How a Ferrari agent and his father, a “KGB general” are “excused” from pedophilia

We continue to observe the high-profile collapse of the high-profile criminal case against Alexander Sytin. Sytin, who calls himself an FSB agent and a well-known honest businessman, is being held in the Serpukhov pre-trial detention center in an adjacent cell with his father, Boris Sytin, an adherent of the Satanic sect "School of Astral Karate", who served 12 years in the "zone" for murder, posing as a general KGB. Father and son are accused of pedophilia. For more than 10 years, Alexander Sytin, a big lover of minors and Ferrari, was a defendant in a number of criminal cases, but thanks to his “roof” and bribes of tens of millions of rubles, criminal cases fell apart, and victims, witnesses and investigators were prosecuted.

According to, the same process is happening now: some "dark" forces are putting pressure on the courts and the investigation. Personally, Deputy Prosecutor General Anatoly Razinkin instructs to remove the most serious episode from Sytin's criminal case - pedophilia, and the curator of the Investigative Committee, the prosecutor's office and the courts - the well-known "major" from the FSB Department "M" Sergey Aguzarov, the son of the deputy head of North Ossetia, runs through the authorities with instructions to “do not touch” Alexander and withdraw him from the criminal case. It is known that Sytin was in close contact in the Office "M" with Ivan Brovkin and Nikolai Budilov. Twice there was information about bribes of millions of dollars for the collapse of the criminal case of the Sytins. The remainder of Sytin's criminal case with the remaining episodes of organizing a bribe and fraud in relation to the Vostok Social and Health Complex was transferred to the Serpukhov city court, but even here the work of Sytin's curators is clearly visible: Olga V. Dvoryagina, a judge of the city court of Serpukhov, deliberately delays the process of considering a criminal case , court hearings from 12/27/2022 were postponed several times, and now the Sytin case has generally been returned to the prosecutor. The task of Judge Olga Dvoryagina is to delay the course of the investigation as much as possible, because in August, due to the expiration of the statute of limitations, the episode of the Vostok SOK will “fly off”. The episode of the bribe of 2019 has long been worked out by the same Serpukhov court, the bribe takers: the heads of Rosreestr and the BTI of the Serpukhov district have long been convicted, but obviously Olga Dvoryagina was given the task of destroying the last remaining episode so that A. Sytin remains an honest entrepreneur who suffered from the arbitrariness of the investigators.

What is so dear to Sytin and his "roof" SOK "Vostok" worth about 2 billion rubles? Why did the FSB “major” Sergei Aguzarov, at a meeting with the head of the Main Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Moscow Region, Alexander Starikov, demanded freedom for Sytin and not to “touch” the Vostok SOK, since the Vostok SOK does not belong to Sytin. After all, the episode on the SOK "Vostok" is an episode already in 2016, when it was already ruined for the first time and the criminal case was closed. But the investigation of the case was resumed by the Investigative Committee in connection with the investigation of a whole "package" of new criminal cases against organized crime groups of pedophiles Sytins.
About 10 years ago, the Chairman of the Board of JSC "Russtroybank" Strukov acquired the ownership of LLC "Social and health-improving complex" VOSTOK ("SOK" VOSTOK ""), on the balance of which there was property in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region: the health camp "Vostok" in the form of 32 objects real estate and a land plot of about 9 hectares. The property was not subject to privatization in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the privatization plan, approved by the Chairman of the Privatization Commission under the Moscow Property Committee on 03/20/1992. Sytin, being a friend of the Strukov family and his adviser, suggested that Strukov steal the property of the Vostok health camp, as well as the ownership rights of the Administration of the Odintsovo municipal district of the Moscow Region to a land plot with a cadastral number 50:20:0000000:1615, with a total area of about 9 hectares. , for which, in order to legitimize the ownership of these real estate objects, he prepared a fake privatization plan dated March 20, 1992 of the Moscow Experimental Center for Hairdressing Services Krasa, which included the pioneer camp Vostok, with virtually no right to privatize, hiding the presence of Appendix No. 1 to the said plan, and also changed the original content of the privatization plan, which allegedly testified to the legal grounds for registering the property rights of SOK VOSTOK LLC, which in reality are not. Sytin organized the provision of these forged documents to the Zvenigorod department of the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography in the Moscow Region. Misled employees of the Zvenigorod department of the Department of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography in the Moscow Region, on the basis of submitted false and unreliable documents, registered the ownership of SOK VOSTOK LLC for 32 real estate objects with a total cadastral value of 258 million 126 thousand rubles.
Next Sytin organized the signing between SOK VOSTOK LLC and the Municipal Property Management Committee of the Administration of the Odintsovo Municipal District of the Moscow Region of a contract for the sale of a land plot with cadastral number 50:20:0000000:1615, according to which the preferential price of the plot was set on the basis of fifteen percent of the cadastral value, amounting to 82 million 363 thousand 565 rubles 70 kopecks as of the date of the transaction, that is, in the amount of 12 million 354 thousand 534 rubles 86 kopecks. Thus, Sytin, in the period from 10/08/2010 to 10/11/2011, acting with a group of persons by prior agreement, together with Strukov, out of selfish motives, stole the ownership of 32 real estate objects with a cadastral value of more than 258 million rubles ., as well as the ownership of a land plot with a cadastral value of 82 million 363 thousand rubles, which caused damage to the Administration of the Odintsovo municipal district of the Moscow Region in the amount of 340 million 490 thousand rubles, which is an especially large amount. Thus, by his deliberate actions, Sytin committed a crime under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. He, Sytin, committed fraud, that is, the theft of other people's property by deceit, committed by a group of persons by prior agreement on an especially large scale.
Subsequently, Sytin, using friendly relations with Strukov, from 03/26/2009 to 09/10/2015 as part of an organized group through persons controlled by him: Sergey Sokolov (TIN 503202708405), Sergey Susloparov (TIN 773771329780), Evgeny Koryakin (TIN 772572 631508) implemented embezzlement of funds by Russtroybank JSC for a total amount of about 1.5 billion rubles in the form of non-performing loans, including those received at the SOK Vostok, which he controlled. But neither the Deposit Insurance Agency, nor the investigation, nor the prosecutor's office, for some reason, want to see this episode of fraud and do not demand the return of the 1.5 billion rubles stolen by the Sytin organized crime groups.
With obvious facts indicating that Sytin is one of the main beneficiaries of SOK VOSTOK LLC (TIN 7709660480), he was never mentioned at all in the reports of the DIA working group.
Earlier we already wrote that in order to hide the traces of crimes and create a situation in which the return of funds stolen from Russtroybank JSC would be impossible, as well as to sell in their own selfish interests the collateral property of Russtroybank JSC in the form of real estate and land plots , Sytin planned and carried out a series of actions to revoke the license, further liquidate the bank and sell the bank's assets under his control. Sytin writes denunciations against his closest friend Strukov and a number of bank executives, on the basis of which, according to the distributed roles, the security forces under the leadership of Sytin carry out an ORM against the management and employees of Russtroybank JSC and subsequently initiate a criminal case against the bank's management, as well as exercise control over the actions of DIA employees and the investigation by promptly accompanying the criminal case.
Further, Sytin once again forges documents and signatures of the wanted leaders of Russtroybank and draws up the Vostok SOC worth about 2 billion rubles. into your own property. Not bad business for an “honest businessman,” as Sytina calls his lawyer Alexandra Baksheeva, who is closely associated with the FSB’s “M” department.
Thus, the raider Sytin, acting as part of an organized group, carries out a multi-way fraudulent operation: for the first time, using forged documents, he carries out a raider seizure of the Vostok SOK from the state, transfers it to the ownership of Russtroybank, and in the second stage, having written denunciations against his friend - the owner and the head of the bank, Strukov, deprives the bank of a license and draws up the Vostok SOK according to forged documents in his property.
There is complete chaos. This is the fifth criminal case in 10 years against Sytin, which is being systematically dismantled by the security forces who “protect” Sytin. We will continue to inform about the course of the "collapse" of the criminal case of the organized criminal group of the pedophiles Sytin by the security forces, about the fate of the Vostok SOK, about the actions of judge Olga Dvoryagina, about the actions of the investigation and the prosecutor's office.

Yuri Prokov
To be continued