The Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation does not know what to do with the criminal case of General Yuri Kuznetsov, the head of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense. The case was opened by investigator Yuri Lavretsky in May 2024 in one day based on information from the 1st service of the Department of Military Counterintelligence of the FSB of Russia. Given the fact that even in the certificates of this service, submitted to the Investigative Committee, there is no information about the crime. Nevertheless, as the VChK-OGPU Telegram channel and Rucriminal.info found out, at dawn the next day the general was harshly detained with the use of physical force against him and his family members, he was immediately charged with bribery and taken into custody. In this case, the principle of jurisdiction was violated - only a military investigative body had the right to initiate and investigate a criminal case against a serviceman.

The bribe was mentioned for the first time in the investigator's report on the discovery of signs of a crime. What this statement is based on can only be guessed at. According to the prosecution, in 2021-2022, the general, being the head of the 8th department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, helped his neighbor on the land plot - Lev Martirosyan, win two auctions for concluding contracts for the accommodation of military personnel seconded to the Krasnodar Higher Military School in hotels and hotels in Krasnodar. For which, allegedly, he received a bribe in real estate - a land plot neighboring Martirosyan, on which the "bribe giver" was simultaneously building two houses - for himself and the general. It is curious that in the first case, only Martirosyan and his wife took part in the auction, and in the second, Martirosyan was the only participant in the auction, without competitors.
According to a source of Rucriminal.info, by claiming that the general facilitated the husband's victory over his own wife at the auction (they were not divorced, the alleged bribe-giver lived with her and ran a common household), the investigation gave birth to a joke. In the auctions, the winner was determined by a commission, the composition of which was updated both times. The investigators have not yet invented a mechanism for the general's "facilitation" of Martirosyan's victory at the auctions after nine months of investigation. There is also no witness testimony that the general ever gave anyone instructions to "assist" Martirosyan at the auctions. In addition, any trade and procurement activities of the Krasnodar Military School were not and could not be included in either the official powers or the sphere of influence of General Kuznetsov, who held the position of head of the 8th Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (for the protection of state secrets) during the incriminated period. But the defense presented: certificates of income, expenses and other property obligations, annually submitted to the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for Civil Service, Personnel and Anti-Corruption, which reflected the acquisition of land plots, which the general's family bought in parts over a long period of time, the start of construction of the house and its commissioning, and its interests in relations with the sellers were represented by Martirosyan, acting under notarized powers of attorney, contracts for the sale and purchase of plots, copies of receipts issued by Martirosyan for the receipt of funds for the purchase of plots and the construction of a house, payment orders for bank transfers from the spouse of the "bribe taker" to the "bribe giver" (and not vice versa!) 6 million rubles for the same purposes. The original manuscripts will be presented only to the court, since two similar bills of exchange, seized among other business papers during the search, disappeared without a trace in the depths of the Main Investigative Directorate. "The bottom line is that there is no evidence of either bribery or bribery in the case, only the investigator's imagination. And the defense has all the necessary documents confirming the legality of both the acquisition of the incriminated property and the cash and valuables found and seized from the general's home. "The bribe-giver" Martirosyan is tired of repeating that he did not have money equal to the value of the property, similar to which he purchased a plot of land and built a house for his own family in order to give the general such a "gift" (and it is not clear for what?). As a result, the investigation has reached a dead end," the Rucriminal.info source believes. And Martirosyan continues to be pressured by the operational department of the Matrosskaya Tishina pretrial detention center, forcing him to incriminate himself and Kuznetsov. After the general's arrest, his wife was immediately fired from her job, all movable and immovable property was seized, even the salary cards of his daughters, effectively depriving the family of their livelihood. And when the Basmanny Court ruled to unblock the salary card (since her salary was paid by the state, not her father), VTB Bank refused to comply with the court decision and demands that the investigator send a ruling that he does not object to the execution of the court decision! After the arrest and seizure of property, the general stated that there are documents confirming the legality of their origin for all the seized monetary assets. The defense has been petitioning for several months to include these documents in the case materials and in the answer receives unmotivated refusals.
So why are General Kuznetsov and his family being persecuted as enemies of the state? The story of sophisticated revenge began in May 2023, when the general, after three refusals, agreed to take the position of head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, which had been vacant for more than a year. An FSB employee was always appointed to this position, and Kuznetsov did not want to take "someone else's" chair, understanding the possible negative consequences. But after a personal meeting with the leadership of the Ministry of Defense, he was appointed to this position.
After some time, his deputy Vladimir Konstantinov, who transferred to this position from the state security department, had a conflict with the leadership of the Ministry of Defense and Kuznetsov was ordered to reduce the position, and the deputy was fired. The general helped Konstantinov resign while maintaining all possible payments and the maximum pension. But this did not suit either the dismissed man or his superiors - Nikolai Yuryev, the head of the Far Eastern Defense Forces of the FSB of Russia, and Vitaly Utkin, the head of the 1st service of the Far Eastern Defense Forces. Rear Admiral Utkin, personally appearing in Kuznetsov's office, demanded that Konstantinov be left in his position and not be cut, no matter what! But Kuznetsov had no right to disobey the order of the leadership, which he reported to the rear admiral. And in response he heard: "In that case, you will not serve!"
Rear Admiral Utkin kept his word. Since there was no dirt on General Kuznetsov, they came up with a "crime" for him.
And the position of the head of the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigations is vacant again. And apparently, it will be occupied by officials according to the old "scheme".
Arseniy Dronov
Source: www.rucriminal.info
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