Details have emerged of the story previously published by Rucriminal.info and the VChK-OGPU Telegram channel about the influence of Tomsk businessman and owner of the fashion store Forum from Tomsk Andrey Muravyov on the decisions of officials of the Tomsk Region and Tomsk city administrations in the areas of urban development policy and land distribution. We are talking again about the attempt by the Tomsk mayor's office to seize, under far-fetched pretexts, a land plot in the center of Tomsk at 14 Gertsena Street, which belongs to a private owner, SSK LLC, and was previously purchased at a competitive open auction at a market price. As it turned out, Muravyov had already announced in advance that the land plot at 14 Gertsena Street would go to him and invited his clients to get in line for elite housing. This is despite the fact that the procedure for the seizure of a land plot provides for the consideration of the mayor's office's claim by the Arbitration Court of the Tomsk Region, with the possibility of appealing the decision in higher courts, and the texts of the documents presented to the court by the mayor's office, intended to substantiate the position of the mayor's office, refute this position and, in fact, are grounds for rejecting the claim.
Details of the scheme that Muravyov organized with the help of unscrupulous employees of the municipal authorities of Tomsk to file a claim against the mayor's office for the seizure of a land plot at 14 Gertsena Street for its subsequent resale at an auction, at which he planned to lease the plot, have become known.

On May 2, 2024, by order of Vyacheslav Shipitsyn, then still the acting head of the Soviet District of Tomsk, an employee of the district administration draws up an act on the presence of household waste on the plot at 14 Gertsena Street, which was formed from improperly maintained municipal garbage containers located on the plot illegally, without the consent of its owner. Then, municipal officials promptly sent a statement to the Office of Rosreestr for the Tomsk Region with a request to inspect the land plot for its proper use. The result of this inspection by Rosreestr was a warning to the owner on June 20, 2024, in which Rosreestr indicated the absence of damage to legally protected interests due to the owner's failure to use the land plot. With this strange set of documents, without even waiting for the expiration of the deadline for appealing them, the mayor's office filed a lawsuit in the Arbitration Court of the Tomsk Region to seize the plot a week after the warning from Rosreestr.
The personalities of the team of officials involved in the operation to seize the land are interesting.
The former head of the Soviet District of Tomsk, Vyacheslav Shipitsyn, is a former police officer originally from Omsk, like the current mayor of Tomsk, Dmitry Makhinya. Shipitsyn is currently being held in the Tomsk pretrial detention center on charges of abuse of office for using one of the municipal apartments for personal purposes. At one time, Shipitsyn was promoted to municipal service in Tomsk, to advance his commercial interests, by his senior comrade - the former head of the Tomsk Region Department of Internal Affairs, General Igor Mitrofanov. In turn, Igor Mitrofanov is a legendary figure: for three serious crimes - bribery, fraud and abuse of office, he received an 8-year suspended sentence, which is an unprecedented sentence for Russian justice. But Mitrofanov's exploits did not end there. While on probation, Mitrofanov fatally struck a woman at a pedestrian crossing in the city of Syktyvkar, after which he went to serve his sentence in a penal colony. But "justice" once again saved Mitrofanov - the cassation court in Chelyabinsk decided that Mitrofanov should be released after a year spent in the colony, since the court considered it unfair to replace a suspended sentence for a person convicted of bribery with a real one for just killing a pedestrian. According to our information, Mitrofanov has a patron from near-Orthodox circles who helped him get out of the situation with the prison term. Who it is and what assets Mitrofanov had to sacrifice to solve the problem is a topic for a separate publication.
After such successes in the courts, Igor Mitrofanov finally believed in his power and, despite losing his position as head of the Tomsk Region Department of Internal Affairs, continued to do business in the region, using his connections with an Omsk group of officials who moved to develop Tomsk. And here is an important caveat - Mitrofanov considers his best friend in Tomsk to be the same owner of the fashionable boutique "Forum" Andrey Muravyov. It was at the instigation of the latter and with the support of Mitrofanov that the attack on the owner of the land plot at 14 Gertsena - OOO "SSK" began.
If we return to the first trial of Igor Mitrofanov, then the most profitable episode for him was the purchase of cars from the businessman Andrey Krivoshein (who later testified against Mitrofanov) at large discounts and the resale of these cars belay, already at market prices, to other entrepreneurs under his wing. At the trial, Mitrofanov proudly reported that only two people from the entire city testified against him - his former subordinate Colonel Konstantin Savchenko and Andrei Krivoshein. At the same time, the general modestly kept silent about the fact that in fact the security bloc of the Tomsk region was not very interested in him, and Savchenko and Krivoshein were very insistent on their testimonies, and it was difficult to ignore them. If there is a real interest in the general, then, given the large volume of operational materials accumulated on him, there may be a crush of businessmen invited by the investigation to give testimony in the corridors of the Investigative Committee - despite the fact that Mitrofanov is not from Tomsk, nevertheless, during several years of leading the Tomsk Region UMVD, he managed to develop a vigorous commercial activity that was not his core business and, with his exorbitant monetary appetites, create serious problems for a number of Tomsk entrepreneurs (this is described in the attached testimony of entrepreneur Krivoshin, in the photo). But in Andrei Muravyov, Mitrofanov felt a kindred spirit and the spirit of a swindler. For example, when he was summoned to the Investigative Committee for a "controlled" interrogation regarding real estate properties purchased by Mitrofanov from his construction companies, Muravyov did not say that before making non-cash transfers for the real estate properties, Mitrofanov received cash from Muravyov in order to deposit it into an account and hide a huge discount on the properties. After purchasing real estate from Muravyov, Mitrofanov, just as with Krivoshein's cars, resold these objects at market price. Moreover, Mitrofanov resold one real estate object to the same Andrey Krivoshein, who later testified against him. Such real estate objects were resold by members of Igor Mitrofanov's family only in two residential complexes in the amount of 5 pieces, and two objects in these residential complexes were resold by his deputy - Colonel Alexey Vetrov.
During the procedure for ending the joint business, Muravyov reported this information to his former partner in these two residential complexes, Dmitry Sukharev, and demanded from him half of the amounts transferred by him to Mitrofanov and other corrupt officials. When Sukharev refused to do this, reasonably explaining that both residential complexes were built in compliance with all norms and laws, and any unexpectedly emerged financial relations between Muravyov and Mitrofanov are their personal affairs, Muravyov hinted to him about possible problems, and they immediately began, they are the subject of separate publications.
What discounts does General Mitrofanov have in the clothing store Forum, which the general visited every other day when he was the head of the Tomsk Region UMVD, Muravyov willingly shared with everyone, apparently additionally trying to emphasize his importance in the eyes of his interlocutors.
Muravyov compensated for the costs of friendship with Mitrofanov (and is trying to compensate to this day), getting the opportunity to commit gross violations of the law during the implementation of his next construction projects, including a residential building on Sibirskaya Street, 9a, about violations during the delivery of which we wrote earlier, for which no one has yet been held accountable. Such violations became possible, among other things, because at that time the deputy mayor for security in Tomsk was another protégé of Igor Mitrofanov – former police officer Yevgeny Surikov, who is currently serving a term in a penal colony for bribery. In the situation with the residential building on ul. Sibirskaya, 9a, Muravyov used not only the resources of police general Mitrofanov, but also a highly-ranked representative of the judicial corps. Muravyov did not build this residential building from scratch, but bought it as an unfinished construction project from the previous developer. At the time of its sale, the property was pledged to the Tomsk Promregionbank, which subsequently lost its license. With the help of a high-ranking judge, Muravyov removed the property from the pledge without paying off the debt on the loan, for which the pledge agreement was signed as security. As gratitude for the help, Muravyov purchased real estate in Sochi on per. Vishnevogo, 100, and tried to pay off the debt to previous developers for the purchase of an unfinished residential building on Sibirskaya Street, 9a at the same inflated prices by transferring these objects - these details became known from the correspondence of Muravyov's partner Evgeny Suslov (in the photo). Also, Muravyov, thanks to Mitrofanov's resource, got the opportunity to pursue other entrepreneurs in order to seize their money and property. Here is what entrepreneur Andrei Krivoshein says about this in his survey: one example is the persecution of entrepreneurs Ruslan Batrakov and Alexander Krymsky. Moreover, Krymsky is the son of Muravyov's former business partner - Igor Klimov. Batrakov and Krymsky's problems began when they won all the court cases against the Tomsk mayor's office on land disputes, and before that Muravyov had took Igor Klimov's shares in joint businesses, and Muravyov considered these prices to be inflated. After this, at the request of the former mayor of Tomsk Ivan Klein (who was also subsequently brought to criminal responsibility for abuse of office), and accompanied by General Mitrofanov, criminal prosecution of entrepreneurs began on trumped-up grounds in order to seize the land plots belonging to them. At the same time, Muravyov, in his usual manner, convinced his former partner that he had nothing to do with it, and even demonstrated a desire to help minimize the consequences for his son.
Problems for entrepreneur Andrei Krivoshein also began when Muravyov, who suffered from narcissistic resentment, considered that Krivoshein had shown disrespect to him by refusing an offer to enter into joint construction projects. Muravyov first set Colonel Konstantin Savchenko on Krivoshein, and then, when a criminal case for extortion was opened against Savchenko based on Krivoshein's statement, General Mitrofanov himself. The result of this was a criminal case against Colonel Savchenko and General Mitrofanov. If Muravyov had not provoked a conflict between Krivoshein and Colonel Savchenko with his intrigues, it is highly likely that General Mitrofanov would now continue to work in a high position in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But Mitrofanov still considers Muravyov his best friend and continues to fulfill his wishes.

Arseny Dronov
Source: www.rucriminal.info
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