As it became known to Rucriminal.info, the CSS of the FSB of the Russian Federation received a statement about the established group of security officials who trade in all possible types of corrupt activities and have long become the richest people in the region.
“A stable group has formed in the FSB of Russia in the Tambov region, whose actions are aimed at usurping power and illegal enrichment. This community includes: the head of the Department of Economic Security Ronzhin A.I., the head of the KROOPT of the Department Krechetov V.V. head of the OPO Office Astashkevich, Deputy Head of the Office Sazonov D.N. All employees in this security agency who do not agree with these circumstances and do not cooperate with them fall into disgrace with their subsequent professional “destruction”.
The main activity of these persons is illegal banking activity - "cashing out money", illegal circulation of alcohol and tobacco products, organization of the activities of illegal gambling establishments, general patronage in the activities of legal entities, assistance to them in evading various levels of tax payments and fees to the budgets, as well as criminal liability. Their total monthly turnover is from 80 to 100 million rubles. The listed persons have established stable relationships with employees from among the management of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Tambov Region, the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Tambov Region, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Tambov Region (UBEPiPK), with the involvement of which they carry out the above activities.
These persons are both official owners of the property and unofficial beneficiaries.
In particular, Ronzhin A.I. is the owner of cars: M21 Pobeda, GAZ 324, Mercedes Benz ML4000 4MAT, UAZ 3396259. At the same time, the latter registers the bulk of his property to his father: residential buildings and land plots in the Tambov district, in the village of Pervomaisky and the village of Periksa, garages in Tambov, apartments (combined, where Ronzhin A.I. himself lives) in Tambov on the street. Gorky, st. International, cars M 20, Mercedes Benz AMGGLC43, Stels. Explanation Ronzina A.I. on the acquisition of his property and property at the expense of his father's entrepreneurial activities cannot be true, t.to. father's income is formed from the profit of the sand pit (share 30%) in the amount of not more than 300 thousand rubles a year.
At the same time, it became known that Ronzhin A.I. and Krechetov V.V. register for nominees, namely Pavlova AND.The. and Androsova V.V., who are major entrepreneurs, political figures, members of criminal groups. In particular, they registered the real estate of the said employees of the FSB in the amount of more than 100 million rubles. Tolstykh A.A. is their (Chekist) purse.
Krechetov V.V. and Ronzhin A.I. on a permanent basis, part of the illegally obtained funds is transferred to D.N. Sazonov, and they bought him a three-room apartment worth more than 7 million rubles at the address: Tambov, st. Embankment d. 74 bldg. 1, and at the beginning of 2022 - a Toyota Land Cruiser 300 car, which is registered to a third party, but in fact owns it by D.N. Sazonov.
Ronzhin A.I., Krechetov V.V. and Sazonova D.N. there are shares in the Begemot chain of stores, the Globus car center, the Ellisium strip club located in Tambov.
In Michurinsk, entrepreneurs Mitin O.V. “protected” them. and Pustovalov S.A., who are close ties of the criminal authority Mestyukov V.V. ("Mestyuk"), which, in turn, acted as the owners of the gas station network. Through them, the illegal cashing of funds at the expense of cash desks of gas stations took place. Currently Krechetov V.V. is the owner (through nominees) of a share in a meat processing enterprise, retail stores and cafes in the city of Michurinsk and a sand pit in the Michurinsky district, the main founders of which are also O. Mitin and V. Pustovalov.
Also, the indicated employees of the FSB ensure the illegal circulation of alcoholic products in the city of Michurinsk with the involvement of a network
Alcobrand, owned by Medvedev O.G.
Through the employees of the SU SK, they contribute to the evasion of criminal liability for tax crimes of their connections.
Criminal persons are involved in the collapse schemes: Alexander Khorunov, as well as police officers "gas mask". Often, employees of the BEP Department and the PC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs act as intermediaries in this activity.
Through close ties among the leadership (current and former) of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the Tambov region: Khorokhorin, Yakovlev and Mzhelsky, they organized a large-scale tax evasion scheme throughout the region using a group of “transit” and “technical” organizations, one-day firms, organizations , forming circuit "hidden" discrepancies in VAT, cash suppliers, firms - "garbage dumps".
The first group (suppliers and recipients of "cash") includes car dealerships (LLC Avtocenter Globus TIN 6829028601, LLC Globus Trade TIN 682910 3400, Avtosalon Globus LLC TIN 6829083521, Globus-Motors LLC TIN 6829019702, Avtosfera LLC TIN 6829089019) and the wholesale depot of Product-Service LLC TIN 6829066043. These are operating organizations that, due to the specifics of their work, have in circulation of a large amount of cash.
The second group (suppliers of "paper" VAT) includes Chernozemnaya Industrial Company LLC (CHIK LLC) and a group of related companies (Tambovtekhnostroy LLC, Zvezda LLC, Almira LLC, Frame House Building Company LLC, LLC " Arbat" and others). These are formally legitimate companies, for the most part having a small number of employees who are simultaneously registered in several organizations of the group in order to classify them as organizations with a “low” tax risk.
The third group includes potential beneficiaries (Tambovbusinessstroy LLC TIN 6829010989, BZSK LLC TIN 6829048862 and others).
At the same time, third-party organizations also use the services of companies in the first two groups.
These circumstances are reflected in detail in the audit of the end of 2020, conducted by the Center in relation to the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the Tambov region. The damage to the budgets of various levels for 2018-2020 amounted to more than 5 billion rubles.
In early 2022, Mzhelsky was fired "of his own free will" for trying to extort money from an entrepreneur. It was through him that Ronzhin and Krechetov carried out the indicated illegal activities. At the moment, they, through Androsov V.V. a way out was found for the new head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Tambov region in order to continue and expand the scale of its illegal activities.
In the Tambov region, all entrepreneurs and even the governor know that Ronzhin, Krechetov and Sazonov are "cashed out" and tax evasion.
At the beginning of 2021, Mzhelsky, Krechetov and Ronzhin, using Novostroy Construction Company LLC and Avtomobilnost LLC, implemented a scheme to evade tax payments (installation of video surveillance cameras) in the amount of more than 15 million rubles. It was Mzhelsky who, by his decision, canceled the decision based on the results of a desk audit, which stopped the corresponding criminal scheme.
Before his dismissal, Chaban was engaged in duet-stroy LLC (Bastrykina E.E. - president of the Tambov regional public organization "Union of Entrepreneurs of the Tambov Region") on the fact of illegal receipt of subsidies by her son. Subsequently, the material was stopped, and the quarry in Tokarevka was transferred from the son of Bastrykina to TNK LLC, in which 25% of the authorized capital belongs to the father - R.A.I.
The Tambov Nonmetallic Company Limited Liability Company was registered on February 8, 2016 in the city of Tambov. Short name - Tambov non-metallic company. When registering the organization, it was assigned OGRN 1166820051463, TIN 6829118333 and KPP 682901001. Legal address: Tambov region, city of Tambov, Sovetskaya street, house 191 office 10a.
Belov Sergey Vladimirovich is the general director of the organization, the founders of the company are Belov Sergey Vladimirovich friend of R.A.I.,
Borisov Vladislav Sergeevich, Vytegorova Tatyana Valentinovna (wife of a friend of R.A.I., employee of the Federal Tax Service), Ronzhin Igor Nikolaevich. The average number of employees of the organization is 8 people.
In accordance with the data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the main activity of the company is the limited liability company "Tambov non-metallic company" according to OKVED 08.12 "Development of gravel and sand pits, extraction of clay and kaolin". The total number of activities is 13. For 2020, the company's profit is 1,240,000.00 rubles, revenue for 2020 is 1,5025,000.00 rubles, the authorized capital of the Tambov Non-Metal Company Limited Liability Company is 40,000.00 rubles. Revenue at the beginning of 2020 amounted to 41,486,000.00 rubles.
According to R.A.I. his monthly income from LLC is 300,000 rubles. R.A.I. currently lives in an apartment (the city of Tambov, Maxim Gorky Street ....) combined from two apartments (registered to the mother of R.A.I., who cannot explain the origin of the funds, since Tambov Non-Metal Company LLC declares meager profits) . The builder of the house was TBS LLC, associated with the entrepreneur and one of the largest cashiers in the region, V. Androsov. 172 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. (Implemented by Myalkin V.A., subsequently dismissed due to negative) in relation to persons controlled by Androsov V. Persons. At the same time, Roman Korneev, the main coordinator of illegal activities, was removed from the operational materials (if there is an OTM). Persons prosecuted, one of whom was not around at all, and the second acted as a secretary, received money from Androsov for a criminal record.
In 2020, in relation to TambovAvtoCity LLC, Tambov, there was a material in the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee on non-payment of taxes (according to the first act of the IFTS, about 35 million rubles). The founders of the LLC (Muscovites) contacted Shmakov A.A. (founder of Lux-Avto LLC, Michurinsk, type of activity - sales of AvtoVAZ products) for settlement of the issue. Shmakov through Sviridova E.I. (co-owner of TSK LLC) turned to R.A.I., who settled the issue for 10 million rubles (3 - Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Smal, Gubanov - head and deputy GUEiPK), 3 - SU SK (Dolotov, Ivanov - head and deputy 2 departments), 4 - R.A.I., Yakovlev - head of the IFTS). As a result, the budget received only 7 or 8 million rubles. UD terminated after payment of damages. Since the spring of 2021, a similar situation has been developing with the Myaso dlya Muzhik chain of stores, Michurinsk. This time, Shmakov himself contacted the founders and offered services to reduce the amount of arrears.
In the summer in relation to R.A.I. there was a statement from the convicted and serving criminal authority Pastushka S.A., according to which he transferred Ilyin O. (former deputy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the region, currently convicted of bribery for parole, implemented by the Ministry of Internal Affairs) 4 million rubles, which were intended for R.A. AND. These funds served as a bribe for the appointment of Ilyin to the post of head of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the region. In turn, Ilyin confirmed these circumstances to the CSS officer, explaining that the conditions were negotiated with R.A.I. and Patrin S. (former OEB employee, dismissed due to negativity). R.A.I. in confirmation of the seriousness of his intentions, he organized a meeting of Ilyin with the curator of the Federal Penitentiary Service from the Office "M" in the city of Tambov. Ilyin, being in the supervision of R.A.I. resolved in his interests issues on parole. The result is a refusal to VUD, after which R.A.I. made attempts to discredit the CSS officer, framing the case with personal hostility.
Until now Kartushin R.G. (former head of OKROOPT, OEB) receives a monthly remuneration (200 thousand rubles) from Malin A.P. (criminal authority, general patronage) and Sviridova E.I. (at least 300 thousand rubles, lobbying the interests of TSK LLC), which redistributes between R.A.I. and early OKROOPT.
Yaroslav Mukhtarov
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info