On March 1, 2023, it will be 28 years since the murder of journalist and favorite of the whole country Vladislav Listyev. This crime has been exposed for a long time. In Russia, all his results were archived for political reasons. Rucriminal.info will tell about the performers and customers, and at the same time introduce readers to a sensational document. This is the testimony of a professional killer Andrei Chelyshev. At one time, he, along with members of his group - professional mercenaries - committed a series of high-profile murders, most of them using sniper rifles. For example, according to the collected evidence, it turned out unequivocally that Andrei Chelyshev and his brother Sergei were the perpetrators of the execution of the vice-governor of St. Petersburg, Mikhail Manevich, in 1997. Not many people know that immediately after the arrest, Andrei Chelyshev confessed to the murder of Vladislav Listyev, the protocol of this interrogation of the killer was at our disposal. And at the same time we will tell you what is wrong with these testimonies.
In 2021, the person who solved this crime, the former investigator of the General Prosecutor's Office of Russia, Petr Triboi, died. The cause of death was pneumonia caused by the coronavirus. Triboi had to go through incredible obstacles in order to establish who ordered and performed Listyev, and the fact that none of these people ended up in prison is not his fault. We will discuss this subject a bit before publishing Chelyshev's testimony. In this article, we'll talk about some of the evidence that Triboi has collected. The investigator found out that the "customer" - Sergei Lisovsky - and the organizer - the "authority" of the Solntsevo organized criminal group Igor Dashdamirov (Dushman) were introduced by the leader of this group, Sergei Mikhailov (Mikhas). The latter at that time was under arrest in Switzerland and Triboi flew to this country to interrogate Mikhas. Lisovsky and Dashdamirov themselves denied acquaintance and even simple communication of arcs with a friend during interrogations. However, during one of the searches, Lisovsky's notebook was seized, in which Dushman's phone turned out to be. There were witnesses who saw them together. Under the yoke of evidence, Lisovsky and Dashdamirov admitted that they had met. It was established that before the murder of Listyev, they met several times. It was also established that during the same period, Dushman met with the foremen of Solntsevo, who worked for the killers brothers Alexander and Andrey Ageykin. Namely, they were the perpetrators of the murder. Realizing that the ring around him was shrinking, Lisovsky turned on the "heavy artillery" - he turned to Tatyana Dyachenko, the daughter of President Boris Yeltsin and an extremely suggestible person. Lisovsky convinced her that Triboi was "digging" not for him, but for Yeltsin. After all, Lisovsky was an active member of Yeltsin's headquarters in the 1996 presidential election. Tatyana Dyachenko convinced her father that through the “Listyev case” they were preparing a “dig” under Yeltsin, and he actually blocked further work in this direction.
But, according to a Rucriminal.info source, Lisovsky understood that his cover from above might not last forever, so the traces of the crime were carefully destroyed. Killer Alexander Ageikin was found dead in Israel. According to the official version, he also died of a drug overdose. However, Triboi was convinced that a murder had taken place. Alexander Ageikin was the "weakest link" in the group of killers. In addition to the fact that he was sitting on drugs, before his death, remorse suddenly began to torment him. He told his acquaintances that he repented of the murder of Listyev, he felt sorry for this man. During interrogations, he obviously would not remain silent ...
And in 1998, unexpectedly, the murder of Listyev is taken over by a professional killer Andrei Chelyshev. Gangs of Chelyshev were detained by employees of the RUBOP of Moscow and SOBR at a huge risk to life (the whole group almost died) in the highlands of the Osh region of Kyrgyzstan. In the 90s there was a big mess in Russia, which also affected this story. It turned out that it was not clear how to deliver the killers to Russia. Both the Russian Federation and Kyrgyzstan did not allocate a plane. At the same time, there were fears that the mercenaries would simply be liquidated along with the capture group. And then, unexpectedly, a private plane arrived for the operatives and criminals, which brought them in. The operation in the Osh region was led by the head of the 10th department of the RUBOP, Vitaly Serdyukov. As it turned out, he studied with Sergei Lisovsky and she is old friends. It was Lisovsky who paid for the plane to transport the Chelyshev group. And soon after arrival, Andrei Chelyshev unexpectedly confessed to the murder of Listyev. A little later, Rucriminal.info will give the first part of the killer's testimony. In the meantime, let's talk about the murder of Listyev and the motives.
To begin with, based on the materials of the case, we will tell you what the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation managed to establish (it is she who is in charge of the investigation). From the testimonies of witnesses and operational materials, such a picture of what happened was formed.
By 1995, First Button was leading a rather poor existence. vovanie, despite the abundance of advertising. The thing is that advertising on the main channel of the country went through intermediary firms completely controlled by two businessmen - Sergey Lisovsky and Boris Zosimov. It was they who settled the lion's share of the proceeds. The former was also a member of the Kremlin, in 1996 he became a member of Boris Yeltsin's presidential campaign headquarters and the organizer of the national election campaign "Vote or Lose."
Boris Berezovsky also put an eye on ORT. He was not going to "swap" for access only to advertising money. The oligarch wanted to get the entire TV channel and began to implement his next cunning scheme. At first, Berezovsky convinced Yeltsin to corporatize the main TV channel. And then he took a non-standard move - he proposed to appoint Vladislav Listyev as the head of ORT. Boris Abramovich was absolutely sure that with the pet of all Russia under his control, the channel would soon be in his pocket.
According to rucriminal.info, as usual in such "games", Berezovsky went into the shadows, taking on the role of a puppeteer. He wanted the decisions that were extremely unpleasant for Lisovsky to come exclusively from Listyev. So that in which case you can shrug your hands: "Well, what can I do, that's all Vlad." After all, Berezovsky and Lisovsky were connected by many years of close communication and joint very piquant hobbies, which our publication told about.
As a result, Listyev initiated the procedure for the complete refusal of ORT from advertising. And after this pause, completely different players, and not Lisovsky and Zosimov, should have come to advertising money. For the latter, it was tantamount to disaster. All their other business projects were geared towards advertising money, they were budgeted. The collapse of their business empires would begin. The Prosecutor General's Office established that Lisovsky and Zosimov had repeatedly met with Listyev, urging him not to take rash steps. At the same time, Lisovsky was a dangerous person, his "enemies" went to the other world more than once. But Listyev was sure that no one would dare to touch him, the darling of the whole country.
Listyev discussed his steps with his inner circle - Konstantin Ernst, Leonid Yakubovich, Alexander Lyubimov. According to rucriminal.info sources, the latter not only convinced Vladislav that he was great and "immortal". But they also pushed through the idea, to “throw” Berezovsky. After a "pause" to take over the entire advertising market, especially since they had their own advertising agency "InterVID". And there you look and the entire channel will be able to “crush”.
As a result, Listyev frankly "sent" Lisovsky and Zosimov. And, most importantly, Berezovsky also lost interest in him, he realized that a puppet did not work out of Listev. But Berezovsky was actually Listyev's "guardian angel". Bypassing Boris Abramovich, Lisovsky would not dare to do anything about the TV presenter.
The situation escalated with each passing day. As a result, Lisovsky met with Listyev and they had an extremely unpleasant conversation, in fact, direct threats had already been made. This is documented in the case. According to rucriminal.info, Listyev told a close friend about an unpleasant meeting with Lisovsky.
Shortly after this conversation, Lisovsky went to Berezovsky (and this is recorded in the file). Berezovsky refused to testify about the essence of this conversation. According to operational data, Lisovsky explained his position in the conflict with Listyev and that he was putting him in a hopeless situation. And Boris Abramovich, as they say, "washed his hands." He said to Lisovsky: "Do as you like." And Berezovsky guessed what Lisovsky would do. But in his new plan, the change of the general director of ORT was only good. And the plan worked. Berezovsky eventually managed to capture the TV channel.
Here, finally, Vladislav Listyev saw the light. He began to realize that, apart from "people's love," he no longer had someone significant cover and his life was in danger. On February 28, 1995, he met with Berezovsky. (The oligarch during interrogations initially denied the fact of this meeting, then, under the yoke of evidence, he admitted, but refused to tell its essence). According to operational data, Listyev expressed his concerns to Berezovsky because of the conflict with Lisovsky. The oligarch, apparently, already understood that he was seeing Vlad for the last time. On March 1, early in the morning, Berezovsky flew on a charter plane to London. On the same day, Listyev was shot dead in the entrance of his own house on Novokuznetskaya Street. Vladislav was "led" from the place of work, when he entered the entrance, two guys came down to meet him. They took out a pistol and a submachine gun. The first bullet hit Listyev in the shoulder. he took off running up the stairs. But he was immediately caught up. The second bullet was in the head, it turned out to be fatal.
In 2013, the TFR had all the prerequisites to resume the investigation into the murder of Vladislav Listyev in 1995 in connection with newly discovered circumstances. Then "Snob" published an interview with Konstantin Ernst, which the general director of Channel One himself had forbidden to publish at one time. In the interview, in particular, Ernst allegedly said off-the-record words about how then the former advertising magnate Sergei Lisovsky is behind the murder of Vladislav Listyev. Sources of Rucriminal.info say that the investigators should have interrogated Ernst. Who knows where that would lead. When the investigation was in hot pursuit, the investigators had a strong opinion that Listyev's close friend Ernst knew much more than he said during interrogations. Just then he had every reason to be afraid of repeating the fate of Vlad. Lisovsky, on the one hand, participated in the financial support of the Family, in particular, in the election campaign of Boris Yeltsin in 1996. On the other hand, he closely communicated with representatives of the mafia, primarily the Solntsevo organized criminal group. Having taken the post of general producer of Channel One, Ernst avoided joint projects with Lisovsky in every possible way, even if they were imposed from the Kremlin. This is clearly seen from the records that Rucriminal.info found in the archive of Boris Berezovsky's wiretaps.
Protocol of interrogation of Chelyshev A. A. on the murder of Listyev
“I have a cousin, Yury Gennadyevich Volkov, he is a former military man. Approximately in the period 1990-1994. Yuri served in the Western Group of Forces. An officer named Zaur served with him, I don’t know his patronymic and last name. From Yuri, I knew that Zaur had previously lived in Nalchik, and recently he was one of the leaders of the Russian Medical Unit. He looks to be 46-50 years old. From the words of Yuri, I know that Zaur lives in Moscow, he has a household in the Moscow region along the Yaroslavl highway. I don’t know exactly what the name of the settlement where Zaur’s dacha is located is, I remember the route visually. To this protocol, I am enclosing a diagram of the location of Zaur's dacha, drawn by myself. Yuri introduced me to Zaur on one of the days of mid-late February 1895, Yuri came to Zaur's dacha just like that, to see him. We arrived in Volkov's blue Mazda. Zaur fussed about getting an apartment for Yuri. Yuri always called him by his first name and patronymic. I want to say right away that in Moscow, except for Yuri, his family and Zaur, I did not know anyone. On one of the days in late February - early March 1995, I don’t remember the exact date due to the prescription of time, I, along with my brothers Yuri Volkov and Oleg Borisovich Drozhzhin, were at the clothing market in Konkovo - they were selling jackets. We traded outerwear at this clothing market every day during February-April 1995. Yury was engaged in the rent of two trading places in the market and in general the organization of trade. That day, at about 6 pm, I was sitting in Volkov's Mazda atomic machine. We parked the car near the market area next to the paid parking lot. I remember this place visually and I can show it. As I already said, at about 18 o'clock, a maroon VAZ2121 car stopped not far from me, a man who looked like a Caucasian got out of it and approached me. He looked like this: he looked 35-40 years old, height - 175-180 cm, heavy build, oval face, hair was not visible from under the mink folder, the back of the nose was straight. He spoke with an accent, from which I concluded that he was Caucasian. Speaking to me, he looked away, stood in front of me in profile. If they show me his photograph, I think I will recognize him. He was wearing a dark leather jacket to the hips, black trousers. When he came up to me, I was standing by the car. Asked me "Chelyshev Andrey?". I answered in the affirmative. "From Ferghana?". I confirmed it. He said: "We need to go with people, one person asked, you know him." He added that if I go, I can earn money. Since, apart from Zaur, I did not know anyone in Moscow at that time, I understood. that this man came to me from Zaur. I want to say right away that he didn’t explain anything to me about what would have to happen, if I knew that I would have to take part in the murder of Listyev, then I would categorically refuse, because I and all members of my family loved him very much . No specific amount was given to me, and in the future, no one gave me any money.
I asked him what to do. The man turned around and pointed to a gray Opel Cadet car that was parked not far from us - 30-40m near a grocery store. I can also show you the place where the "Opel" stood. The car and license plates were heavily soiled, the numbers were not readable. The windows of the car were not tinted and I saw that three people were sitting in the car. The man told me to go with the guys. During our conversation, neither Yura nor Oleg was around, they went somewhere on business. I approached the car. In the driver's seat was a guy who looked to be under 30 years old, of medium height, of a solid build, his face was round, his features were regular and large. His hair was dark and cut short, and he wore a black knit cap that fitted his head. He was unshaven. Outwardly, he looked like a Caucasian. He was wearing dark trousers and a long dark leather pilot jacket. Next to him in the front passenger seat was another guy, Russian in appearance. Appears to be 25-30 years old, average or above average height, dispute of strong build, thin face, regular features, clean-shaven, no beard or mustache, blond hair, short bob cut, blue eyes, absent expression. Ears of medium size. I drew attention to one feature of the left ear - the upper part of the curl is flattened .... At first he sat in the car without a headgear, before leaving the car he put on a black sports cap, the same as the driver .... I got a good look at the hand of his left hand - the hand is rough, with clearly visible veins and tendons on the back. He and the driver did not smoke. I saw this pariah better than others. A third guy was sitting in the back seat, looking 25-35 years old, medium or above average height, solid build, round face, regular features .... He smoked "L & M" cigarettes (I remember this well, at my request he gave me a smoke ) ... I saw these people for the first and last time in my life ... When I opened the door, the light in the cabin did not light up. We drove towards the center. I practically do not know Moscow, so it is difficult to describe our route. It's already dark. We drove slowly, for a long time, at least 40-50 minutes. On the way, everyone was silent, they did not call each other in any way, for the whole time of the road, the Russian guy in a rude form ordered the driver not to spin when he tried to turn in our direction. No one told me what was about to happen. So I decided that we were going to beat out someone's money debt. Some time later, we arrived at a street located not far from the Paveletsky railway station .. This is the only landmark I know. I don’t know the name of the street, I have been on this street the only time in my life, but if they bring me to the Paveletsky railway station, I will try to show it. I can say that the place where Listyev's murder took place, where I was waiting in the car for the guys I was traveling with, is located not far from the Paveletsky railway station. When we were leaving, we reached the station very quickly in 2-3 minutes, no more.”
Rucriminal.info continues to publish the testimony of professional killer Andrei Chelyshev. At one time, he, along with members of his group - professional mercenaries - committed a series of high-profile murders, most of them using sniper rifles. For example, according to the collected evidence, it turned out unequivocally that Andrei Chelyshev and his brother Sergei were the perpetrators of the execution of the vice-governor of St. Petersburg, Mikhail Manevich, in 1997. Immediately after his arrest, Andrei Chelyshev confessed to the murder of Vladislav Listyev. He was interrogated by the investigator of the Prosecutor General's Office Petr Triboi, who died the other day. It took him a lot of time to work out Chelyshev's testimony. Probably, now the investigators would gladly hang Listyev, and anyone else, on such a confessor. But Triboi was an "old school" investigator and wouldn't let himself be led by the nose. Even before leaving for the crime scene, Triboi bombarded Chelyshev with clarifying questions. There were many. For example, about whether there are rails near Listyev's house. Chelyshev categorically answered that no, while tram tracks pass right under the windows of the TV presenter's house. At the crime scene, Chelyshev completely “fell down”, it became clear that he was lying. He killed many people, but not Listyev. Why did the killer decide to take on Listyev? He was persuaded to do this by the head of the 10th department of the RUBOP, Vitaly Serdyukov, who led the arrest operation and accompanied the killers from Kyrgyzstan to Moscow. In turn, Serdyukov was asked about this by the true customer of the elimination of Listyev - Sergey Lisovsky. Lisovsky and Serdyukov studied together and were friends from their youth. With the help of Chelyshev, Lisovsky wanted to put the “Listiev case” on a false trail forever. However, it was not possible to put Lisovsky in jail, as Boris Yeltsin's family stood up for him.
It's worth noting that "false trail" isn't the only problem Triboi has faced. The operational officers did not bring him any practical information, but only let the investigator go in the wrong direction. Listyev's wife Albina, Boris Berezovsky, Listyev's "friends" - Konstantin Ernst, Alexander Lyubimov, Leonid Yakubovich, etc., categorically refused to cooperate. And they all knew who killed Listyev and for what. Leaves shared his problems with them. A few friends got into a conversation, and then unofficially (without protocol), when the tax authorities began to “shake” them at the go-ahead of the Prosecutor General’s Office. They said that Listyev had very unpleasant conversations with Lisovsky, he strongly recommended not to stop advertising on the First Button and not to move Lisovsky's structures away from advertising streams. Listyev knew that Lisovsky was connected with the bandits, but he was sure that they would not dare to kill him, a man whom the whole country knows and loves. The fact that everyone had actually leaked him and he was walking “under the bullet”, Listyev realized only a couple of days before his death. I spoke about this to "friends", but the "death machine" could no longer be installed.
Rucriminal.info gives the second part of the killer's testimony.
“Protocol of interrogation of Chelyshev A. A. on the murder of Listyev
When we were driving from Konk ovo, then they didn’t drive past the station when I was already driving, after the murder I drove along this street to the Paveletsky station. The driver stopped the car at the curb on the street along which we were driving. The car did not turn into the yard. The three of them got out of the car, the bearded man told me to get behind the wheel and not turn off the engine. They went down the street in the direction opposite to the movement of the car, where they turned, I did not pay attention. I did not see any firearms in the hands of the guys, any bundles, bags, etc. they didn't have it with them. I sat in the driver's seat and waited for them. I remember that the fuel gauge and interior lighting, the radio did not work. I waited for the guys for a very long time, at least 1-3 hours. The guys came up unexpectedly, the Caucasians sat in the back seat, the Russian guy sat in front. They were calm. The guy who was driving the car earlier told me to get going. When he got into the car, I saw that he had a radio set in his breast pocket with a thick black antenna and two switches on the top panel. I saw the radio station because before the guys arrived, I leaned back in the seat all the way back, actually reclining in the cabin. When the guy opened the back door to the salon and bent down, I kind of looked into his pocket. It is possible that I can identify the radio station that I saw with the guy by the appearance. Having left for the Peveletsky railway station, we drove along a wide street with multi-lane traffic. The guy sitting behind me, who had previously driven a car, commanded me where to go, saying: “straight”, “left”. He uttered only one phrase "now I'll get my twenty". Thus, we reached the Yaroslavl highway. Having passed under the MKAD bridge at the direction of the driver, he stopped the car at the side of the road. When I got out of the car, I heard the driver's guy say, "Well, now Cher will be indebted to us." And then he added, “Compromised,” whom he meant, I didn’t know. “They didn’t give me any money, a Caucasian again got behind the wheel at the Moscow Ring Road, a bearded guy sat in the back left behind the driver’s seat, I moved to the back seat and sat on the right. I was dropped off not far from the turn to Ivanteevka, before reaching the traffic police post. After 1.5-2, from the words of my mother, I learned that unknown people came to my house in the Lipetsk region in a car, asked me, but then I was already in the Tambov region.
In my opinion, the very next day I learned from my wife that on the evening when I was traveling with the guys, Listyev was killed. At first, I didn’t even connect this murder with my trip, but later, comparing the reports about the circumstances of Listyev’s murder in the media with the circumstances under which I spent that evening, I realized that I myself, without knowing it, took part in this crime. After a long time, maybe a year or two later, I learned from Yury Volkov that a guy named "Sherkhan" had been killed in Moscow, he was shot from a machine gun. The fire was fired from a dark VAZ-2109 car with tinted windows and no license plates. Yura said that "Sherkhan" is a close person for Zaur, I can assume that he is a relative. When I heard about this, I understood who was the man who first approached me at the clothing market in Konkovo. In conclusion, I want to add that I only told Popov Sergey Nikolaevich about my participation in the murder of Listyev. I told him about it in the car, when we were driving somewhere along the highway. Due to the prescription of time, I cannot reproduce my story word for word, most of my story is Popov's fiction. About the details of that conversation, I can recall the following. I told Popov that Listyev was "led", information about his arrival was transmitted by radio station.

Timofey Grishin
Source: www.rucriminal.info