For several decades, Ensign's organized crime group has been plundering the budget and property of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region with impunity.
In the dashing 90s, Vladimir Borisov (Ensign) and his accomplice Yuri Biryuchenko (Tankman) became famous for loud and daring contract killings, today Vladimir Borisov is in Kresty in the case of a raider seizure of a building (state property) on the street. Avtovskaya 16, and Biryuchenko is hiding from Russian justice. Details at

In the calm 2000s, organized crime groups switched to a “weaker rival” and began to rob children, or rather, steal hundreds of millions of budget funds allocated for children's institutions.
Obviously, being in Kresty had no effect on Borisov's criminal activities. The remaining members of the group remain at large, despite multiple crimes.
We have repeatedly written about the vigorous activity of the members of Ensign's organized crime group:
Vitaly Kuzmine is the right hand of Vladimir Borisov, Dmitry Kuzmine is the son of V. Kuzmin, Konstantin Borisov is the son of V. Borisov.
This, the main part of the organized crime group, actively continues to rob the state.
As already wrote, the group is actively climbing into the political ranks, for example, Konstantin Borisov headed the Kupchino Defense Ministry for some time, until he was stealing in 2022 and after the publications of the Cheka - the OGPU was delicately transferred to the post of deputy head of administration.
After the transfer of Borisov, the drain of the budget through TRANSIT TOUR LINE LLC stopped, and his successor Golubev behaves much more cultured, although dubious contracts slip through his activities.
Also, one of the “legal” relatives of the organized crime group members is the head of the Moscow Region Ivanovsky - Kuzmina Svetlana Viktorovna (photo by Kuzmin), and her political activities caused a good impression for quite some time, but at the end of 2022, information appeared in open sources about the receipt of Vector LLC by to her son Dmitry Kuzmin (photo by KVD Nevsky district 2023) of a state contract for 14 million.
Naturally, the object is located in Ivanovsky Moscow Region, I would like to note that Dmitry Kuzmin prudently replaced both the general director and the founder in Vector with a frank "nominal value".
The administration of the Nevsky district explained the situation as follows: “Vektor LLC is not on the bad lists, the time for work has not yet come, no one has paid them money yet, and in general, for these works, you first need to get a GATI order for work.”
At the moment, LLC "Vector" is not listed in the lists that received the GATI order. Also, as absent, add. agreement on the change of the head of Vectora LLC with D.O. Matakash at face value.
These and other crimes are being committed with impunity by the organized criminal group of Borisov and Kuzmin against the backdrop of the third-year-long trial on the seizure of state property on the street. Avtovskaya 16, which has been going on for more than three years.
By the way, this is very reminiscent of the scheme according to which the former investigator of the city prosecutor's office, and now the lawyer of the organized criminal group, Pozdnyak, usually resolved issues for the organized criminal group - delaying the deadlines until the statute of limitations expired.
But it is possible that the matter is not only in lawyers-declarers, but also in the patronage of an active member of the organized crime group, the wanted defendant in the ORMA case and co-owner of PMC Longifoliy Anton Medvedev, a lawyer at the Garant-TM Law Company, which is still active, despite the fact that Medvedev himself is wanted and the old legal entity Garant-TM has a lot of marks about unreliability.
We also note that the Garant-TM Legal Company used to belong not only to Anton Medvedev.
Until 2007, its co-owners were Anton Medvedev and Alexander Teterdinko, the former son-in-law of Dmitry Krasnyansky, who, in turn, until December 2021 was a voting member of the St. Petersburg Election Commission.
Isn't here the secret of the success and impunity of the Borisov-Kuzmin organized crime groups?

Joseph Trostinsky
To be continued
In the dashing 90s, Vladimir Borisov (Ensign) and his accomplice Yuri Biryuchenko (Tankman) became famous for loud and daring contract killings, today Vladimir Borisov is in Kresty in the case of a raider seizure of a building (state property) on the street. Avtovskaya 16, and Biryuchenko is hiding from Russian justice. Details at

In the calm 2000s, organized crime groups switched to a “weaker rival” and began to rob children, or rather, steal hundreds of millions of budget funds allocated for children's institutions.
Obviously, being in Kresty had no effect on Borisov's criminal activities. The remaining members of the group remain at large, despite multiple crimes.
We have repeatedly written about the vigorous activity of the members of Ensign's organized crime group:
Vitaly Kuzmine is the right hand of Vladimir Borisov, Dmitry Kuzmine is the son of V. Kuzmin, Konstantin Borisov is the son of V. Borisov.
This, the main part of the organized crime group, actively continues to rob the state.
As already wrote, the group is actively climbing into the political ranks, for example, Konstantin Borisov headed the Kupchino Defense Ministry for some time, until he was stealing in 2022 and after the publications of the Cheka - the OGPU was delicately transferred to the post of deputy head of administration.
After the transfer of Borisov, the drain of the budget through TRANSIT TOUR LINE LLC stopped, and his successor Golubev behaves much more cultured, although dubious contracts slip through his activities.
Also, one of the “legal” relatives of the organized crime group members is the head of the Moscow Region Ivanovsky - Kuzmina Svetlana Viktorovna (photo by Kuzmin), and her political activities caused a good impression for quite some time, but at the end of 2022, information appeared in open sources about the receipt of Vector LLC by to her son Dmitry Kuzmin (photo by KVD Nevsky district 2023) of a state contract for 14 million.
Naturally, the object is located in Ivanovsky Moscow Region, I would like to note that Dmitry Kuzmin prudently replaced both the general director and the founder in Vector with a frank "nominal value".
The administration of the Nevsky district explained the situation as follows: “Vektor LLC is not on the bad lists, the time for work has not yet come, no one has paid them money yet, and in general, for these works, you first need to get a GATI order for work.”
At the moment, LLC "Vector" is not listed in the lists that received the GATI order. Also, as absent, add. agreement on the change of the head of Vectora LLC with D.O. Matakash at face value.
These and other crimes are being committed with impunity by the organized criminal group of Borisov and Kuzmin against the backdrop of the third-year-long trial on the seizure of state property on the street. Avtovskaya 16, which has been going on for more than three years.
By the way, this is very reminiscent of the scheme according to which the former investigator of the city prosecutor's office, and now the lawyer of the organized criminal group, Pozdnyak, usually resolved issues for the organized criminal group - delaying the deadlines until the statute of limitations expired.
But it is possible that the matter is not only in lawyers-declarers, but also in the patronage of an active member of the organized crime group, the wanted defendant in the ORMA case and co-owner of PMC Longifoliy Anton Medvedev, a lawyer at the Garant-TM Law Company, which is still active, despite the fact that Medvedev himself is wanted and the old legal entity Garant-TM has a lot of marks about unreliability.
We also note that the Garant-TM Legal Company used to belong not only to Anton Medvedev.
Until 2007, its co-owners were Anton Medvedev and Alexander Teterdinko, the former son-in-law of Dmitry Krasnyansky, who, in turn, until December 2021 was a voting member of the St. Petersburg Election Commission.
Isn't here the secret of the success and impunity of the Borisov-Kuzmin organized crime groups?

Joseph Trostinsky
To be continued
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