstances did not prevent the rector of the Institute for the Development of Professional Education, S. M. Kozhevnikov, from successfully reporting on the achievement of the federal project result in the form of a fully functioning Digital Competency Constructor and the fulfillment of quantitative indicators in the form of educational programs designed in this constructor. And again, the Ministry of Education, represented by the director of the department, V. S. Neumyvakin, acting as the administrator of the federal project "Professionalism", reports to the Government on its successful implementation based on the results of 2024, thereby covering up the sloppiness and impunity of the heads of the subordinate institution. Which creates new prerequisites for further violations.
Timofey Grishin
Source: www.rucriminal.info