If any potential screenwriter proposed this story as a plot for a crime detective, it would hardly be approved - this situation seems so absurd and implausible. But this happened in real life and is proven by facts. Judge of the Supreme Court of Adygea Elizaveta Thagapsova hid the leader of a criminal community, who was on the federal wanted list, for several years and gave birth to a son from him and did not even hide who his father was. What is the reason - great and bright love or confidence that in such a position you can do anything and remain unpunished? Rucriminal.info will try to figure it out.
Elizaveta Thagapsova’s career developed very rapidly. At the age of 29, she graduated from Kuban State University with a degree in jurisprudence. Just three years later she took the position of judge of the Maykop City Court. And two years later (in 2002), at the age of 34, she became a judge of the Supreme Court of Adygea. There is information that she received the position thanks to a very close relationship with Aslan Trakhov, who at that time was the chairman of the court.
Around this time, she met Ali Derbichev (aka Akhmed Temzokov). At that time, he was hiding in Adygea from law enforcement agencies, repeatedly changing passports, first and last names.
What is known about Derbichev? He was the leader of a criminal community involved in raider seizures of real estate, financial fraud in cashing out money on an especially large scale in order to evade taxes to the state budget.
But he traded not only in economic crimes. On Derbichev's instructions, members of his criminal group participated in the organization and execution of violent actions - murders, beatings, threats and damage to property. He was put on the federal wanted list for murder and illegal possession of weapons and ammunition.
He managed to hide from law enforcement officers for about a year. In 2002, employees of the operational search bureau of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Southern Federal District detained him in Maykop. At that moment he was in the car with Elizaveta Thagapsova. Law enforcement officers did not even have to find out the woman’s details: Thagapsova herself announced that she was a judge of the Supreme Court, waving her ID and threatening to fire everyone involved in the arrest.
Two years after this situation, Thagapsova gave birth to a child from Derbichev. She did not hide the fact that he was the father; it was indicated in the documents. And when Derbichev died in 2013, Thagapsova, on behalf of their common son, sued for the division of the deceased’s property with his relatives.
This child is not Thagapsova’s only. Before all the events described above, she was already in a marriage in which she had a son, Ilyas Thagapsov. The son graduated from the Higher School of Applied Sciences of St. Gallen in Switzerland, and now lives and works in Ireland.
As a source told Rucriminal.info, however, Thagapsova herself, despite such ups and downs in life, also quite successfully arranged her destiny: she continues to hold the position of judge and use this for corruption schemes to make the necessary decisions in civil cases, together with the chairman of the Prikubansky District Court of Krasnodar Rustem Trakhov (son of the aforementioned ex-chairman of the Supreme Court of Adygea Aslan Trakhov).
Now she specializes in the appeal review of decisions of the Takhtamukaisky District Court, which involve mainly residents of Krasnodar, living on the territory of Adygea, or who have committed administrative offenses while in the republic.
Let us tell you one example from her “work”. A resident of Krasnodar committed an accident, as a result of which the passenger of the car he collided with was seriously injured. The court found him guilty and sentenced him to deprivation of his driver's license for a year and 4 months. The man filed an appeal, which Thagapsova considered.
The result is the cancellation of a previously made court decision for an absolutely absurd reason. The ruling states that Judge Thagapsov considers the previously issued decision to be unfounded and illegal, since the defendant was allegedly not properly notified of the time and place of the hearing of the administrative offense case. That is, he received an SMS with this information (and the defendant himself expressed consent to the notification in this form), but the court did not make sure that the person read this message. Therefore, there are no grounds for deprivation of rights, Thagapsova considered.

“Absurd,” any sane person will say. Isn’t it even more absurd that a judge who hid a murderer, a member of a criminal gang, for several years, works in such a position and openly deals in corruption schemes? I think the answer is obvious.
Yuri Prokov
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info
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