четверг, 10 октября 2024 г.

"They have other "combat" tasks"

What does the friendship between an official and the head of the investigation lead to

Rucriminal.info continues to monitor the situation with the "investigation" of the criminal case by the Lefortovo MRSO SU SK for the city of Moscow, due to which the management of OOO StroyGarant (TIN 5074060691) cannot receive their earned money. Thus, OOO StroyGarant, having completed a set of works on snow removal in the territory of the Lefortovo district of Moscow, received a refusal from the management of the State Budgetary Institution "Zhilishnik of the Lefortovo District" to pay for the work in the amount of more than 12 million rubles. Subsequently, having enlisted the support of the best friends - the head of the Lefortovo district administration Tsarikaev Azamat Ruslanovich and the head of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee for the South-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow Tedeev Alan Vladimirovich, a criminal case was opened against unidentified persons.

The true purpose of this criminal case is to prevent OOO StroyGarant from receiving the earned funds by any means.

A long time after the completion of the work and, as a result, the absence of payment, OOO StroyStandart applied to the Arbitration Court of Moscow. Having received a court decision in their favor, and then a writ of execution, they applied to the Treasury to directly receive the funds. However, the next day the writ of execution was seized.

After the publication of the VChK-OGPU telegram channel, investigator of the Lefortovo MRSO SK Dmitrieva conducted several interrogations of witnesses in the most selective manner. At the same time, Dmitrieva recorded the answers of the interrogated persons exclusively in the context in which she needed it for further endless investigation.

An important detail, since December 2020, Elena Vladimirovna Bakhtireva was the general director of the State Budgetary Institution Zhilishnik, but she was never interrogated as a witness! This is taking into account the fact that under her (Bakhtireva's) leadership of the State Budgetary Institution "Zhilishnik of the Lefortovo District", OOO "StroyStandart" performed work for more than 10 million rubles.

A huge number of complaints have been filed with the Lefortovo Prosecutor's Office and the Investigative Department of the Investigative Department for the South-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow on all the facts of flagrant violations, but the criminal case is still "under investigation", and the organization that performed the work in good faith cannot receive the money it earned.

In addition, according to the court decision that has entered into legal force, for each day of delay in the execution of the court decision, the State Budgetary Institution "Zhilishnik of the Lefortovo District" is obliged to pay OOO "StroyStandart" a penalty in the amount of 5,317 rubles. To date, the amount of the penalty has exceeded the mark of 4.5 million rubles (state rubles!).

But the leadership of the Lefortovo MRSO and the Lefortovo Prosecutor's Office are not interested in this, they have other "combat" tasks. Earlier, a source of the VChK-OGPU told how, thanks to the friendship of the head of the Lefortovo district administration, Azamat Ruslanovich Tsarikaev and the head of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee for the South-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow, Alan Vladimirovich Tedeev, not only are decisions of the Moscow Arbitration Court not executed, but a series of official crimes are committed with impunity.

Thus, in 2020, a contract was concluded between the State Budgetary Institution "Zhilishchnik of the Lefortovo District" and OOO "StroyGarant" INN 5074060691 for the performance of cleaning work.

All work, with a total cost of more than 12 million rubles, was completed on time, without any complaints. However, the State Budgetary Institution "Zhilishchnik of the Lefortovo District" refused to pay for the work performed.

On this fact, OOO "StroyGarant" applied to the Arbitration Court of Moscow with a corresponding claim against the State Budgetary Institution "Zhilishchnik of the Lefortovo District", which was satisfied in full.

Exactly the next day, the Lefortovo MRSO SK initiated a criminal case against Nikolai Borisovich Ageev, who had never had any relation to OOO StroyGarant. Then, within a week, the same Lefortovo MRSO initiated 2 more criminal cases against Nikolai Ageev and unidentified persons.

Having received the writ of execution, representatives of OOO StroyGarant sent it to receive payment.

However, a week later it became known that the Lefortovo MRSO investigator Roman Ramilevich Zakiryanov withdrew the writ of execution from the Moscow Department of Finance and attached it to the criminal case.

Subsequently, the criminal case was transferred to the OROVD SU SK for the South-East Administrative District to investigator Ilya Sergeevich Popov.

Afterwards, a duplicate of the writ of execution was received and, as a result, again sent to the Moscow Department of Finance for execution.

However, magically, the investigator of the Lefortovo MRSO SK initiated a new criminal case against unidentified persons, and a new writ of execution was again withdrawn on the basis of the investigator's ruling.

By a unique ruling of the investigator of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the South-Eastern Administrative District Popov Ilya Sergeevich, the criminal case against Nikolai Ageyev was partially terminated and partially sent to the Lefortovo Court of Moscow, where a guilty verdict has now been rendered. The uniqueness of this ruling is that at the beginning of the ruling, investigator Ilya Popov believes that the work was not performed, and at the end, he believes that it was performed, which is considered, in the opinion of the investigator, to be grounds for terminating the criminal prosecution.

In addition, together with the criminal case of Nikolai Ageyev the Lefortovo Court also received material evidence. But there is a nuance! All material evidence was received, except for the writs of execution. No responses were received to repeated requests to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the South-Eastern Administrative District and the Lefortovo Interdistrict Prosecutor's Office with a request to clarify the location of the writ of execution.

It is worth noting that none of the employees of StroyGarant LLC had and currently do not have any procedural status in any of the criminal cases in which writs of execution for claims of StroyGarant LLC were seized.

The Lefortovo Interdistrict Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation knows exactly how to "legally", easily and simply deprive people of their honestly earned money!

Yuri Prokov

Source: www.rucriminal.info

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