On August 23, a private plane was blown up, in which the leader of the mercenaries from the Wagner PMC, Yevgeny Prigozhin, and his closest associates, Dmitry Utkin and Yevgeny Chekalov, could be. Chronicle of events on the site Rucriminal.info from the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU.
A VChK-OGPU source reports that during the flight of Prigozhin's plane, two explosions sounded in the sky.
“There were two explosions in the sky. The wing and stabilizer fell at the Kuzhenkino station, and the fuselage and wing fell on the village of Kuzhenkino, two kilometers from the former farm. Initially, a version arose that Prigozhin's plane was shot down by two S-300 missiles. S300PS stands nearby.

Prigogine's jet was flying over the Tver region in upper airspace and was not in touch with the local flight control center. Jet did not communicate with the Tver services in any way and did not give any signals, all control came from Moscow. The head of the department learned about the emergency only when employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations arrived at the scene and "from the ground" confirmed the discovery of the crash. The explosion on board occurred not far from Putin's residence in Valdai and directly above the missile storage depots of military unit 554443, which is guarded by air defense.

At 18:20 a card came that Prigozhin's board had disappeared from the radar.
18:32 - the plane exploded in the sky. There were two explosions. The wing and stabilizer fell at the Kuzhenkino station, and the fuselage fell on the village of Kuzhenkino, two kilometers from the former farm.

A source working on the spot told the Cheka-OGPU what Prigozhin's crashed plane looked like.

“The infrastructure was not damaged, the tail fell off in one settlement, everything else in another. The wing also fell off, we don’t know yet what and where.
Three people, pilots, are torn to pieces, to pieces. The rest are in the tail section. Four bodies were “picked open”, and then it is still not clear. The plane burned out completely. Only the frontal part, windows and a piece of hardware remained, and a piece of the engine is lying on one wing. Everything else burned out. There is no other wing with an engine.”
An eyewitness confirmed to the Cheka-OGPU that before the crash of Prigozhin's plane, two explosions sounded in the sky, similar to rocket fire.
“Two shots. When I heard the first explosion, I just raised my head and watched the sparks fly.
The first "exhaust" (pop), it began to smoke a second time, when there was already an explosion, apparently, the engine had already begun to explode. And I see that it flies with such propellers, barrels. And as soon as he ran and he fell.
A special lamp was placed in the field, the inspection of the crash site of Prigozhin's jet continues
Prigogine had something to fear.
A VChK-OGPU source said that Prigozhin's hasty departure to Africa and his rapid return were due to the fact that under the leadership of the Deputy Head of the GRU - Head of the Special Activities Service Andrei Averyanov, a set of measures was being developed to completely replace the Wagner PMC contingent in Africa. It was planned to create and train an army corps of more than 20 thousand people. Prigogine was extremely opposed to this and made every effort to prevent it.
Andrey Averyanov is known for such GRU operations as the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury, the explosion at a warehouse in Vrbetica in the Czech Republic, and the poisoning of the Bulgarian arms dealer Yemelyan Gebrev.
Later, a version arose that the plane was not shot down by air defense, but it burst into the air. The first was an IED explosion on board the aircraft. And the second - the engine has already exploded.
The topic of the bomb on board Prigozhin's plane was promoted more and more actively. Allegedly, evidence appeared that at the very last moment a certain gift in the form of a box of expensive wine was loaded on board. And now they are working out the version that there could be a bomb in this box. The plane itself (before loading the box) was carefully examined, including with dogs.
Rosaviatsia announced the list of passengers of the Embraer - 135 (EBM-135BJ) aircraft:
Propustin Sergey
Makaryan Evgeniy
Totmin Alexander
Chekalov Valeriy
Utkin Dmitry
Matuseev Nikolay
Prigozhin Evgeniy
Crew members:
Levshin Aleksei, commander;
Karimov Rustam, co-pilot;
Raspopova Kristina, flight attendant.
Among the dead was another deputy Prigozhin for PMC Wagner Valery Chekalov, who, among other things, was responsible for the work of the security service. Prigozhin's "right hand" Dmitry Utkin also died.
One of the law enforcement officers who is at the crash site of Prigozhin's plane described the crash site as follows: "Several corpses without heads, inside, away from the cockpit, dust from the bodies."
A source of the Cheka-OGPU reports that the stewardess of the crashed plane is the sister of the deputy prosecutor of one of the cities of the Chelyabinsk region. He explained that Kristina Raspopova (pictured in the same jet that was blown up today) flew to Moscow a couple of days ago, where she was waiting for a flight to St. Petersburg. Yesterday, on Wednesday, they called up and the woman said that the team was waiting for an important call, they say, to fly "today or tomorrow." In addition, according to the flight attendant, the plane was being repaired before departure.
Relatives of the flight attendant Prigogine Kristin oh Raspopova, with reference to the words of the girl, spoke about strange manipulations with the plane before the last flight. It was taken away for some short-term and incomprehensible repairs.
As the Dossier Center found out, the passengers of Prigozhin’s plane are two of his closest associates and veterans of the Wagner campaign in Syria.
The Federal Air Transport Agency has published a list of passengers who were allegedly on board the crashed plane of Yevgeny Prigozhin. We found out who they were.
Valery Chekalov is one of the Concorde managers closest to Prigogine. He oversaw all of Prigozhin's "civilian" projects abroad and was responsible for the logistical support of the Wagner group. It was Chekalov who headed Neva JSC, the founder of Euro Polis LLC, to which all Syrian and African projects were tied
Dmitry Utkin. Prigozhin's right hand in the Wagner PMC. Responsible for command and combat training.
Yevgeny Makaryan, call sign "Makar". Former precinct. He joined Wagner in March 2016. He was part of the fourth Wagner assault detachment in Syria, which came under fire from American aircraft near Khsham in January 2017.
Sergey Propustin, call sign "Kedr", ensign. He joined Wagner in March 2015. He fought in the second reconnaissance and assault detachment. Prigozhin recruited many personal guards from there.
Alexander Totmin, callsign "Tot".
Nikolay Matuseev. We could not find a person with that name on the Wagner lists. But there is Nikolai Matusevich. At Wagner since January 2017. He served as a shooter in the fourth assault detachment in Syria.
Meanwhile, Prigozhin's wife Lyubov continues her long-planned vacation in India, says a Dossier source familiar with the family.
We do not know whether the information about the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin and Dmitry Utkin can be trusted. But if it is confirmed, it will mean that fewer and fewer people remain alive who are familiar with the circumstances of the murder of Russian journalists in the Central African Republic in 2019. We appeal to the employees of Prigozhin's "Company": if you know any details of the crime in the Central African Republic, contact the "Dossier" Center and tell your story. We will not be in debt.
A source of the Cheka-OGPU said that only in the morning did the inspection of the crash site of Prigozhin's plane and the bodies of the dead begin. There are two reasons. First, the explosives worked. Secondly, they were waiting for the arrival of employees of the Central Administration of the FSB and the TFR from Moscow. Now work has begun. After examining the remains, they will be taken to the morgue in Tver, where an identification attempt will be made in the morning. For the official identification of most of the remains, a DNA procedure will be required.
Source: www.rucriminal.info
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