The topic of corruption in Zaryadye Park, headed by the former host of Muzoboz Ivan Demidov, is truly endless. Its manifestations and actors involved in it are numerous. Today will tell you about the main executor of Demidov's corruption schemes, providing their cover. Meet Demidov's deputy for security and regime of Zaryadye Park - Eduard Gennadievich Kononov. He came to Zaryadye Park on 12/30/2017. He bought his position from the now arrested former head of the Moscow Department of Culture Kibovsky A.V. Bought - this is in the literal sense of the word, without any allegories. Kononov's official salary in this position is now about 400 thousand rubles per month "in hand". Envy, parks and other cultural sites of Moscow!

The state of the sphere directly headed by Kononov (primarily anti-terrorist security) is clearly demonstrated by the employees of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Security, sleeping right at their posts in broad daylight, the contract with which in Zaryadye Park is personally supervised by Kononov. The reason for this constant sleeping of the guards at their posts is not at all that these workers are bad. It is just that the staff designed for Zaryadye Park is so understaffed that the guards are forced to work several shifts in a row for 2-3 days without leaving. Even at the main entrance to the Zaryadye Media Center, for 4 frames through which the flow of people passes, there is only one employee of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Security. It is not difficult to guess in whose pockets the money allocated for the maintenance of unstaffed vacancies of ordinary security workers ends up.

With such a level of professionalism of Kononov, considering the recent events in Crocus, the security of visitors to Zaryadye Park raises, to put it mildly, great doubts. Kononov is simultaneously the chairman of the Zaryadye Park commission for combating corruption and resolving conflicts of interest, as well as a member of the commission for material incentives for Zaryadye Park employees. This in itself indicates a direct conflict of interest for Kononov, but this is a trifle if you are the chairman of the anti-corruption commission. Note that membership in the commission for material incentives is very important, since in Zaryadye 70% of the average salary of employees (of which there are about 400 people in Zaryadye) are incentive payments, which can be deprived of any employee completely arbitrarily. Of course, the necessary amounts can also be written out for any necessary employee just as arbitrarily. Kononov writes out bonus payments to people subordinate to him, and then these people return them to him.

The chairman of the anti-corruption commission must turn a blind eye to this and much more (corruption violations in the procurement sphere especially), which is where Kononov's importance lies in Demidov's corruption cases.

Thus, a very close friend of Demidov, whom he personally brought to Zaryadye - Chief Engineer Karpenko Konstantin Vasilyevich, brought his own brother Oleg to be his direct subordinate as the head of the ventilation and air conditioning department, then the head of the technical supervision, repair and maintenance department, through which the most expensive contracts of the chief engineer's service pass. A direct conflict of interests. Kononov turns a blind eye.

Numerous workers fictitiously employed in Zaryadye Park who do not come to work. This is possible only with the connivance of Kononov as the chairman of the anti-corruption commission and deputy director for the regime, whose functions include monitoring the arrival and departure of workers.

We remind you that among those fictitiously employed in Zaryadye Park for a long time were - the recently arrested for bribery former deputy head of Mosconcert Shatkovsky, an employee of the Moscow Department of Culture Yudintsova. Currently, the following are fictitiously employed: the wife of the former head of the State Budgetary Institution of Culture Mosrazvitie, Timur Vakhitov, who was expelled in disgrace - Olga Vakhitova and the HR specialist Andrey Miroslavovich Petrov, who is currently vacationing on the Black Sea "remotely". All this is covered primarily by Kononov. Kononov, by virtue of his control over the access control system and taking advantage of his official position, issues free parking for their personal cars in the public parking lot of Zaryadye Park to people needed by Demidov, where parking for "ordinary people" (you and me) costs 250 rubles per hour. Among such needed people with free entry are our old acquaintances: the arrested bribe taker Shatkovsky (two cars), Vakhitov (two cars) who were kicked out of Mosrazvitie and Starodubtsev A.Yu. The last two now, after they were kicked out of Mosrazvitie and the ZIL Community Center, spend their days and nights in Demidov's office.

Kononov is Demidov's "liaison" with the law enforcement officers of the Kitay-gorod district of the Central Administrative District of Moscow, with whom he has acquired connections in terms of public order. This is the FSO, the leadership of the Kitay-gorod Police Department, whose leaders (Vakal A.P. and his deputy) Kononov installed fairly modern computers in their offices, which are on the balance sheet of Zaryadye. The leadership of the Kitay-gorod OP will close all violations in Zaryadye by any means eyes. These include judges. In particular, the young judge of the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow, Uteshev S.V., known for his corruption and rudeness. When Demidov had labor disputes with workers who were disliked by Demidov and were being forced out of Zaryadye, it was Kononov who, through his connections in the FSO, sought access to Judge Uteshev S.V., who was handling these cases. Giving the management of the Tverskoy Interdistrict Prosecutor's Office of Moscow a free ride on the "Flight over Russia" attraction in Zaryadye - that was also Kononov. Having such broad opportunities, the patronage of Demidov, who was grateful for covering up his affairs, Kononov does not forget himself. Taking advantage of his official position, Kononov constantly stores three of his personal cars in paid (for us, paid) parking spaces of the Zaryadye public parking lot - Mercedes, Honda and Cadillac jeeps with state numbers U644KN799, M417KN197, E677AN77.

Let's also note such a trifle that, taking advantage of control over access to the parking lot, Kononov does not hesitate to beg free food services from restaurants in the Zaryadye territory. This is generally typical for rich greedy people who, having huge incomes, skimp on paying for themselves in a restaurant or for their car in the parking lot.

In a restaurant in the Zaryadye territory, Kononov periodically meets or organizes recreation with the right people. Such as, for example, the director of internal control of JSC VDNKh Vinokurov A.Yu., about whom there is a separate story.

Through connections in the FSO, Kononov in 2020 somehow and for what reason begged for gratitude from the President of Russia "for many years of conscientious work." As of 2020, Kononov had worked in Zaryadye for only 2 years. Before he bought his position in Zaryadye from Kibovsky, Kononov worked in commercial LLCs, business positions in banks. That is, in positions for which, with all due respect, they do not give presidential certificates. Indeed, Kononov's very long-term (as much as two years!) work in Zaryadye is "worthy" of gratitude from the President of the country. We clearly described Kononov's conscientiousness in ensuring the security of Zaryadye, where understaffed security sleeps everywhere, at the beginning of this article. But no one will fire him. If you bought a position, then you bought it, everything is "honest." Kononov comes to work no earlier than 11:00 (instead of 09:00). Well, if you bought a position, you have the right. Kononov proudly does not hesitate to call himself a "high-flying bird". The 3rd group of disability, which Kononov openly bought in 2010 to use the benefits, obviously does not prevent Kononov from flying high.

Thanks to the activities of Demidov and his main accomplice Kononov, Zaryadye Park has undoubtedly become the most expensive park in the country for taxpayers. In terms of the cost of its maintenance. In addition to the scandals throughout the country with the amounts spent on the construction of Zaryadye Park, it is obvious that it is time to analyze the costs of its maintenance.
Roman Trushkin

The state of the sphere directly headed by Kononov (primarily anti-terrorist security) is clearly demonstrated by the employees of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Security, sleeping right at their posts in broad daylight, the contract with which in Zaryadye Park is personally supervised by Kononov. The reason for this constant sleeping of the guards at their posts is not at all that these workers are bad. It is just that the staff designed for Zaryadye Park is so understaffed that the guards are forced to work several shifts in a row for 2-3 days without leaving. Even at the main entrance to the Zaryadye Media Center, for 4 frames through which the flow of people passes, there is only one employee of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Security. It is not difficult to guess in whose pockets the money allocated for the maintenance of unstaffed vacancies of ordinary security workers ends up.

With such a level of professionalism of Kononov, considering the recent events in Crocus, the security of visitors to Zaryadye Park raises, to put it mildly, great doubts. Kononov is simultaneously the chairman of the Zaryadye Park commission for combating corruption and resolving conflicts of interest, as well as a member of the commission for material incentives for Zaryadye Park employees. This in itself indicates a direct conflict of interest for Kononov, but this is a trifle if you are the chairman of the anti-corruption commission. Note that membership in the commission for material incentives is very important, since in Zaryadye 70% of the average salary of employees (of which there are about 400 people in Zaryadye) are incentive payments, which can be deprived of any employee completely arbitrarily. Of course, the necessary amounts can also be written out for any necessary employee just as arbitrarily. Kononov writes out bonus payments to people subordinate to him, and then these people return them to him.

The chairman of the anti-corruption commission must turn a blind eye to this and much more (corruption violations in the procurement sphere especially), which is where Kononov's importance lies in Demidov's corruption cases.

Thus, a very close friend of Demidov, whom he personally brought to Zaryadye - Chief Engineer Karpenko Konstantin Vasilyevich, brought his own brother Oleg to be his direct subordinate as the head of the ventilation and air conditioning department, then the head of the technical supervision, repair and maintenance department, through which the most expensive contracts of the chief engineer's service pass. A direct conflict of interests. Kononov turns a blind eye.

Numerous workers fictitiously employed in Zaryadye Park who do not come to work. This is possible only with the connivance of Kononov as the chairman of the anti-corruption commission and deputy director for the regime, whose functions include monitoring the arrival and departure of workers.

We remind you that among those fictitiously employed in Zaryadye Park for a long time were - the recently arrested for bribery former deputy head of Mosconcert Shatkovsky, an employee of the Moscow Department of Culture Yudintsova. Currently, the following are fictitiously employed: the wife of the former head of the State Budgetary Institution of Culture Mosrazvitie, Timur Vakhitov, who was expelled in disgrace - Olga Vakhitova and the HR specialist Andrey Miroslavovich Petrov, who is currently vacationing on the Black Sea "remotely". All this is covered primarily by Kononov. Kononov, by virtue of his control over the access control system and taking advantage of his official position, issues free parking for their personal cars in the public parking lot of Zaryadye Park to people needed by Demidov, where parking for "ordinary people" (you and me) costs 250 rubles per hour. Among such needed people with free entry are our old acquaintances: the arrested bribe taker Shatkovsky (two cars), Vakhitov (two cars) who were kicked out of Mosrazvitie and Starodubtsev A.Yu. The last two now, after they were kicked out of Mosrazvitie and the ZIL Community Center, spend their days and nights in Demidov's office.

Kononov is Demidov's "liaison" with the law enforcement officers of the Kitay-gorod district of the Central Administrative District of Moscow, with whom he has acquired connections in terms of public order. This is the FSO, the leadership of the Kitay-gorod Police Department, whose leaders (Vakal A.P. and his deputy) Kononov installed fairly modern computers in their offices, which are on the balance sheet of Zaryadye. The leadership of the Kitay-gorod OP will close all violations in Zaryadye by any means eyes. These include judges. In particular, the young judge of the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow, Uteshev S.V., known for his corruption and rudeness. When Demidov had labor disputes with workers who were disliked by Demidov and were being forced out of Zaryadye, it was Kononov who, through his connections in the FSO, sought access to Judge Uteshev S.V., who was handling these cases. Giving the management of the Tverskoy Interdistrict Prosecutor's Office of Moscow a free ride on the "Flight over Russia" attraction in Zaryadye - that was also Kononov. Having such broad opportunities, the patronage of Demidov, who was grateful for covering up his affairs, Kononov does not forget himself. Taking advantage of his official position, Kononov constantly stores three of his personal cars in paid (for us, paid) parking spaces of the Zaryadye public parking lot - Mercedes, Honda and Cadillac jeeps with state numbers U644KN799, M417KN197, E677AN77.

Let's also note such a trifle that, taking advantage of control over access to the parking lot, Kononov does not hesitate to beg free food services from restaurants in the Zaryadye territory. This is generally typical for rich greedy people who, having huge incomes, skimp on paying for themselves in a restaurant or for their car in the parking lot.

In a restaurant in the Zaryadye territory, Kononov periodically meets or organizes recreation with the right people. Such as, for example, the director of internal control of JSC VDNKh Vinokurov A.Yu., about whom there is a separate story.

Through connections in the FSO, Kononov in 2020 somehow and for what reason begged for gratitude from the President of Russia "for many years of conscientious work." As of 2020, Kononov had worked in Zaryadye for only 2 years. Before he bought his position in Zaryadye from Kibovsky, Kononov worked in commercial LLCs, business positions in banks. That is, in positions for which, with all due respect, they do not give presidential certificates. Indeed, Kononov's very long-term (as much as two years!) work in Zaryadye is "worthy" of gratitude from the President of the country. We clearly described Kononov's conscientiousness in ensuring the security of Zaryadye, where understaffed security sleeps everywhere, at the beginning of this article. But no one will fire him. If you bought a position, then you bought it, everything is "honest." Kononov comes to work no earlier than 11:00 (instead of 09:00). Well, if you bought a position, you have the right. Kononov proudly does not hesitate to call himself a "high-flying bird". The 3rd group of disability, which Kononov openly bought in 2010 to use the benefits, obviously does not prevent Kononov from flying high.

Thanks to the activities of Demidov and his main accomplice Kononov, Zaryadye Park has undoubtedly become the most expensive park in the country for taxpayers. In terms of the cost of its maintenance. In addition to the scandals throughout the country with the amounts spent on the construction of Zaryadye Park, it is obvious that it is time to analyze the costs of its maintenance.
Roman Trushkin
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