A source from the VChK-OGPU telegram channel said that the head of the Security Service of Yevgeny Prigozhin’s heir, Pavel Prigozhin, Mikhail Vatanin, left his post. Prigozhin Sr. took Vtanin on the recommendation of a former employee of the Russian Presidential Administration Alexander Smirnov, and soon after that the plane carrying the leader of the Wagner PMC crashed. Vatanin had and still has a strong influence on Pavel Prigozhin, but sources say that the “crown” puts a lot of pressure on the young man’s head and it is becoming increasingly difficult to work with him.

“As soon as Vatanin headed the Security Service, a former Security Service employee, Pasha Nemets, rushed to see Yevgeny Prigozhin. The German told Prigozhin about the distribution of funds behind his back and he gave the command to look into it. OSO (Security Brigade) officers were involved. This situation happened before the eyes of the Prince (Pavel Prigogine) and naturally somehow settled in his fragile brain, which was also under pressure from the crown. Just at that moment the plane fell. The king is dead, long live the king! Prigozhin Jr. decides that it is necessary to kill the “rats” fed by his late father, and begins, so to speak, to “borscht” in communication with his subordinates, giving the go-ahead to punish everyone he can. Vatanin, despite all his influence on Pavel, could not do anything with this style of communication and Pavel’s habits. Therefore, he chose to go into the shadows and resigned from his position as head of the Security Service. The new head of the Security Service was chosen from former employees and, on the orders of the Prince, is now beginning some kind of total cleansing of the environment. Time will tell what this will lead to...,” said a source from the Cheka-OGPU.

Rucriminal.info found out the criminal path of Mikhail Vatanin, who eventually became an adviser to Yevgeny Prigozhin, and then the curator of his son Pavel. It turns out that for many years the policeman maintained the empire of his former colleague, ex-Ministry of Internal Affairs major and billionaire Sergei Amelin, whose money disappeared without a trace after his death.
In St. Petersburg, Sergei Amelin is primarily known as the ex-president of the St. Petersburg football club Dynamo, which he headed from 2000 to 2003. His construction company Stroyimpuls was the main shareholder of FC, the company worked on government orders from the Federal Tax Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and the Ministry of Defense. Then Amelin said that his partners, most of whom wear shoulder straps, are involved in the entire business process. The same Vatanin, being an active employee, was listed as a co-founder of STROIMPULS DSK-3 LLC.

“I have a lot of helpers. And everyone knows what to do."
Amelin left sports after he supported Valentina Matvienko’s rival, his friend Anna Markova, in the elections for governor of St. Petersburg in 2003. Searches were immediately carried out at the Stroyimpuls office; the company lost some government orders, but retained the title of main contractor for the improvement of the Ministry of Defense. Vladimir Barsukov-Kumarin, who was also not particularly enthusiastic about “Aunt Valya,” helped with this. At the same time, the leader of the Taganskaya organized crime group was already working with Prigozhin - they were united by their prison past and the St. Petersburg showdown of the 90s. So, at the instigation of the “night governor,” Povar became the curator of a construction empire in the defense industry and, together with Amelin, began to earn money through Oboronservis, and after Barsukov-Kumarin was imprisoned, he took over this business for himself.
When Serdyukov’s case was actively developed, it turned out that Oboronservis’ money had been going offshore through duplicate companies all this time. The network of such shell companies was controlled by a group of lawyers together with an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Mikhail Vatanin. In January 2013, in the midst of the investigation, Amelin suddenly died of a heart attack, and the process of bankruptcy of Stroyimpuls immediately began on the initiative of the Main Directorate for the Arrangement of Troops. The military is understandable - the company owes them about 11 billion. Where they ended up is still not clear. The same Anna Markova played an interesting role in its repayment - being a lawyer, she became the manager of the property of the late Sergei Amelin. However, as is already known, Yevgeny Prigozhin has since taken over the maintenance of the Ministry of Defense.
To be continued
Timofey Grishin
Source: www,rucriminal.info
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