The oil industry of the Russian Federation, which provides half of all expert revenue of the economy, is currently experiencing a shortage of about 200 items of various equipment (14% of the 1,400 units necessary for the exploration, production and processing of oil and oil products) and remains dependent on foreign equipment and machinery. As A.V. Dyukov stated to the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, in order to eliminate this dependence, Gazprom Neft LLC will need at least three years and a trillion rubles.

At the same time, at present, the affairs of the permanent head of PJSC Gazprom Neft A.V. Dyukov are not going very well. First, a huge scandal due to hundreds of billions of rubles spent on the digitalization of fields, which did not justify itself economically. Immediately after, another scandal related to huge expenses on the maintenance of useless IT specialists on the staff of PAO Gazprom Neft in the amount of more than 11 billion annually. After, as a consequence, a difficult and unpleasant conversation with the patron, Alexey Borisovich Miller, who directly told Alexander Valerievich about his personal disappointment in his work, and reminded him that it was he who had once recommended him for this high post. And then there are constant sanctions, it is necessary to reduce production, and mothball entire fields, and go for unpopular layoffs, and this is already starting to create social tension. And the Americans decided to impose sanctions on NIS (Oil Industry of Serbia), thereby finally closing another financial gate of Gazprom Neft to Europe. The circle began to gradually narrow, while PAO Gazprom, against the background of all these scandals, sent its man Dzhalyabov A.A. to the post of chief engineer in the form of its own supervisor. In addition to all the troubles, the elder brother decided to take the last thing from PAO Gazprom Neft, namely the purchase of equipment and services, which is almost more than 300 billion rubles for one year alone.
And while Alexander Valerievich talks about the great destinies of Russia and Europe, and asks the state for another trillion rubles for import substitution, his subordinates, sensing hard times and irreversible changes ahead that will radically change their well-being and status in the near future, have long since begun to act and withdraw from Gazprom Neft as much as possible, everything that can be withdrawn, namely budget money, and into their own pockets. They can’t leave Gazprom an exemplary and rich enterprise, no one promised them a further continuation of the banquet. The hero of our article and the initiator of the degreasing of PAO Gazprom Neft before the merger with PAO Gazprom is a well-known person in narrow circles, the former head of the logistics department of PAO Gazprom Neft, Evgeny Igorevich Kozhevnikov, and now Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of PAO Gazprom Neft.
It was he who organized a large-scale scheme to steal public funds from PAO Gazprom Neft, aimed at personal enrichment, including under the guise of helping the participants of the SVO.
And the time that E.V. Kozhevnikov chose for this is the most vague and convenient, which means that in troubled waters you can fish out a fish, and a big one.

The SVO is underway, everything is for the front, Gazprom threatens to take over all purchases for itself, and every day it is becoming more and more persistent. Therefore, this businessman from PAO Gazprom Neft created illegal schemes for withdrawing money from his home office, and then abroad, having organized, in fact, private “controlled” structures (otherwise, his own shop at the budget of the Russian Federation) AO Digital Purchasing Services and AO Engineering Center Kronstadt. It is through AO CZS and AO Engineering Center Kronstadt that E.I. Kozhevnikov, through his trusted persons, as well as with the help of officials from OOO Gazpromneft-Snabzhenie and the central office of PAO Gazprom Neft, completely fearlessly, cynically and very brazenly withdraw money from PAO Gazprom Neft, including abroad, where they are legalized with the help of their foreign friends from England, Serbia, Italy, Spain and Azerbaijan. At the same time, many of these friends have long been put on the federal wanted list in the Russian Federation for financial fraud on an especially large scale and have no plans to return to Russia.
The most interesting thing in this scheme is that when a corrupt Russian supplier is hooked on 20% kickbacks, he is told that this money goes to the needs of the SVO.
When making purchases, JSC CZS and JSC Engineering Center Kronstadt give preference mainly to “controlled” companies from Russia and China that agree to inflate prices (standard bribe is 20% of the contract amount without VAT), and transfer the delta to the specified accounts of shell companies in Russia, in Hong Kong, or personally transfer the cash to the foot soldiers of Evgeny Viktorovich Kozhevnikov, who are also current employees of PJSC Gazprom Neft, OOO Gazpromneft - Supply, ANO INTI, JSC CZS, JSC IC Kronstadt, such as:
- Dmitry Vladimirovich Potapov - Director of OOO Gazpromneft t-Supply", oversees logistics;
- Vitaly Vladimirovich Konyshev - Deputy Director of Gazpromneft-Snabzhenie LLC, oversees the supply of MRI and equipment;
- Sergey Aleksandrovich Zhuravlev - Deputy Director of Gazpromneft-Snabzhenie LLC, oversees services;
- Nikolay Grigorievich Kuznetsov - General Director of ANO INTI, oversees the selection of "manual, our own, pocket" suppliers and their certification in INTI;
- Konstantinov Konstantin Eduardovich, Deputy Executive Director for Operations, INTI and Import Substitution, oversees the selection of "manual, our own, pocket" suppliers and their certification in INTI;
- Nikolay Valerievich Kada, Executive Director of Gazpromneft-Snabzhenie LLC for procurement of materials and equipment;
- Ilya Evgenievich Fedorin, Directorate of Large Projects (BLPS) and Procurement Department (DKP) Procurement Integration Management;
- E.Yu. Frolov, Head of the Purchasing Department for Oil Refining Subsidiaries;
- M.A. Antonova, Deputy Executive Director for Procurement of Goods, Purchasing Department for Offshore Projects;
- L.V. Shumakov, Head of the Purchasing Service for Offshore Projects;
- A.N. Sagalakov, Head of the Purchasing Department for Pipe Products, Well Equipment and Pipeline Valves;
- S.V. Solyar, Head of the Well Equipment Department of the Purchasing Department for Pipe Products, Well Equipment and Pipeline Valves;
- and many others, the criminal organized group led by E.I. Kozhevnikov has more than 100 active members and an extensive management system - from the bottom up. In this scheme, JSC Digital Purchasing Services and JSC Engineering Center Kronstadt, purchasing equipment in Russia and abroad from their “pocket” suppliers at one price, also enter the equipment on the balance sheet of PJSC Gazprom Neft at a completely different price, significantly higher than it costs on the market of Russia, China and other, not always friendly countries. Formally, JSC Digital Purchasing Services and JSC Engineering Center Kronstadt participate in tenders for the supply of equipment and services for the needs of Gazpromneft-Supply LLC, but only “their own tame” suppliers are invited to the list of suppliers for such tenders, with the help of which the responsible “businessmen” from PJSC Gazprom Neft regulate prices at the tender. Therefore, the “right supplier” is always selected from among “their controlled offices”, and always at inflated prices, compared to the existing prices on the domestic market of Russia and China. Such "tame" companies are entered into a closed list of suppliers and included in the mailing list for all "interesting" tenders, which are agreed upon and distributed on the personal instructions of E.I. Kozhevnikov, his accomplice, who is the deputy executive director of ANO "INTI" for operational activities and import substitution, K.E. Konstantinov. The latter is also responsible for interaction with all "tame suppliers" and collecting "kickbacks" from them, the amount of which is on average 20% of the contract amount without VAT. At the same time, in ANO "INTI" the same K.E. Konstantinov and N.G. Kuznetsov - the general director of ANO "INTI", with the personal involvement of E.I. Kozhevnikov in this process, are responsible for the "accreditation" of the necessary suppliers for inclusion in the so-called "closed" mailing list. And thereby artificially creates conditions for selecting the "necessary suppliers" in contractual tender procedures. Moreover, this “scheme” of deliveries was artificially developed and tied to ANO INTI for the accreditation of the “necessary” suppliers and foreign factories (garages) of Russian and Chinese suppliers.
If you look at the official data on JSC CZS, you can see the following figures, namely:
The year of establishment of JSC Digital Purchasing Services is 2021, 2023 - revenue of 50 billion rubles, with a modest number of 107 people. At the same time, the fixed assets on the balance sheet of JSC CZS are only 360 million rubles, that is, less than any average farm in central Russia. Phenomenal economic growth for a company that is not even a farm and does not produce any products, but supplies equipment and materials 98% from China, and sells them to its own structure, namely PJSC Gazprom Neft at prices inflated by 2-3 times from the market. At the same time, the net profit of JSC "CZS" in 2023 amounted to 1 billion rubles, which also suggests that they lost about 8-9 billion rubles somewhere during tax declaration, because the minimum marginal profit of JSC "CZS" for all deliveries on average is 200% with revenue of 48 billion rubles for 2023 alone.
JSC "Engineering Center "Kronstadt"
The year of establishment of JSC "Engineering Center "Kronstadt" is November 30, 2023, revenue of 1.4 billion rubles for only one month of 2023, with a staff of 47 people, like in a mini-bread factory. At the same time, fixed assets on the balance sheet of JSC "CZS" are only 760 million rubles, with a net profit of 160 million rubles for only 1 month of 2023.
A very good development trend, considering that E.I. Kozhevnikov renovated 4 workshops of the former ship repair plant in Kronstadt for 1 billion state rubles, installed racks for storing goods from China and 5 lathes, which are unmanned, and pretends to repair turbines himself, without having a single specialist in the field. He also takes government commissions on a tour there (to this barn in Kronstadt), and at the same time he leads big uncles from the Government House by the nose, telling them about the delights of import substitution, showing Chinese valves with nameplates of JSC Engineering Center Kronstadt. ANO INTI was created in December 2020. The main goal of creating ANO INTI was to organize an effective dialogue between foreign licensors and domestic equipment manufacturers. At the same time, another important task was set to develop standards that would unify the industry's requirements for manufacturers, as well as increase the share of Russian materials and equipment in the largest investment projects.
Results of the work of ANO "INTI" for 3 years:
Number of employees - 1 person, General Director N.G. Kuznetsov, former supplier of Gazpromneft-Shelf LLC and subordinate to E.V. Kozhevnikova. Not a single standard has been officially registered in the territory of the Russian Federation, the institute itself is a sham, is not even a certification body and is registered in Moscow at the mass registration address. Certificates of conformity have been issued only to "pocket offices" that supply MTR and services for Gazprom Neft through JSC "CZS" and JSC "Engineering Center "Kronstadt". At the same time, the damage to the Russian Federation from the illegal operation scheme of JSC CZS and JSC Engineering Center Kronstadt is at least as follows:
- Direct damage to the budget of the Russian Federation from inflated prices for equipment and, as a consequence, an “artificial” decrease in the net profit of PJSC Gazprom Neft;
- Lost income taxes to the budget of the Russian Federation, from the net profit of PJSC Gazprom Neft;
- Lost taxes to the budget of the Russian Federation from domestic manufacturers;
- Illegal withdrawal of marginal profit (the difference between the real cost of equipment in the PRC and the final price for PJSC Gazprom Neft from JSC CZS) to third countries from the PRC to Hong Kong and then to third countries (including unfriendly ones);
- Direct damage to PJSC Gazprom Neft and, as a consequence, to the budget of the Russian Federation from inflated prices for equipment, which automatically (multiple) increase the costs of customs duties, clearance and delivery of equipment to the Russian Federation;
- Illegal money laundering, which gives rise to corruption and impunity in PJSC Gazprom Neft;
- Dependence of PJSC Gazprom Neft officials on third parties from unfriendly countries and, as a consequence, a threat to the economic security of the Russian Federation in the area of disclosure of state secrets;
- Loss of technological independence of the Russian Federation from supplies of equipment of dubious manufacture from third countries, and so on.
There is also concern for the psychological state of E.I. Kozhevnikov himself. He once participated in and became the winner of the "Leaders of Russia 2020" competition, where he was taught and examined by respected and honored government officials from the administration of the President of the Russian Federation. And they taught him, first of all, to love his homeland, to believe in it and to develop the domestic economy, and not to pour state money at exorbitant prices into the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the People's Republic of China and his pocket suppliers.
A brief history of the creation of the organized criminal group:
E.I. Kozhevnikov, after taking up the post of Director of the Directorate for Procurement and Capital Construction of PJSC Gazprom Neft in early 2023, replaced the old team, swept away the subordinates he did not like, and placed his own people in leading positions, who do all the "dirty" work for him in terms of collecting tribute (kickbacks) from absolutely all suppliers of equipment and services. The team of the "organized criminal group of white-collar thieves" and their functionality are described in the appendix to this diagram. The right hand of Kozhevnikov E.I. is Konstantinov K.E., who holds the position of Deputy Executive Director for Operations, INTI and Import Substitution. His functionality includes collecting taxes (kickbacks) from domestic enterprises. These are all more or less large Russian plants, supplier firms that are included in the vendor list of Gazpromneft-Snabzheniya LLC, the Department of Large Projects of Gazprom Neft PJSC (selection of EPS contractors for the Moscow and Omsk Oil Refineries), Digital Purchasing Services JSC, and so on. This employee and personal confidant of E.I. Kozhevnikov personally holds all meetings with all large plants and equipment suppliers specifically in the Russian Federation - assigns a kickback percentage, discusses criminal schemes for rejecting "inconvenient" suppliers (plants), and always agrees on the spot on the amount of cash reward (kickback) and the methods of their transfer, the main ones of which are seven, namely:
- The transfer of cash specifically to K.E. Konstantinov constantly takes place in one of the cafes or restaurants in the Admiralty District (in the area of Konstantinov's office on Bolshaya Morskaya Street). Very often, the transfer of money takes place in the Bonch cafe, ul. Bolshaya Morskaya 16, or the Russian shot glass No. 1, Konnogvardeysky Boulevard 4, or "Russian Fishing", Yuzhnaya Doroga 11, and in other places;
- Also, the transfer of cash is set up by Kozhevnikov E.I. Konstantinov K.E. through his authorized persons, namely through Kada N.V., Fedorin I.E., E.Yu. Frolov, Sagalakov A.N. and Solyar S.V. - this is for deliveries specifically for Gazpromneft-Snabzhenie LLC and the Department of Large Projects (Moscow and Omsk Oil Refineries, including kickbacks from EPS contractors, mainly from the Chinese and Koreans and specifically from AO Promfinstroy). These authorized persons do not shy away from taking bribes even at their workplaces.
- Tribute from suppliers for offshore projects for Kozhevnikov E.I. is collected personally by Antonova M.A. and her authorized persons, namely Babenko A., and Shumakov L.V. There is also a way to transfer bribes for provided inflated contracts, through the trading house Gazprom Neft (TsZS) - JSC Digital Purchasing Services, which is 100% under the control of E.I. Kozhevnikov, but is secretly managed by Potapov D.V. in terms of transferring funds abroad, including to the PRC under the guise of purchasing goods that are actually purchased and imported to Russia, but 2-5 times more expensive than their real market value. Accordingly, the delta remains in the accounts of the Chinese companies of Kozhevnikov and Potapov, which are transferred via Hong Kong to accounts in England, Italy and Spain. Overpayment of VAT and customs duties does not bother Kozhevnikov and Potapov too much, since they do not pay this money from their own wallets, but from the money of PAO Gazprom Neft, and therefore from the pocket of our state.
- A particularly cynical way of collecting tribute is for the needs of the "SVO". Kozhevnikov E.I. and Konstantinov K.E. propose that either factories and firms purchase illiquid goods from JSC "CZS" at inflated prices, or they propose that factories leave 50% of the profits with JSC "CZS" in the form of voluntary donations for the needs of the army in the SVO.
Example: Konstantinov K.E. through his subordinates - Kada, Sagalakov, Solar agrees on the mailing list they need, they do not specifically invite all strong competitors to this tender, two firms (maximum three) remain and both firms are controlled by them (that is, these firms are ready to pay a kickback), the result is the choice of one of the two controlled firms with an inflated price. The firm, which is then recognized as the winner, is obliged to give 50% of the net profit and is forced to transfer this money as a voluntary donation to the SVO goals in JSC "CZS" or is forced to buy illiquid assets 10-20 times higher than the market. For SVO, the scammers represented by Kozhevnikov E.I. and Potapov D.V., undoubtedly, buy something, but a maximum of tens of millions of rubles, and billions are transferred abroad through a Chinese scheme. - Potapov D.V. also withdraws money through logistics, since Gazpromneft-Snabzhenie has its own transport companies, paying for these services on behalf of Gazprom at an order of magnitude higher than the market provides them, accordingly, it is also responsible for the withdrawal of bitcoins and their conversion into goods in the PRC, which are partially imported into the Russian Federation through JSC "CZS" and sold by JSC "CZS" for the needs of PJSC Gazprom Neft itself, also at prices inflated by 3-5 times above the market. Bitcoins are mined on farms in the Russian Federation, controlled by the same Kozhevnikov E.I. (executor Zhuravlev S.A. - Kozhevnikov's deputy for services).
- etc., these are far from all the schemes, about 30% of what Kozhevnikov and the specified group of persons started. It is very easy to track the transfer of money, you need to take all the suppliers that are on the closed (and open) vendor list of Gazpromneft-Snabzhenie LLC, the Department of Large Projects of Gazprom Neft PJSC, CZS JSC, etc.
Arseniy Dronov
Source: www.rucriminal.info
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