вторник, 14 мая 2024 г.

The cops “cover” pocket crypto exchanger belonging to an organized crime group linked to narco-trafficking

The once popular “pocket” banks are now being actively replaced by the same “pocket” crypto-exchangers.

The once popular “pocket” banks are now being actively replaced by the same “pocket” crypto-exchangers. The Moscow City is full of them, and some of them have very interesting founders and approaches to doing business. Of course, each such exchange has its own “roof” (protection from law enforcement authorities), and it is high time to deal with all these Watchmen, because there is a complete lawlessness going on there.

For example, there is a wonderful crypto exchange Grambit (grambit.bz). It is notable for the amazing composition of beneficiaries. These are two guys from a crime group that deals with the supply of drugs in St. Petersburg and Moscow (Ilya Malyuga and Alexander Vorobiev (@vrbbtc), also known as Vorobey (“Sparrow” in English). The exchanger is registered to a blatant dropper (and for good reason: none of the real founders openly wants to mess with drug crypto). The same owners have two more popular exchangers (https://changeproject.biz (in Telegram @a_changes and @changeprojectbiz) and http://excoin.in/).

A whole dossier can be compiled about each of the actual co-owners of Grambit, but here we will only outline the theses. Malyuga is interesting because his father has been under investigation by the St. Petersburg FDCS since 2012, before which he was convicted and sentenced to 9 years in prison with confiscation of property for cocaine possession. Vorobey is also an interesting fellow: there is extensive evidence of regular receipt of funds from Hydra on his Binance account, and he has also repeatedly fallen under the scrutiny of law enforcement agencies on the issues of drug trafficking.

It would be strange to assume that these enterprising guys “wash” crypto from drug traffic through their exchange in City, and at the same time they are not “covered” by any “friendly” cops. The watchdogs are definitely there, they are definitely in the share, and it's high time to find them and check them out. Alternatively, you can look for them among those who are deliberately negligent in initiating a criminal case for blocking stolen crypto that was transferred to the Grambit account on Garantex.

We are talking about a rather sensational case in the media space, when Grambit filed a criminal case against 25 million stolen rubles blocked by Garantex in crypto, and the application was filed by a 100% drop, a native of St. Petersburg, Alexander Sazonov, 26 years old, up to his neck in debt, pursued by bailiffs, and certainly in no way resembling a person who could have 25 million rubles in cash. Even if the court will be presented with some documents confirming that Sazonov really owned 25 million rubles, most likely it will be a banal fake.

The fact of making a statement on his behalf is a direct violation of Article 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and is criminally punishable. However, none of the cops who accepted the statement did not pay attention to the knowingly false denunciation, and the case was promptly moved forward through all instances. Most likely, they were saving their own money, otherwise why would they close their eyes to such a clear violation of the law? Maybe the “roof” of this pocket crypto-exchanger, providing the activity of drug OG should be sought among these strangely “inattentive” law enforcement officers.

Source: www.rucriminal.info

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