As it became known to the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU and Rucriminal.info, another serious scandal is flaring up in the Russian Emergencies Ministry.
After the revealed facts of total corruption and large-scale fires in 2019, Zinicheva E.N. was appointed Minister of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia to restore order in the department entrusted to him. Zinichev E.N. first of all, he organized the Main Directorate of Internal Security of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, creating anti-corruption departments in several regional central offices in order to avoid pressure on the police officers on the "ground" who oversee the territories - the regions of the Russian Federation. Zinichev E.N. appointed a seconded officer of the FSB - Tsekhanov S.V., and Shamray A.P. as his First Deputy. According to our information, Tsekhanova S.V. and Shamray A.P. removed at the end of 2022 from their positions in the Russian Emergencies Ministry and sent back to the FSB of the Russian Federation.

Our sources report: at the end of 2018, a major was appointed to the position of chief specialist (on issues of combating corruption in the Leningrad region, Leningrad region, Murino village) of the anti-corruption department of the rapid response department of the EMERCOM of Russia for the Volga Federal District of the Main Directorate of the EMERCOM of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod Region internal service Laricheva A.Yu. (currently - Lieutenant Colonel), who passed special checks and was approved by the FSB of the Russian Federation for the specified position. From the end of December 2018 to September 2019, the GUSB of the Russian Emergencies Ministry puts Laricheva A.Yu. the task is to supervise the issues of combating corruption in the territory of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region and organize joint events with law enforcement agencies aimed at curbing corruption in the EMERCOM of Russia. In this direction Larichev A.Yu. being a decent and diligent person, he performed his official duties, informing S.V. about large-scale corruption schemes organized mainly by Deineka E.G. (Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Leningrad Region) and his group, as well as all-Russian corruption schemes, also existing in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region: illegal alienation of land owned by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (the state), embezzlement of budgetary funds allocated for construction, repair and equipment of a spare command post (in case of wartime) and equipment in it, alienation of departmental apartments into the ownership of third parties, alienation of civil defense protective structures for bribes to third parties, embezzlement on bonuses and material assistance, withdrawal of budgetary and extra-budgetary funds through affiliated organizations and others criminal schemes.
According to the source of Rucriminal.info, Shamray A.P. and Gubanov R.V. staged Laricheva A.Yu. until December 2019, the ambitious tasks are to report on the corruption schemes that have become known to him, but at the end of 2019, they were frightened by the awareness of Larichev A.Yu. drastically changed their rhetoric, having received many reports in fact with reports of crimes, they themselves began to threaten Larichev A.Yu. either dismissal or reduction in the future, offering a transfer to the Tver region with a requirement to immediately curtail operational activities and keep silent about the corrupt actions of Deineka E.G. as well as "lie down" under the major of the FSB - Nikolaev A.I. But earlier in 2019, and then in 2020 Larichev A.Yu. reported that Nikolaev A.I. “protects” (carries out general patronage) local groups Eliseeva A.N. (Acting Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Republic of Karelia) and Deineki E.G., Nikolaev A.I. silent me corruption facts. From Larichev A.Yu. the leadership of the Main Directorate of the State Security Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia began to demand to be inactive from December 2019. and transfer to the Tver region was offered to Larichev A.Yu. at the training camp in February 2020 personally by Gubanov R.V. and Babushkin I.P., by the way, they still serve in the Main Directorate of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia.
Throughout 2019, A.I. Nikolaev, who supervises the units of the Russian Emergencies Ministry in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region through the FSB, carried out work on Larichev A.Yu. : from convictions to be inactive in combating corruption, not to send reports on them to the Main Directorate of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia, to merge Deineka E.G. information received on him and his people from the Main Directorate of the State Security Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, to direct threats of creating problems in the service and in life, threats of dismissal, provocations, fabrication of a criminal case against Larichev and physical violence (“they will break his head”), assault (after a call at the beginning December 2019 for a failed recruitment in the FSB building in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region near the front door on 4 Liteiny Ave.). Nikolaev A.I. demanded not to deal with Deineka E.G. and his people, informing him that allegedly "no one wants any work from you and we know everything."
In February 2020 from Larichev A.Yu. the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia began to demand the transfer to the Tver region at the training camp in February 2020 personally by Gubanov R.V. and Babushkin I.P., Larichev A.Yu. refused Xia, to which Gubanov R.V. said that then they would treat him differently and began to prepare an operation to reduce the objectionable gusbshnik, and in parallel, Nikolaev A.I. cooked by order of Deineka E.G. to initiate a fabricated criminal case and waited for Shamray A.P.'s go-ahead, so that one day Larichev A.Yew. received a Notice of Reduction (without an order to reduce the Minister of EMERCOM of Russia) and received a second blow - an initiated fabricated case, so that Larichev A.Yu. I was never able to return to office and not to interfere with stealing the budget and off-budget, and also did not interfere with the functioning of their large-scale corruption schemes. It is noteworthy and important that at the beginning of December 2019 Larichev A.Yu. reported in a conversation to the immediate superior of Nikolaev - Krasotkin A.G. about all the actions of Nikolaev A.I., but Krasotkin A.G. was inactive.
According to Rucriminal.info, in March-April 2020, sources told Larichev A.Yu. about the fact that, by order of the corrupt official Deineka E.G. they remove that with the GUSB of the EMERCOM of Russia and with the local FSB for the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, the issue was resolved at Deineka, but as a result, they began to remove it in parallel: through the GUSB of the EMERCOM of Russia - to “reduce” the position of the police officer in only one region of the Russian Federation - the Leningrad Region (there was no need to fight corruption there!), through the FSB of the Russian Federation - to prepare a criminal case, since Larichev A.Yu. voluntarily-compulsorily refused to transfer, and then to reduce. In general, everything is not new: an uncorrupt fighter against corruption is to be reduced and fired, a criminal case is fabricated, calling him a corrupt official! Outcome: revealed corruption in previously controlled Larichev A.Yu. in the units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on the territory of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region continues to flourish due to unrealized information from his reports, Larichev A.Yu. no longer interferes, but runs around the courts himself, fights for his honest name, such is the reality, although it is absurd.
In April 2020 Larichev A.Yu. informed by reports that he was receiving threats from A.I. Nikolaev. and several provocations were suppressed, so he demands permission to arrive in Moscow for a personal appointment with the head of the Main Directorate of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia, the Internal Security Service of the FSB of Russia, if necessary, the Minister of the Russian Emergencies Ministry and the Director of the FSB of Russia, but the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia Larichev A.Yu. was denied permission to leave the garrison - St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region and arrive in Moscow, as well as for Larichev A.Yu. the operations “reduction” and “criminal case” were being prepared by the joint forces, Uspensky A.A. did not give Larichev A.Yew. to leave for the scheduled next vacation in April 2020, in order not to disrupt them, as it turned out, the operations being prepared, they tried to hand him a “Notice of reduction” (without an order to reduce), to which Larichev A.Yu. said that he would certainly inform Minister Zinichev EN about this lawlessness, which greatly frightened him.
Meanwhile, the "roof" of Deineka E.G. Major FSB Nikolaev A.I. 04/23/2020 initiated the excitation of Larichev A.Yu. criminal case under Art. 159 h. 3, and then under Art. 327 part 2 and "pocket" investigator Tonkopryadchenko N.D. with pleasure without checking the information from Nikolaev A.I. and formally approaching his work, he initiated the ordered case and on the evening of 04/23/2020 arrived at Larichev A.Yu. in the dwelling and in the office with illegal searches.
The Kuibyshevsky District Court of St. Petersburg, where this criminal case was dragged (as well as the Prosecutor’s Office), did not find large-scale violations of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation in the criminal case against Larichev A.Yu., saying “everything is legal and justified” , not noticing that even the very initiation of a case is illegal and criminal, and that there is not even the very event of a crime, turning a blind eye to the results of official examinations, without giving them an assessment, part of the audio records of court hearings disappeared somewhere, for some reason the court (as before the investigator of the Investigative Committee Tonkopryadchenko N.D.), having rejected the petition of the defense side, refused to interrogate the witness of the defense side V.V. Mikhalchuk, the preliminary hearing lasted about 7 months instead of 1 month, and on 03.03. under Art. 159 part 1. The Court of Appeal also did not notice any violations and on 11/18/2022 left the fake conviction in "legal" force. It is noteworthy that the testimony against Larichev A.Yu. were given by the persons involved (interested) in the investigations of the officially appointed anti-corruption official Laricheva A.Yu. - the so-called "witnesses of the crimes of Larichev A.Yu. for 115,795 thousand rubles ”(members of the OPS Eliseeva A.N. - Chebotaeva M.V. and Shilov D.V., as well as their“ roof ”- Nikolaev A.I.), a classic of the genre!
Outcome: Laricheva A.Yu. dismissed due to the entry into force of an unlawful conviction dated 03.03.2022 in a fabricated criminal case ordered by Deineka E.G. and initiated by the investigator of the SO for the Nevsky District of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg, Lieutenant Tonkopryadchenko N.D. The “pocket” judge inserted false information into the verdict, and also, in the absence of common sense, is based, judging by the text, on assumptions that, in addition to other large-scale violations, it was reflected in the Appeal complaint against the judgment dated 03.03.2022.

To be continued
Timofey Zabiyakin
Source: www.rucriminal.info