Kirill Babaev, affiliated with the A1 group, who was appointed director of the Institute of China and Modern Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences by the Ministry of Education and Science, told the Xinhua news agency that the first laboratory in Russia to study the ideas of Chinese President Xi Jinping was created at IKSA. According to the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU, the next step is a trip to China in order to get funding from our main strategic partner to study the brilliant ideas of General Secretary Xi. And let them just try to refuse!
Turning an academic institute into a branch of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is good future-oriented business, for the Russian masses are suffering without Xi's ideas. And in response, China will open a laboratory to study the ideas of President Vladimir Putin. Russian with Chinese - bonds forever. And why else is the RAS needed?
The story of the creation at the Institute of China and Modern Asia (ICSA) under the leadership of Babaev of the Laboratory for the Study of Xi Jinping’s Ideas, which was covered at the Cheka-OGPU on June 22, caused a strong reaction from Russians, sinologists with comments: from “everyone roared in unison about the opening of the Laboratory for ideas of Xi" - to "now there is no doubt under whom the Great Superpower Russia fell". And then: why does modern Russia need "socialism with Chinese characteristics"? Have your Marxist-Leninist ideas dried up? It smacks of ideological sabotage! But people who worked with Babaev say otherwise. The Institute of Oriental Studies (IV) has an opinion about Babaev: he is an adventurer who unsuccessfully tried to cling to the budget of the IV. They remember how he boasted of his knowledge of 12 languages, but when the time came for negotiations, he needed an interpreter. Having taken off from IV and, thanks to patrons, having landed at IKSA as a director, he began to move from the granite of science to the rails of commerce. As they already say in IKSA, Babaev is a narcissistic person, a manager, he is exclusively engaged in self-PR and building a near-scientific business. Articles, reports, interviews are written for him, and he runs around officials, businessmen, negotiates and fools everyone with some kind of success. The transformation of a single temple of science into a stall selling scientific statuses is already a reality in IKSA: they hide from the SVO in paid graduate school, they write articles, dissertations, etc. Perhaps this is the meaning of the “RAS reform” begun by Livanov, Fursenko and etc. in 2013: it's just business. It's funny that on the part of wise China there are no frank assessments of the new business project of ICSA to create a laboratory for studying Xi's ideas. And to a request from TASS, the answer was: “China welcomes interaction with research centers of all countries, including the Russian Federation, and maintaining contacts regarding [Xi Jinping’s] ideas.” However, the Chinese Foreign Ministry did not say how much money China is ready to pay off IKSA for spreading Xi's ideas in Russia. And he didn’t tell, Alaverdy, how much Putin’s ideas are in demand in the Celestial Empire. IKSA has repeatedly attracted the attention of law enforcement officers regarding the development of the budget, but the Ministry of Education and Science continues to notice nothing in its summation for a year, they say, everything is going according to plan.
Mikhail Ermakov
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