As sources of the VChK-OGPU Telegram channel reported, VTB's subsidiary "Mobi.Money" was caught servicing illegal casinos and bookmakers. The scheme is simple. Mobi.Money employees issue terminals for a fee, supposedly for legal resources, but in reality the terminals process payments for offshore casinos and other underground structures every day (see examples below). The amounts are gigantic and sometimes reach about 100 million rubles per day.
"Mobi.Money" has long been engaged in this kind of money laundering business. In 2021, the Central Bank issued an order to VTB's "daughter" due to transactions by non-residents, including illegal casinos.
Sources believe that Mobi.Dengi CEO Maria Krasenkova is not only aware of what is happening, but is the direct organizer of such shadow financial schemes.
In particular, Mobi.Dengi launders money for such structures as Joycasino Mostbet JoinUS.
According to Rucriminal.info, this is not news on the market, where Mobi.Dengi has an extremely bad reputation.
In 2001, the Mobi.Dengi payment service received an order from the Central Bank for an unusual reason - the bankruptcy of its CEO Ivan Kuznetsov. The Central Bank reported that it issued the order due to the "unsatisfactory business reputation of the current management in connection with the bankruptcy."
Mobi.Dengi is the owner of the intellectual property of PayCash, according to the service's website. PayCash has an ambiguous reputation. There are many negative reviews of the company on websites and financial forums. Users complained that the service was involved in "unscrupulous" schemes.
After the scandalous situation, many large structures limited cooperation with Mobi.Money.
Thus, MTS Bank left only the payment of state services, parking and tax payments through the service. The bank disabled other operations. MTS Bank also stopped transfers through the company's providers - UnitPay, Kassa.com, WinPay / Cauri. The bank disconnected 25 partners associated with Mobi.Money.
At the same time, MTS Bank stated that they "stopped cooperating with some partners" in compliance with the requirements of Federal Law 115 - the so-called "anti-money laundering law".
The Central Bank did not comment on the actions of financial institutions. The Bank of Russia added that it planned to revoke the foreign exchange license of Mobi.Money, but the company complied with the restrictions, and the regulator did not resort to extreme measures.
At the same time, VTB maintained its partnership with Mobi.Money. The bank is a shareholder of the payment service. Therefore, it is interested not only in working with the company, but also in expanding cooperation.
It is noteworthy that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation issued an order to Mobi.Dengi after Maria Krasenkova, head of the department for development and regulation of the national payment system, left the Bank of Russia. Or rather, she was shown the door after disagreements with Alla Bakina, head of the NPS department, and with the management of the payment department. It was too obvious to them that Krasenkova was acting in the interests of VTB (she worked there before joining the Central Bank of the Russian Federation) and Mobi.Dengi.

Krasenkova herself did not disappear over time, having headed Mobi.Dengi, which continues to launder money.
Denis Zhirnov
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info
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