The First Court of Appeal of General Jurisdiction upheld the verdict of the Moscow Regional Court in the case of the kidnapping of a prominent businessman Boris Minakhi and his bodyguard. This was reported by the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU. Previously, two interesting characters were found completely guilty by the jury. The first is Batyr Bekmuradov, head of the security service of thief in law Zakhara Kalashov, nicknamed Shakro young. Batyr, along with his boss, was convicted of extortion, but now he has a new sentence - for kidnapping.
The second defendant in the case is David Mirzoev, a relative, former partner, and “right hand” of billionaire David Yakobashvili.

As a result, Bekmuradov received 12 years in prison, and Mirzoev - 10 years in prison.
Around this case, the “fight” was no less acute than around the case against the ex-investigator of the ICR Ruslan Miniakhmetov, and the characters in both stories are the same. Mirzoev, first through the solver Andrey Matus, and then directly communicated closely with the Directorate of the FSB of the Russian Federation, which, to put it mildly, was not interested in the investigation reaching the final and a guilty verdict. In turn, the investigation itself was carried out by the Investigative Department of the FSB of the Russian Federation, and it was within its framework that most of the materials on the receipt of bribes by Miniakhmetov were collected.
The essence of the story is this. The billionaire Yakobashvili had a longtime friend and partner, Boris Minakhi, with whom they had a quarrel over a large elevator and a number of other assets. Yakobashvili was then ill and most of his affairs were handled by David Mirzoev. He had an assistant in criminal cases, Batyr Bekmuradov, whom he sent as the head of the security service to his senior comrade thief in law Zakhar Kalashov. It was Bekmuradov's militants who, on Mirzoev's go-ahead, kidnapped a businessman, US citizen Boris Minakhi and his driver on the Rublevsky highway, and took them to one of the construction sites. Mirzoev and Bekmuradov arrived there with false mustaches, beards and wigs (so that they would not be identified). They began to demand that Minakhi rewrite the shares of a large grain elevator. Minakhi promised to fulfill everything, he was released.
At the disposal of Rucriminal.info was a copy of the verdict and we give interesting excerpts from it:
Bekmuradov B.I., agreeing to this proposal of Mirzoev D.R., agreed with the latter to kidnap Minakhi and then keep him, during which, with the use of violence against the latter and the threat of harm to the life and health of his family members, to force Minakhi to return of Yakobashvili's debt in the shortest possible time. At the same time, Bekmuradov B.I. developed a plan for the implementation of the plan, coordinated it with Mirzoev D.R. and agreed with him on its implementation by persons who are part of the B.I. Bekmuradov created by him. organized group, and acting under it- Bekmuradova B.I. leadership.
Having received an instruction from Mirzoev D.R., Bekmuradov B.I. brought the developed plan to unidentified persons (the case in respect of which was separated into a separate proceeding), who are participants in the B.I. organized group, distributed roles among them. Carrying out leadership and coordinating the actions of unidentified members of an organized group, Bekmuradov B.I. instructed them to trace the routes of Minakhi's movement, including using technical means of observation and fixing his location, to find a convenient place for the attack and capture of Minakhi, as well as a room for his further retention; take conspiracy measures by changing the appearance and appearance.

Unidentified participants led by Bekmuradov B.I. group, the instructions given to them were carried out, about which he - Bekmuradov B.I. was notified. After that, Bekmuradov B.I., acting in accordance with what was achieved with Mirzoev D.R. agreement, instructed the unidentified participants created and led by him-Bekmuradov B.I. group, to carry out the kidnapping of Minakhi in order to force him to return the existing debt, in the amounts and terms established by Yakobashvili. At the same time, B.I. Bekmuradov, in order to create an artificial alibi for himself in order to conceal his involvement in the illegal actions being committed, left the territory of the Russian Federation.
Fulfilling the instructions of Bekmuradov B.I., developed by him and agreed with Mirzoev D.R. plan, acting in accordance with distributed roles, unidentified participants organized by Bekmuradov B.I. groups, on the road leading to Minakhi's dwelling., at a distance of 150 meters from the entrance to the cottage village, under the threat of using unidentified weapons, stopped the car with Minakhi and XX in it (driver of Minakhi - Rucriminal.info), and with using physical force, they pulled them out of the car, threw them to the ground, struck at least one blow with a baseball bat on their heads, and then, putting cloth bags over their heads and tying their hands with plastic ties, put them in an unidentified vehicle, on which moved in a pomacerepair of an unfinished garage. Having placed Minakhi and Kh Kh. in the indicated premises, and holding them, the unidentified participants in the organized by Bekmuradov B.I. groups, inflicted at least one blow to Minakhi's head with a hand, directed the barrel of an object resembling a pistol towards his head, fired in the immediate vicinity of Minakhi and X A.G. at least two arbitrary shots from an unidentified weapon, and also put forward a demand for repayment of the debt by Minakhi, expressing, in case of refusal to comply with the requirements, threats of physical violence against him and members of his family, and at the same time showing photographs depicting the places of his residence. As a result, Minakhi was forced to recognize the existence of obligations to repay the debt and fulfill them. After that, unidentified participants organized by Bekmuradov B.I. the groups left the unfinished garage, leaving Minakhi and X X.X in the garage with their hands tied and unable to move.

Timofey Grishin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info