воскресенье, 30 июня 2024 г.

Everyday life of Chibis: illegitimate pregnancy and corruption

How the governor shut down the company of Minister Kondaurova’s relatives, who is expecting his child

The governor of the Murmansk region, Andrei Chibis, personally plunged the city of Severomorsk, where the main base of the Russian Northern Fleet is located, into a communal crisis. Details - at Rucriminal.info.

In April 2024, elevators in 80 apartment buildings stopped working in Severomorsk. The company servicing the elevators, Interlift LLC, was forced to turn off the equipment for safety reasons, since an annual technical inspection was not carried out, and also because of the multimillion-dollar debts of the Severomorskzhilkomkhoz Management Company, which services multi-apartment residential buildings. Governor Andrei Chibis “intervened” in the situation and demanded that criminal cases be opened against the contractor servicing the Interlift elevators, but not against the management company. As Rucriminal.info found out, the Severomorskzhilkomkhoz Management Company was acquired by Alexander Samokhin, who came to the Murmansk region and is married to Alexandra Kondaurova, who recently held the post of Minister of Information Policy of the Murmansk Region. And now she is the deputy head of the representative office of the Murmansk region in Moscow under Ashot Bablumyan, who oversees the withdrawal of funds from the budget of the government of the Murmansk region and municipalities. You may ask what is the reason for the move to Moscow, citizen Kondaurova, who is close to the governor’s body? According to the source, everything turned out to be very banal, she became pregnant from the insatiable Andrei Chibis, and therefore he decided to transfer her to a new position in Moscow.

Kondaurova’s transition to the position of Bablumyan’s deputy turned out to be not an easy task; for this, it was necessary to remove a retired FSB colonel, the head of the Murmansk region representative office in St. Petersburg, Losev, from his post, and move his headquarters to Moscow to employ the former Miss Orenburg Region 2008 Kondaurova.

As the interlocutor of the telegram channel VChK-OGPU and Rucriminal.info said, as of today, the capital of the Northern Fleet continues to be in a fever from the actions of Governor Chibis and the protégé of his beloved Samokhin. Currently, the management company Severomorskzhilkomkhoz is not busy preparing apartment buildings in Severomorsk for the current winter period, but falsifying minutes of general meetings and forging the signatures of apartment owners in order to seize the entire housing stock for the purpose of further withdrawing the collected funds. The impunity of the businessman Samokhin led to the fact that Severomorsk plunged into communal chaos, into which the entire city population, local governments and the remaining independent utility companies were drawn in - this led to an imbalance in the internal policy system of the Murmansk region, and statements were sent to Moscow with a detailed description of the existing communal crisis addressed to Prosecutor General Krasnov, Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Kolokoltsev and head of the presidential administration Vaino.

Arseny Dronov

Source: www.rucriminal.info

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