Rucriminal.info continues to publish a statement to the heads of the Russian security bloc, which tells how the general director of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, Kirill Dmitriev, paid a bribe of 6 million dollars to the head of the Federal Forestry Agency, Ivan Sovetnikov. The "deal" also involved State Duma deputy Nikita Chaplin and oligarch Branovitsky. For this money, the official and his "decision makers" were supposed to formalize the transfer of lease rights for 7 forest areas of the State Forest Fund to land users controlled by Dmitriev, using purchased court decisions. The governor of the Moscow region, Andrei Vorobyov, also appeared in the story. Kirill Dmitriev, by the way, is not an easy person, thanks to his successful marriage to Natalia Popova, a close friend of Putin's youngest daughter, Ekaterina Tikhonova. However, he prefers to solve such own projects for bribes.

"In 2015, on the instructions of the lessee, OOO LES SERVICE developed a project for the development of forests of auction forest plots with an area of 22.4 hectares, location: Moscow region, Odintsovsky district, Moskvoretskoye forestry, Podushkinskoye district forestry, quarter 42, sections 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,16,17,18,19,23,24,45 with K№ 50:20:0010336:358, which the KLH MO approved by order № 27P-127 dated 15.02.2016 "On approval of the positive conclusion of the state examination". The KLH MO sent the 1st copy of the volume of design documentation to the archive, the 2nd copy of the volume to the Zvenigorod forestry of the State Institution of the Moscow Region "Mosoblles" for guidance in the work, the 3rd copy to OOO "Eksimart".
During the inspection of the tenant of OOO "Eksimart" by the foresters of the Zvenigorod forestry of the State Institution of the Moscow Region "Mosoblles", on the facts of illegal placement of objects on the forest plot, a metal fence on metal supports, a discrepancy was found in the submitted copy of the tenant of the approved state examination of the forest development project of OOO "Eksimart" in terms of filling and maintenance parameters, including the creation of forest infrastructure, placement of objects, metal fencing with metal supports and maintenance in the copy of the forest development project of the Zvenigorod forestry of the State Institution of the Moscow Region "Mosoblles", which does not provide for, among other things, the placement of objects and metal fencing.
The discrepancies are due to the fact that the copy of the forest development project of the tenant and the copies stored in the archive of the KLKH MO and in the Zvenigorod forestry of the State Institution of the Moscow Region "Mosoblles" had different significant content, i.e. different versions. This information was sent by the forestry to the KLKH MO Pomozova A.L., Kazimir E.Yu, for which no response measures were taken. During the preparation of the draft documentation for the approval of the division of the forest plot with K№ 50:20:0010336:358 into 5 (five) new forest plots in the framework of the state examination in the KLKH MO, discrepancies in the copies of the approved POL and other significant violations of forest legislation, significant terms of the lease agreement, by the lessee of the forest plot OOO "Eksimart" submitted by the Zvenigorod forestry of the State Institution of the Moscow Region "Mosoblles" to the KLKH MO, Kazimir E.Yu., Pomozova A.L. were again hidden on the instructions of Sovetnikov I.V. When discrepancies were found in the copies of the POL, Kazemir E. Yu., on behalf of Sovetnikov I. V., in order to avoid conflict situations, requested a copy of the forest development project in the Zvenigorod forestry of the State Institution of the Moscow Region "Mosoblles" and replaced it with a copy of the project (the pages of the POL content were replaced), which did not pass the examination and provided for other parameters and characteristics of the use of the forest plot. The forest development project in the archive of the KLKH MO to which she had access was also replaced, including in electronic form on disk. That is, a previously approved forest development project was forged. In connection with significant violations by Eximart LLC of the lease agreement for the auction forest plot No. 50-0568-04-05-0515 dated 06.12.2008, with K No. 50:20:0010336:358 and the lease agreement for the auction forest plot No. 50-0567-04-05-0515 dated 03.12.2008, with K No. 50:20:0010336:629, including illegal placement of metal fences and objects, systematic failure to pay rent on time, failure to implement approved forest development projects, failure to carry out mandatory sanitary felling of forest plots, failure to submit forest declarations in accordance with the forest development project, forest use reports, forest protection reports, forest reproduction reports, etc. afforestation, reports on forest fire protection. Lease agreements for auction forest plots were subject to termination with the tenant, Eximart LLC.
Instead of terminating the lease agreement for auction forest plots with the tenant, Eximart LLC, due to multiple violations of the terms of the agreement, misuse of plots, transfer of forest plots for use by third parties, without the consent of the owner - the Russian Federation, the KLH MO, contrary to the regulations, an illegal order of the KLH MO dated 10/31/2017 No. 27 was issued P-1856 "On approval of design documentation of a forest plot" for the division of forest plot K№ 50:20:0010336:358 for the formation of 5 (five) new forest plots.

Sovetnikov I.V., Chaplin N.Yu., Kazimir E.Yu., Pomozova A.L., Kapitalinin D.Yu. approved design documentation and issued illegal orders of the KLH MO for bribes, despite unprecedented violations by the lessee OOO Eksimart of the legislation of the Russian Federation, which they covered up and assisted in the positive approval of numerous divisions of forest plots with the subsequent transfer of lease rights to auction forest plots of the State Forest Fund to third parties, illegal approval of positive conclusions of the state examination of projects and documentation for OOO Eksimart.
Sovetnikov I.V. personally prepared all, literally all, draft texts of letters for Eximart LLC to the KLH MO and handed them over to Uspensky E.A., who sent them to the responsible person for processing and submitted them personally to the KLH MO.
Since at that time, investigative actions were taking place against the former heads of the KLH MO Ovtsinov V.G., Migunov A.V., Gorodnichy O.E., Trunov E.S., and the current deputy of the KLH MO Prokopchenko A.V., Sovetnikov I.V. asked each member of the organized criminal group to separately maintain strict confidentiality, Uspensky E.A. to issue a power of attorney from Eximart LLC to represent interests.
Upon completion of the next stage, Uspensky E.A. personally handed over in cash to Sovetnikov I.V. the next advance payment of 1 million US dollars for the new stage of the roadmap implementation.
Due to the high risks of initiating a criminal case in order to cover up the illegal actions of the organized criminal group, Sovetnikov I.V. instructed Pomozova A.L. prepare in advance a draft text of the statement of claim from Eximart LLC to the KLH MO in the Arbitration Court of Moscow Region on recognizing as illegal the decision to refuse to conclude lease agreements for the formed forest plots with cadastral numbers: 50:20:0010336:32840, 50:20:0010336:35033, 50:20:0010336:35034, 50:20:0010336:35035, 50:20:0010336:35037 from the forest plot with K№ 50:20:0010336:358, provided on the basis of Agreement No. 50-0568-04-05-0515 for the lease of a forest plot concluded as a result of the auction dated 03.12.2008 (parent forest plot): on the obligation of the KLH MO to conclude agreements on the terms of Agreement No. 50-0568-04-05-0515 for the lease of a forest plot dated 03.12.2008.
Before filing the claim, Sovetnikov I.V. carried out all the necessary preparatory activities, prepared fictitious grounds for filing a claim for Eximart LLC, personally prepared the texts of letters dated 20.04.2018, with additions by a letter dated 08.10.2018, which, after execution, Uspensky E.A. submitted to the KLH MO with an application for the execution of lease agreements without holding auctions in relation to each of the newly formed forest plots.
Sovetnikov I.V., together with the Deputy of the Federal Forestry Agency Vinokurova A.O. more than a year, developed a criminal scheme and all the legal nuances of interaction with the courts, to implement the plan to conclude forest lease agreements by assignment of rights, without holding auctions.
At the same time, all forest plots of the State Forest Fund with cadastral numbers, for which long-term lease agreements were concluded, provided by auction, illegally and irretrievably disappeared from the cadastral records of Rosreestr, due to multiple divisions, numerous assignments to newly formed forest plots with new cadastral numbers and registration actions in Rosreestr.
Pomozova A.L., prepared the text of the statement of claim for Eximart LLC to the KLKH MO and handed it over to Sovetnikov I.V., who made his own adjustments, after which in December 2018, Pomozova A.L. from her e-mail: Apomozova@gmail.com sent a draft claim to the e-mail: yspenskii-jena@mail.ru to Uspenskii E.A. for execution and submission to the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region.
In connection with the end of the calendar year, the pre-New Year bustle and the need for urgent signing of the claim by Eximart LLC against KLKH MO for filing in court, Uspenskii E.A. forwarded to many technically related persons, a draft statement of claim prepared by Pomozova A.L. for execution and submission to the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region. In the history of the file, as well as in the properties of the document, the author of the document was listed as Pomozova Alina Leonidovna, which after the filing of the application was noted by the technical specialist accompanying the filing of the claim. In order to add realism to the future trial, Sovetnikov I.V., who by that time had already agreed with the “right people” in the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region on a positive court decision, asked Uspensky E.A. to find a reliable lawyer who would have to “strictly read out the position of Eximart LLC in the court session according to the piece of paper that Pomozova A.L. would give, and so that there would be no amateur performance.” Uspensky E.A. turned to an old acquaintance, lawyer Khokhlov B.B., who had previously participated with him in the team, who agreed to go sit in, create a theatrical show in the trial under the power of attorney from E "Ksimart".
By these planned illegal actions, by prior conspiracy, Sovetnikov I.V., Chaplin N.Yu., Vinokurova A.O., Dmitriev K.A., Branovitsky I.S., Kazimir E.Yu., Pomozova A.L., Goroshansky N.A., Kapitalinin D.Yu., Uspensky E.A. caused damage to the national interests of the Russian Federation and the Federal Budget on an especially large scale.
As a result of pre-planned actions as part of the OPS, by letter dated 03.12.2018 No. ref-25700/26-14, by an additional letter as amended dated 11.12.2018 No. ref26488/26-14, the KLH MO refused to conclude lease agreements with Eximart LLC in relation to newly formed forest areas. Considering the Committee's refusal to be illegal, in accordance with the instructions of Sovetnikov I.V., Eximart LLC on 24.12.2018 applied to the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region to declare illegal the decision of 03.12.2018 No. ref-25700/26-14 on the refusal to conclude lease agreements for the formed forest plots with cadastral numbers: 50:20:0010336:32840, 50:20:0010336:35033, 50:20:0010336:35034, 50:20:0010336:35035, 50:20:0010336:35037 from the forest plot with cadastral number 50:20:0010336:358, provided on the basis of Agreement No. 50-0568-04-05-0515 for the lease of a forest plot dated 03.12.2008, on the obligation of the KLH MO to conclude on the terms of Agreement No. 50-0568-04-05-0515 for the lease of a forest plot dated 03.12.2008.
Since the first letter of the KLH MO dated 03.12.2018 No. iskh-25700/26-14, prepared by Sovetnikov I.V., did not take into account all the risks of the legal process of Eximart LLC and there is a possibility that the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region will refuse to satisfy the claims against the KLH MO, Sovetnikov I.V. prepared additions to the previously sent letter as amended on 11.12.2018 No. iskh26488/26-14, KLH MO and forwarded it to Uspensky E.A.
09.01.2019, the statement of claim of Eximart LLC against KLH MO was accepted for consideration by the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region, case No. A41-105699/2018.
Pomozova A.L. entrusted the preparation of a response to the statement of claim of Eximart LLC against KLH MO to her authorized person-employee Prisakar A.A. (briefly DSP: Prisakar A.A., has citizenship of the Republic of Moldova, graduated from MGIMO MFA of Russia, entered the state civil service in the field of forestry relations, with the lowest salary, in order to gain access to secret forest maps of the State Forest Fund of the Moscow Region, in order to copy, on which special facilities of the Federal Protective Service of Russia, the Federal Security Service of Russia, the Ministry of Defense of Russia, the Investigative Committee of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are located. To leave Russia for the Republic of Moldova, she repeatedly used the passenger train of the Moldovan Railways. ". Prisakar A.A., on behalf of Pomozova A.L., intentionally prepared all the documentary evidence and arguments for the response to the statement of claim, which have no legal relation and are drawn up exclusively in favor of Eximart LLC, it was corrected several times by Sovetnikov I.V., Pomozova A.L.
The Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region satisfied the statement of claim in favor of Eximart LLC. The Tenth Arbitration Appeal Court court, the Arbitration Court of the Moscow District in case No. A41-105699/18 left the decision unchanged, the cassation appeal of the KLH MO was dismissed.
In the court hearings, the KLH MO was represented by Prisakar A.A., Malyshev E.S., authorized persons-employees of Pomozova A.L., who were openly instructed to act in favor of the plaintiff, Eximart LLC. Therefore, all documentary evidence and arguments for the response to the statement of claim, responses to the appeal and cassation appeal were initially drawn up in favor of Eximart LLC on the personal instructions of Sovetnikov I.V., directed against the interests of the Russian Federation.
Pomozova A.L. prepared all responses from the plaintiff, Eximart LLC, incl. on the appeal and cassation appeal of the defendant KLKH MO and transferred them for approval to Sovetnikov I.V., who made adjustments, then sent them to Uspensky E.A. for processing and filing with the Arbitration Court of Moscow Region, the Tenth Arbitration Court of Appeal, the Arbitration Court of Moscow District.
Timofey Grishin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info