News appeared in the Moscow Region telegram channels that, based on the results of the year, the head of Krasnogorsk, Dmitry Volkov, was among the three most effective managers in the region.
It is worth noting that it was recently reported that Volkov was "going through approval procedures" for the post of governor of the Oryol region and that he, like his predecessor, Radiy Khabirov, would soon take the seat of the head of the region.

However, as Rucriminal.info learned, the information about Dmitry Volkov's transition turned out to be hasty. The offices on Staraya Square have not heard anything about the "new governor", but they have information that on September 17, in the Oryol region, under Article 159, Part 4. of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, criminal case No. 12401540059000052 was opened in connection with the theft of land plots by the brother of the head of Krasnogorsk, Oleg Volkov.
Here it is necessary to immediately note that Dmitry Volkov registers all his property in the name of his brother. He officially owns the house where Dmitry Volkov's family lives in Domodedovo on Egerskaya 12, purchased for 25 million rubles, and a bunch of other property.
Moreover, since Dmitry Volkov loves horses very much, which he sometimes gives as bribes, but we will write about this later, his brother "became a farmer" and opened a stable for 40 heads in his small homeland. The stable is equipped to the highest standard, it was built at the expense of key contractors of Krasnogorsk under the supervision of the former deputy head of Krasnogorsk Nadezhda Barilo.
It will not be difficult for law enforcement agencies to prove these circumstances, since in fact the unemployed brother of the head of Krasnogorsk cannot have so many real estate properties and a whole squadron of horses in the Oryol region.
Apparently, Dmitry Volkov, realizing this circumstance, decided to insure himself. Since 2019, his brother Oleg began to apply for subsidies for the development of agriculture.
Here's the problem, when giving explanations to the employees of the OBEPiPK, Oleg Volkov explained that in order to receive budget money, he needed to present contracts confirming that he had land in the Oryol region, on which he allegedly wanted to engage in farming.
Since the Volkov brothers did not have the necessary land at that time, the brother of the head of Krasnogorsk allegedly concluded the relevant documents with his relatives, which were signed in his presence, after which he received the meadows and fields necessary for the subsidies for 49 years.
However, a handwriting examination established that the signatures of the "lessors" in the lease agreements were forged, and the funds due for the lease of the land were never paid.
That is, the fact of not only illegal seizure of land plots was established, but also selfish intent to receive state money, which the Volkov family could not claim without proper registration of land relations. As soon as this story was revealed, Andrei Vorobyov, fearing another scandal, gave Dmitry Volkov a month to resolve the problem and a landing party from Krasnogorsk was sent to the Oryol region. Deputy head of the city district for legal issues Evgeny Elizarov and head of the municipality's judicial protection department Aleksey Masolikov began to represent the interests of "farmer" Volkov and unsuccessfully object to conducting examinations to establish the fact of forgery of signatures in documents.
Dmitry Vladimirovich, throwing in news that he was about to come to lead the region, tried to give a signal to the locals that there was no need to rush to investigate his brother's actions in the Oryol region, and that the experts conducting the study should refrain from making their truthful conclusions...
However, the "PR campaign" failed, Andrei Klychkov reported to the media that he did not plan to leave the governor's seat. Currently, Dmitry Volkov, having secured the support of Irina Provalenkova and Sergei Kudryavtsev, who previously headed the Ministry of Justice in the Oryol region, who promised to resolve all his problems in the region, at the expense of contractors of the Krasnogorsk administration, continued the construction of his stables in the Oryol region, but we will talk about this in the following publications.

Arseny Dronov
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info
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