In Tomsk, almost all mayors had their mayoral terms turn into prison terms for abuse of office in the sphere of urban development. The current city Administration, it seems, is not worried about such statistics and has decided to continue the traditions of its predecessors. Details - at Rucriminal.info.
In conditions when the federal authorities are busy with global problems, and all powers in the sphere of capital construction have been transferred to the regional authorities, officials of the Tomsk City Administration are trying to do their own small business with local developers who have a reputation for being unscrupulous. The essence of the business is to sign permits for "their own" with gross violations and even forgery, to put "spokes in the wheels" of others and even attempts to seize a land plot that is in private ownership.
This is the situation that investors in the construction and the owner of the plot located at the address: st. Herzen, 14. The scheme is simple: in 2020, the Tomsk Administration cancels the permit it issued for the construction of an apartment building for StroyServisKapital LLC, then ignores the developer's demands to correct its mistakes in the permit issuance procedure, and then applies to the Arbitration Court of the Tomsk Region with a claim for the seizure of a land plot for ... its non-use for its intended purpose. Established judicial practice indicates that non-use of a plot alone is not enough for seizure, but some damage caused to public relations is necessary. No problem, decided the Tomsk Administration and, to make the claims more difficult, they additionally included in the claim damage to the environment, which is expressed in the presence of garbage on the land plot from ... garbage bins belonging to the Tomsk municipality, the waste from which is not disposed of in a timely manner. Moreover, the structures of the Tomsk Administration illegally, without the consent of the owner, placed these garbage bins on a private land plot. In this way, they tried to create an artificial basis for confiscating land from the owner, who had bought it from the city at a public auction and filled the Tomsk budget with money from this sale.

The claims to the Arbitration Court of Tomsk Oblast are clearly far-fetched and do not even comply with the formal procedure, since the Office of Rosreestr for Tomsk Oblast, authorized to conduct land supervision, based on the results of control measures initiated by the mayor's office in relation to the owner of the plot at 14 Gertsena St., concluded that it had not identified harm (damage) to legally protected values, or the creation of a threat of harm (damage) to legally protected values, and issued a warning to the owner, expressing the need to either develop the plot or transfer it to third parties for development. But this did not stop the "charged" officials.

Who ordered this robbery is known, and not only in narrow circles. The owner of the elite clothing store "Forum" inherited by the city administration from previous mayors and governors of the region, Andrei Muravyov, is a businessman from the "beauty and fashion industry" who also discovered a talent for construction. Largely due to the connections of his late father Gennady Muravyov, he became a local couturier who dressed many Tomsk officials and security officials in everything fashionable. This allowed Andrei Muravyov to acquire the necessary connections in the Tomsk region. In the process of dressing officials in fashionable clothes, the latter often took advantage of Muravyov's "good nature" by receiving "gifts", impressive discounts, and some, having even big discounts, sometimes do not pay right away or forget at all. For this case, the prudent Muravyov, like the archivist Korobeynikov from "12 Chairs", personally keeps a notebook where he writes down "gifts", as well as suits of officials and shoes of their wives, taken and not paid for, and complains about debtors to everyone in the city. No matter how primitive this scheme to "get people with influence hooked on beauty" may seem, it works.
OOO "Forumstroyinvest" (TIN 7017386933), which belongs to Muravyov, received land plots from the city for free, formally for the purposes of improvement, and instead of improvement used them to include them in the project for the development of capital construction projects. And this despite the fact that land for housing construction is provided by the municipality exclusively for a fee, by sale or by concluding a lease agreement following an auction. One of the objects of OOO "Forumstroyinvest" at the address: Tomsk, st. Sibirskaya 9, when the construction permit was issued, was supposed to become an 18-story hotel, however, in violation of the law, the functional purpose of the object in the construction permit was changed, and it was put into operation as a residential building. At the same time, officials of the Tomsk city hall were not embarrassed by the fact that the law makes much more serious demands on housing, including in terms of the size of the adjacent territory, the availability of parking, etc., and all this must be in reality, and not just on paper. But allegedly received for for the purposes of improvement, the free land from the Tomsk administration, which was not even adjacent to the site where the construction project is located, was not enough to comply with the standards established for residential buildings. But here, too, Andrey Muravyov did not lose his head and used a fraudulent scheme that even seasoned specialists in the field of construction fraud have a nervous tic: he made an agreement with the neighboring ZhSK StroyDom and leased, in order to adjust the calculated project standards to those required for housing, a land plot on which there is an inhabited five-story residential building on Altayskaya Street, 24 in Tomsk. Muravyov entrusted the documentation of this fraud to his junior partner in this project, Evgeny Suslov. As a result, Muravyov fraudulently presented this new residential building, suitable for habitation, to the Tomsk administration as... subject to demolition. The experts who conducted the examination of the project, in order to avoid responsibility, pointed out the forgery. But the Tomsk administration "did not notice" this, "believing" Muravyov.
At the same time, the shareholders who bought apartments in the Muravyov house on Sibirskaya 9a are deprived of the right provided by law to receive land in common shared ownership, which should be used, among other things, for parking cars, and are forced to park them along the roadway. But the Tomsk administration is only interested in the social problems of city residents in bravura reports on holidays. A similar scheme was used for Forumstroypital LLC, INN 7017418991, at another Muravyov facility on Shpalny Lane, 3 in Tomsk, when free land provided by the Tomsk administration for lease for 3 years "for improvement" was included in the estimated indicators of the residential building project, to fit the regulatory requirements for the construction of residential buildings.

Arseny Dronov
Source: www.rucriminal.info
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