понедельник, 30 декабря 2024 г.

Deputy Minister Caught Embezzling "Professionality"

"A System of Fraud and Corruption in the Ministry of Education”

Former Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation D.E. Gribov is accused of embezzling federal budget funds allocated in 2022 for the implementation of the federal project "Professionality" by the Ministry of Education of Russia. At the end of October 2022, the Institute for the Development of Professional Education, subordinate to the Ministry of Education of Russia, concluded 22 contracts for a total of more than 310 million rubles for the training of at least 4.5 thousand teaching staff of secondary vocational education implementing the activities of the federal project "Professionality". All 22 contracts were concluded with the same commercial organization - OOO "Country of Opportunities" without any reduction in the price originally announced at the auction. At that time, this OOO had 5 full-time employees and carried out activities exclusively in the field of tourism services, without even having a license for educational activities. As reported by the VChK-OGPU telegram channel, in the shortest and unrealistic time frame, with amazing speed, all work on training teachers and their internship in the most advanced workshops in terms of equipment was completed by the counterparty, was accepted by the Institute for the Development of Professional Education and paid in full. But even then, many teachers - participants in the internships were perplexed as to why the training was not carried out in the proper volume. For some reason, the same doubts did not arise among the heads of the Institute for Development, who paid for the work performed. They did not arise among the director of the Department of Secondary Vocational Education V.S. Neumyvakin, who administers this federal project in the ministry, who checked the progress of the work and the result obtained, including the reporting of the Institute for Development on the implementation of training activities with SPO teachers, and to whom regional ministries from the regions of Russia complained about the actual lack of training internships under these contracts. The then Deputy Minister D.E. Gribov, who in 2022 was the head of the federal project Professionalism, and who in 2022 reported to the Government of Russia information on its high-quality and complete implementation and the achievement of all planned results in terms of quantity, did not have similar doubts.

The Cheka-OGPU drew attention to the fact that there were many strange coincidences and inconsistencies in the conclusion and execution of the above-mentioned 22 contracts. First of all, what is striking is the very lengthy procedure for V.S. Neumyvakin's approval of the procurement documentation of the Development Institute for these contracts, which was personally initiated by him and delayed either due to his complete incompetence or because of someone's intent, which did not allow the Institute to conclude contracts on time. And also the amazing exactingness of V.S. Neumyvakin to the Institute he supervises in the matter of pushing through the need to sign contracts in those periods of time when, due to time constraints, it was no longer possible to fulfill them. And of course, the inexplicable blindness of the ministry officials - Neumyvakin V.S. and Gribov D.E. in the actual recognition of the results achieved. In fact, in 2022, one of the main results indicated in the passport of the federal project "Professionality" was not achieved - the training of secondary vocational education teachers was not conducted. Which speaks about the general level of organization of events under federal projects in the Ministry of Education of Russia.

Today, these circumstances are being investigated in a criminal case, in which former Deputy Minister Gribov D.E., former Vice-Rector of the Institute for the Development of Professional Education Vasiliev V.N., former General Director of OOO "Country of Opportunities" Sulyaev R.A. are in custody. As Rucriminal.info found out, it is impossible to explain by a simple coincidence the fact that the organization guilty of failure to fulfill obligations under all 22 contracts of 2022 - OOO "Country of Opportunities", having transformed into a JSC and changed its founder, in 2024 again became a participant and winner of the tender for conducting internships for 4.6 thousand teachers ensuring the implementation of the activities of the federal project "Professionality". The amount of the contract dated 05/31/2024 No. 126/2024, concluded between the Institute for the Development of Professional Education and JSC "Country of Opportunities", this time amounted to more than 332 million rubles.

And again, as then, in 2022, this contract was not fulfilled in the required volume. Only this time the management of IRPO was afraid to immediately accept the unfulfilled work - they decided to postpone the intrigue with payment for the work under the contract until 2025. There are already informal agreements on this between the rector of the IRPO, S. M. Kozhevnikov, and the general director of JSC “Stana Possibilities”, A. S. Shumakova. This is confirmed by the fact that the Institute for the Development of Vocational Education, in December 2024, reported to the Ministry of Education of Russia on the full achievement of all quantitative results of the federal project “Professionals” tet". In turn, the Ministry of Education, represented by the Director of the Department of Secondary Vocational Education V.S. Neumyvakin, reported to the curator of the federal project - Deputy Chairman of the Government of Russia Chernyshenko D.N. on the full implementation of all federal project activities and the achievement of all planned results in terms of quantity. Such a system of eyewash in the Ministry of Education only encourages the impunity of the leaders of the Institute for the Development of Professional Education and allows them to continue to embezzle budget funds and commit numerous violations of the law.

Timofey Grishin

Source: www.rucriminal.info

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