The vivid criminal history of a gang of black realtors, black notaries who put on stream the extraction of housing from lonely old people - residents of the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea, seemed to be cut short by the arrest of a black realtor Galina Zhestovskaya, who at that time looked like the leader of an organized criminal group. But…
As a result, a small part of the two dozen “pandemic” episodes of squeezing out apartments and houses of pensioners has reached the court. What was called a very great success of the investigation. Kobzev, the investigator of the Kuban division of the Investigative Committee, who was in charge of this case, received thanks. During the course of the investigation, his chief Maslov was approved as the head of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the region. And recently they threw another general's star on his shoulder strap.
In the opinion of the Investigative Committee, this case has come to an end. Although in fact, figuratively speaking, Kobzev reduced the novel "Crime and Punishment" to the size of a newspaper informant. Details at Rucriminal.info.
The full version of this largest crime against a person in the history of the Kuban is much more voluminous. But, unfortunately, to the question whether Maslov's investigators will want to continue the investigation, there is one unequivocal answer: no! Large regional forces, with considerable connections, are involved in order to forget this case as quickly as possible, and so that the punishment for those who nevertheless decided to bring justice to be minimal. The Zhestov court will give 5 years. The case against the black notary Tsikunib, an assistant to the notary Chernova, who issued dozens of left-handed powers of attorney, will end either with some meager fine, or he will be completely closed after the statute of limitations has expired (which is quite a norm for Kuban swindler notaries, suffice it to recall how exactly, after the expiration of the statute of limitations, the Sochi notary Vladimirov, who had played a lot of tricks with Sochi land, was not imprisoned).
The former chief judge of the region, Alexander Chernov, Chernova's husband, used all his connections so that his wife, the president of the Notary Chamber of the Krasnodar Territory, notary Galina Chernova, was not marked in any way in this crime. Now the case of her assistant Tsikunib is being considered by the Pervomaisky Court. Well, as regards. There have already been 10 transfers. Under the patronage of Chernov, Eduard Lameikin, brother of State Duma deputy Dmitry Lameikin, was appointed judge in the process. Whose wife is a notary (that is, she sits under the wing of Chernova). Right during the investigation, Chernova helped the judge's daughter to obtain a notary's license.
No one saw a conflict of interest in this litigation. In order to prevent anything superfluous from appearing at this court, the assistants to Judge Lameikin are demanding that the old people write appeals to the judge, with a “request” to consider the case without their participation. In the text, grandfathers are in fact ordered to write down that, they say, they fully trust the future judicial decision, and then they will not make any claims.
It seems that these countless postponements of the court session, on some far-fetched pretexts, are just for the “dumb”. The expectation is that it will still be difficult for grandfathers, many of whom are under 90, to come to court every time to personally testify against Tsikunib.
But still, why did the last 14 episodes drop out of the case? Not to mention why the investigation was not interested in other apartment houses squeezed out in previous years, the number of which is likely to exceed a hundred. Why didn't the investigation even try to describe the full range of criminals and their patrons? Why did a number of OPS members move from the category of suspects almost into the category of “victims”? Why did the investigator S. Kobzev never doubt that the main bandersha was precisely the gypsy Zhestovskaya, and not someone else behind her? To whom and why did he leak information received from witnesses and victims?
Even elementary work with documents, interviews with victims, would have drawn for the investigation a slightly more complex structure of this OPS. And there is no doubt that all this was done by the investigator S. Kobzev and his colleagues. And the investigation had information about the true interests of these scams. But, unfortunately, that is why such a meager result was obtained. Because, if the employees of the Investigative Committee would not scratch the surface of this OPS with an investigative shovel, but would decide to seriously drip, then this would come in handy. I would have to work in the interrogation room even with some very high-status colleagues - from among the leadership of one of the regional divisions of the Investigative Committee.
On April 12, 2021, the main defendant Galina Zhestovskaya was detained. It was immediately established that there were several schemes for taking away housing from single pensioners: in addition to using the left Chernivtsi notary powers of attorney, the property became the property of Zhestovskaya under a donation agreement, or on account of the return of a fictitious debt to her.
One of these apartments went to Zhestovskaya on December 14, 2017. She appealed to the court with a statement of claim to recover the amount of the loan to a citizen N.A. Chereshneva, born in 1935. According to the plaintiff, the pensioner borrowed a certain amount from her, which was not indicated in the trial. Rapidly, already six days after the date of acceptance of the statement of claim - on December 20, a court session was held. The interests of the elderly defendant were represented by attorney V.N. Shastov, who during the process filed a petition for the approval of a settlement agreement, under the terms of which Chereshnev's grandmother is obliged to transfer Zhestovskaya an apartment in Krasnodar on account of a debt, on the street. There are 248 Red Partisans. Moreover, the Shastov representative agreed to the transfer of the granny's property within ten days after the date of signing the settlement agreement. And literally six months later, a pensioner deprived of real estate suddenly died. It is curious that the trial took place in Slavyansk-on-Kuban, although both the plaintiff and the defendant lived in Krasnodar.
There are at least two questions here. Firstly, why the Slavic Court was chosen, and secondly, the identity of the lawyer who “helped” the pensioner to say goodbye to real estate so quickly on account of a certain loan is interesting.
Here it would not hurt to study the biography of a sympathetic lawyer and the range of his lawyer cases. And what do we see?
Lawyer Shastov often participates in the trials of the Slavyansk city court, where, among other things, the Slavyansk registry office appears, headed by T.S. Baked, where the daughter of that brave "customer" Raisa Begdai also works.
This citizen Pechenaya and Shastov are registered at the same address, and indeed, as it turned out, they are connected not only by the court, but also by family ties - Shastov is ... Pechenaya's son-in-law.
The investigation passed by a very remarkable figure in this case - the civil servant Pechenaya.
As the saying goes, if you want to know more about an official, look at income declarations. Here we find two interesting points. The head of the Slavic registry office in different years has an income that is significantly or several times higher than the income of colleagues occupying similar positions. For example, in 2020, the declared income of an official amounted to 8 million rubles. But another fact is much more interesting: in Pechenaya's declarations of different years, various real estate objects appear and disappear. Kuban investigators were also not interested in the stable annual influx of housing from the Slavic head of the registry office associated with the OPS Zhestovskaya.
Mrs. Pechenaya bought one of her apartments in the very center of Krasnodar right from the hands of Galina Zhestovskaya back in 2017. “Business cooperation” of the registry office boss and her son-in-law with the main defendant in a high-profile criminal case - can it be a mere coincidence?
The answer is actually on the surface. Interest in “narrowing the case to a small number of episodes” was also shown by the “Best Officer of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation” in 2020 - now the head of the second department for investigating especially important cases of crimes against state power and in the economic sphere of the Rostov IC Chernoskutov Evgeny Viktorovich, who has repeatedly spoke "heart to heart" with the investigators in this case. Moreover, they are well known to him from Chernoskutov's past service in the Krasnodar Territory.
The connection between investigator Chernoskutov and the OPS can be traced along one more line. He comes from the same village as the citizen Begdai, at one time they were even registered at the same address in Art. Poltava. The world turned out to be so small that common interests are with Chernoskutov and with his son-in-law Pechena, the lawyer Shastov, with whom they are well acquainted and also collaborated. In 2019, for example, Shastov represented interests in the Chernoskutov case in the Krasnoarmeisky District Court of the Krasnodar Territory on issues of land boundaries.
And I must say that the lawyer defended the interests of Chernoskutov not in the same way as grandmother Chereshneva, but really in his favor. By the way, lawyer Shastov, as a lawyer, helps Zhestovskaya in the process. And now in court, and while she is under investigation.
In addition, it raises the question of how the wife of Lieutenant Colonel of Justice Chernoskutov himself can own an apartment involved in a high-profile scandal. His two-room apartment in Krasnodar on the street. Kotovsky 94, apt. Chernoskutov's wife bought 44 at a reduced price a year ago. Moreover, the “transparent” scheme for obtaining real estate is still the same as that of Begdai - in the “second hand” after Zhestovskaya. During the investigation, the apartment was arrested. And most likely, no one began to doubt the good faith of this deal, even her husband, an experienced investigator Chernoskutov.
In an interview, the head of the second department for investigating especially important cases of crimes against state power and in the sphere of the economy of the Rostov Investigative Committee, Evgeny Chernoskutov, said that over the years of work he knows “how to unravel the criminal tangle and bring the case to court.” A person who knows how to unravel a ball can also confuse it.
But maybe Bastrykin, the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia, can still unravel the case of scammers who take away apartments from old people. After all, after the high-profile reports of the central media, Bastryki He took this resonant Kuban case under his personal control. Can the federal Investigative Committee be interested in the role of their own employees in the scams of crooks?
The son-in-law of the infamous judge Khakhaleva, the investigator of the Investigative Committee Vadim Badalov, who, probably, for such an ability to “negotiate” and is considered the best employee in the Krasnodar Investigative Committee, also contributed to the actual collapse of the case. He has close family ties with the Chernovs. Badalov is married to the daughter of the scandalous judge Elena Khakhaleva (they say that it was through him that information about the planned arrest of Khakhaleva was leaked, after which she managed to go abroad).
It was the multimillion-dollar wedding of the daughter of Khakhaleva and this investigator of the Investigative Committee, with gifts in the form of good housing and an expensive car, that became the reason for attention to the far from always legal cases of the judicial family.
We add that Khakhaleva's son, Kirill, is the husband of the Chernovs' granddaughter, Nastya. A couple of grandchildren are growing up in the family. And why do these young people need any difficulties in the cloudless criminal life of their grandparents?
Speaking about the fact that the investigation, as a result of a year of sweating, failed to find out who leaked information about lonely old people, we would advise them to dig just in the direction of the registry office. Indeed, in the registry office departments, in one of which the above-mentioned Pechenaya works, state registration of acts of civil status is carried out. Access to such databases could well be useful for identifying lonely old people.
The conclusion to this story is sad. In the Krasnodar Territory, lonely old people - homeowners, unfortunately, have been sentenced. They are defenseless, they have no relatives that are younger, who could help them even a little. Cases when grandfathers are beaten off from the apartment "execution" by compassionate neighbors or acquaintances are few. Basically, a well-oiled criminal machine, which includes law enforcement officers, judges, and notaries, well, of course, ordinary black realtors work without failures.
You are alone? Do you have an apartment? House? Money? Then we go to you. Your apartment will be resold twice, perhaps to a relative of a representative of law enforcement agencies or to a relative of the "right person" ... and it's in the bag. And you are on the street. You hope that professional law enforcement officers will destroy this lawlessness… But it only grows stronger under the yoke of the investigation…..
The current trials of swindlers who have nevertheless fallen under investigation - this whole system is built like a blow down the rails. The courts will scold the criminal infantry (infantry, that is). Criminal apartment "generals" come to their senses and eventually continue. Here there is no doubt. Well, Zhestovskaya will be imprisoned for some minimum. She will soon be released on parole, having received the full right to dispose of those dozens of old man's apartments for which she will serve.
Roman Trushkin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info