Three beds in the basement and 1.5 billion from the budget

At the end of 2017, an unknown LLC Medical Center "Harmony" appeared on the medical services market, registered in the city of Mytishchi, Moscow Region, at ul. Kolontsova, 10, in the old administrative building of the industrial zone. With zero equipment inside. At the time of opening, LLC MC "Harmony" from the staff included: General Director Smaznova Evgenia Borisovna, two doctors, Beznosenko and Matsievich and Deputy Chief Physician for Economic Affairs, she is also a 100% founder, Shub Nadezhda Anatolyevna.
As found out, in the very first month of its work, Harmony made a turnover of more than 30,000,000 rubles. The next month, the revenue was already 50,000,000 rubles. Then 100 million, 150 million. This went on all year. The income of the medical organization, which was located in a small one-story building, in the very backyards of the city of Mytishchi, in which four people worked, reached, just think about this figure - 1.5 billion rubles. Moreover, all the money came to Harmony from the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Moscow Region.
Leading medical centers of the country, multidisciplinary hospitals, federal institutions, have a lower income. And here for the year 1.5 billion and only from the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Moscow Region. What was it that attracted patients to MC “Harmony” LLC so much that they were “stretched” by an endless stream to be treated in Mytishchi? Moreover, only patients with hepatitis C were drawn to Harmony. But what. The name of this "success" is Bogomolov Pavel Olegovich, an inconspicuous general practitioner from the MONIKI named after. Vladimirsky, the chief hepatologist of the Moscow region, but with a great desire for money and fame. Bogomolov, being a smart man, even a genius in his own way, decided that everything new is a well-forgotten old. In the early 90s in the United States, there was a high-profile criminal case against emigre doctors from the USSR who deceived gullible American insurance companies with fake insurance claims. Having lured, in the same way, they have hundreds of millions of dollars. For a long time, Americans could not understand how patients could be treated by a family doctor (analogous to our clinic) for hundreds of thousands of dollars a month. And then they decided to arrange a thorough check. They hooked up the FBI and found out that all the treatment consisted of processing medical documents and bills for payment. At first, it could not even occur to them that it was possible to issue a medical card without a patient. But the fact that America has already passed the stage, for us a new series of pulp fiction.
Bogomolov decided, without further ado, to use the American scheme, because it was simple, inexpensive and very effective, and if successful, promised fabulous money. Everything is built on the defects of our legislation on compulsory health insurance, as well as the presumption of good faith of participants in civil transactions and the CHI system.
To implement the scheme, Bogomolov needed several conditions:
1. We need a medical organization with a license, a general director, doctors and an owner, who, if something happens, is not a pity.
2. We need a day therapeutic hospital. Two or three beds are enough. It is not the quantity that is important, but simply that it is, at least on paper.
3. The doctor-therapist's office, equipped with a table, a chair and a computer connected to the data transmission system to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.
4. Data of patients with hepatitis C: full name, year of birth, address, policy number. As you understand, being the chief hepatologist of the Moscow region (a doctor who treats the liver), it was not difficult for Bogomolov to get these data.
All conditions have been created. The premises are rented. Three berths purchased and delivered. The therapist's office is equipped with a table, chair and computer. It remains only to create a flow of patients. Where did he come from. From various sources. For example, from the Shchelkovo Hepatological Center, which closed in 2016, and Bogomolov's wife was the director there. From there, Bogomolov simply took the database of patients with hepatitis C. From regional polyclinics, where doctors were paid 5,000 rubles in an envelope for each allegedly referred patient with hepatitis C, but in fact simply for personal data. From patient organizations, etc.
Further everything is simple. According to a source, a medical record was created with the patient’s personal data and a story was created that this patient, every day, comes to be treated at a day hospital, where he receives a magic antiviral pill for hepatitis C, and so for a whole month, every day, one tablet, and then an account from 350 thousand to 1 million rubles went to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. The fund received an invoice, looked at medical documents and was forced to pay. Well, just like in America. But if the Americans “treated” various diseases, then Bogomolov “treated” only hepatitis C. Perhaps because he was not strong in the “treatment” of other diseases, or maybe because the cost of treating hepatitis C in a day hospital is very expensive and cannot be verification.
At first, the Fund meekly paid the bills. But then, seeing how the insurance stock, from which medical care is paid, is melting, he began sound the alarm. Payments to Harmony decreased, payment denials began. Then such organizations as the Center for Targeted Therapy, MAIR, JSC GK OMS, Universal, MK Caring Doctor, Polyclinic No. 1, Polyclinic No. 3, Regional Hepatological Center, Evidence-Based Medicine Support Fund, Ferer LLC, were born, which began to shake like a pear not only the Moscow Region Fund, but also the Moscow Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, and almost 8 billion rubles were shaken out of them from 2017 to 2022.
But as they say, no matter how long the rope is, the end will come. Just as in America, law enforcement officers intervened in Russia, opened a criminal case No. 11901460023000975, General Director of Harmony Smaznova Evgenia Borisovna and Deputy Chief Physician Shub Nadezhda Anatolyevna were arrested. In America, this is where the story ends. There, very quickly, the perpetrators received solid terms and the scheme was covered up. But Russia has its own way. Even if there is a criminal case, someone was sent under arrest, this is not a reason to refuse big money, because the criminal case can be closed, and the perpetrators can be released. In Russia, there are many ways to do this.
Now the criminal case against Smaznova E.B. and Shub N.A. is investigating the SC of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region. Bogomolov P.O. passes in the case as a witness, the investigation does not have enough evidence to charge him. Smaznova and Shub do not want to hand over Bogomolov, because he pays them for silence. Also in the case are suspected witnesses: Kurpilyanskaya E.N., Dementieva E.A., Oprishchenko D.S., Kurko N.I. and other directors of the so-called Bogomolovsky clinics.
At first, Bogomolov tried to close the case, as they say on the forehead, through his friend Kirill Kabanov, it didn’t work out. It turned out only to delay the investigation for three years and release Smaznova and Shub from arrest. But the matter remains as it was, and, accordingly, the threat to Bogomolov and his entire criminal empire remains. Then Bogomolov decided to go from the other side, he connected “honest” lawyers to the solution of the issue, namely: the EDAS law office and the MOVE bar association, in particular, lawyers Pavel Vasilievich Zaitsev, Anton Valerievich Yarmak, who had a reputation in Moscow. They offered him a purely Russian scheme. If it is impossible to close the case in the SC of the Main Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Moscow Region, it is necessary to create some kind of prejudicial fact in another criminal case so that the case in the SC of the Main Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs simply falls apart. No sooner said than done. An operation plan has been developed. In 2021, the Investigative Committee of Russia initiates a criminal case against one of the key witnesses for the prosecution, Mezhenkov Yury Eduardovich, under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, allegedly Mezhenkov Yu.E. wanted to steal from this very OOO MC "Harmony" the money "honestly" earned by her. The case begins to be investigated by the senior investigator of the Ostankino MRSO of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for Moscow, Senior Lieutenant of Justice Elena Vadimovna Barkova, and the head of the MRSO V.Yu. Nekrasov supervises her actions. and his deputy Sotnikov. Mezhenkova Yu.E. as usual sent under arrest. In this, repeatedly, in the best traditions of the indifference of domestic justice, the judge of the Ostankino court, Vavilova E.V., proved herself, who, conferring with herself in the deliberation room for 3 minutes, sent Mezhenkov Yu.E. under arrest. And here the most interesting begins further. Investigator E.V. Barkova goes to the SC GSU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and asks to let her get acquainted with the criminal case of Smaznova and Shub. He carefully photographs everything, the testimony of all witnesses, the conclusions of the investigation, draws up a protocol and transfers it all to the case of Mezhenkov Yu.E., i.e. to yourself in the MRSO. More Barkova E.V. interrogates Mezhenkov Yu.E. about the circumstances of the case in the SC GSU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, highlights this in a separate material and issues a refusal to initiate a criminal case against Smaznova E.B., Shub N.A., Kurpilyanskaya E.N., Oprishchenko D.S., Kurko N.I. ., as if forgetting that Smaznova and Shub are already defendants in the case, which is being investigated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Kurpilyanskaya E.N., Oprishchenko D.S., Kurko N.I. should join them soon. Barkova E.V. keeps her decision secret to the last, so that no one can appeal it. After all, according to the law, the selected material, the investigator Barkova had to send to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and not keep it.
What do we have now? As they say in Odessa, we have a minuscule with four aces. The case in the SC GSU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region about multi-billion embezzlement from the CHI Funds can now be investigated as much as you like, it no longer has any judicial prospects. Bogomolov can sleep peacefully. Indeed, in the case of Mezhenkov Yu.E. lies and waits in the wings, no one appealed against the rejected material, and even if the Harmony case goes to court, the verdict will be acquittal, because in accordance with paragraph 5 of part 1 of Art. 27 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, criminal prosecution is terminated if there is an unrepealed decision of the body of inquiry, investigator or prosecutor in relation to the suspect or accused to terminate the criminal case on the same charge or to refuse to initiate criminal proceedings.
Just a little left to do to finally put an end to the Harmony case, it is necessary to condemn Mezhenkov Yu.E., then the refusal decision issued by the investigator Barkova E.V. will become an unshakable pre-judicial fact and it will simply be impossible to cancel it. That is why the case of Yu.E. Mezhenkov, bypassing all the rules on jurisdiction, quickly got to the Ostankino court. To whom do you think? Right. To judge Vavilova E.V., in order to quickly write a guilty verdict to Mezhenkov and finally create comfortable conditions for Bogomolov for further theft of money from the Funds. I really want this article to be read from the internal security service of the Investigative Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and finally draw conclusions about the purity of their ranks.
I would also like to know when the competent authorities will seriously deal with Bogomolov Pavel Olegovich and his entire criminal community, they will begin to investigate not only old, but also new episodes of theft. In the end, they will stop the theft of money, without waiting until the system of compulsory medical insurance in the Moscow region and Moscow collapses, smashing the remnants of our healthcare to smithereens. Why Bogomolov P.O. still holds a position in state structures of the Moscow region and where the leadership of the region and the regional Ministry of Health are looking. When measures are taken, not only to expose the perpetrators, but also to search for the stolen billions, which the country really needs in this difficult time.

To be continued
Timofey Grishin