In a new investigation by Rucriminal.info, we will talk about the work of the Capital Construction Department of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR). It's time to talk about the situation in the UKS RUDN University. For the information of those who do not know yet, the department of the UKS in PFUR is headed by the Vice-Rector for Capital Construction - Gorovater Boris Gennadievich and the Head of the Capital Construction Department Andrey Andreevich Naida. Gorovater is a businessman-philanthropist who (according to him) has great connections in the FSB, in the prosecutor's office of the South-Western Administrative District, and the investigative committee ..
According to the President of RUDN Filippov V.M. Boris' father is a colonel-general of the FSB and "everything is possible for him."

If you look at the work of the UKS from the outside, then an ordinary person (a specialist or just an average person) will not notice anything strange. It would seem that systematic work is underway to develop funds for the overhaul or reconstruction of RUDN facilities - an activity similar to the activities of ordinary construction organizations. But some employees and specialists of the Department of Capital Construction and other services of the University, as well as specialists of contracting organizations who are in constant contact with the UKS, notice and see something different in the activities of the aforementioned Department ...
Many people know that all repairs or reconstruction are planned from the current situation, i.e. an overdue situation in terms of the technical condition of an object, or the need for reconstruction in terms of the development of the organization. As a rule, at the same time, design estimates for repair or reconstruction are developed, or defective repair sheets are drawn up, a commission inspection of objects is carried out, acts of the technical condition of objects are drawn up and signed on commission. On the basis of these materials, as a rule, estimate documentation is developed and approved. In the UKS, everything happens exactly the opposite...
First, the amount of money allocated from the University's off-budget fund is planned in advance, and I dare say that from 1.0 to 1.5 billion rubles are allocated annually.
Then, after receiving a directive on the amount of capital investments for the planned year, the UKS sends a request to all departments of the University to receive applications for repair work in the planned year. In this situation, as a rule, these applications are prepared by non-specialists and often amateurs in the repair business. Applications to the UKS from departments are biased, i.e. according to the principle “We also need” or “We want”. Such applications are not documented and not supported by the need for repairs. Of course, from the UKS, specialists from the technical supervision service are sent to each facility to check, examine and draw up defective statements (one person for several facilities, in total 5-6 people for more than 100 facilities). And "it galloped across Europe!" - there are many objects - all divisions of the University.
For a minute! You just need to imagine how one specialist (whether he be a child prodigy!) for two or three weeks (at other times, technical supervision specialists are busy performing their direct duties), will be able to objectively examine a dozen or more objects, and correctly prepare defective statements with the scope of work? ! Therefore, defective statements are drawn up by eye, with approximate amounts of work, and an estimate is already being developed for it, which is also not objective and incorrect. Most importantly, the management of the UKS needs estimates to confirm the costs when approving the RUDN University budget for the planned year. Then, during the year, the most "interesting" expensive objects are selected, as well as objects that must be repaired according to complaints received during the Rector's tour of the University departments. Well, then, competitions (tenders) are played out, a Contractor is selected, etc. By the way, Contractors are selected according to the principle invented in the UKS “pre-qualification”, which was “won in the preliminary competitive selection” by affiliated contractors, under which such selection criteria were prescribed that other contractors have nothing to do in RUDN University - LLC “Sphere”, LLC “ STK-Grad, OK-Design LLC, Istok-Stroy LLC, Rekstar LLC, RSD LLC, Vesta LLC. Funds from “not interesting” objects are collected in a separate reserve and used throughout the year to pay for various additional agreements with Contractors - it could not be otherwise, because defective statements and estimates were not executed correctly and objectively, and in fact can be changed so, as you like "interested" persons in the UKS.
Two and a half years ago, a design group worked at RUDN University as part of the Chief Engineer Service (CGI), which developed projects for major and current repairs, as well as for some reconstructed facilities. But with the advent of Horowater B.G. and his team this group was successfully eliminated. Previously the cost of maintaining the project team amounted to about one million rubles a year, and this was very beneficial for RUDN University. Currently, UKS orders project documentation on the side and pays tens or even hundreds of millions a year for projects for the repair and reconstruction of RUDN University facilities. As for the choice of design companies, these are also affiliated companies - Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education NRU MGSU, Maltsev Design Bureau LLC, RSO-Project Center LLC, Helios-M LLC, Euro Project LLC. There is no need to talk about the quality of project documentation. Lots of flaws.
For example, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "NRU MGSU" carried out a survey and development of project documentation for the overhaul of a 16-storey dormitory building No. 11. The amount of work in the project was laid out "sky-high", not corresponding to reality - as much as 450 million rubles, planned under the state budget! However, the state expertise approved the estimated cost of 360 million rubles. The difference in the cost of overhaul according to the project and according to the conclusion of Glavgosexpertiza leads to certain reflections.
Another example: the design company Helios-M LLC completed the revision of the existing design documentation (it has a positive conclusion from the state examination!) for the existing data center building. The cost of design and survey work for finalizing an already built facility was determined as the cost of developing a project for new construction, as they say "in the open field" in the amount of 10.0 million rubles. Although in fact, the refinement project is only a gas storage device and minor changes in technology. It is not difficult to determine that the cost of such a refinement of an existing project should be lower by an order of magnitude. As you can see, there are just postscripts on the face and possibly a crime!
The same claims in terms of determining the cost of design work can be presented to other above-mentioned design companies. With everything, at the same time, the head of the UKS Naida A.A. boldly signs the Acts of completed work, and RUDN University pays for these works. In our opinion, law enforcement and supervisory authorities have where and what to "look at".
All estimates in RUDN University are developed in Federal Unit Rates (FERs). In the prices (FER), as a rule, there are material resources (the cost of materials). Given that the material resources indicated in the prices (FER), as a rule, are lower than the actual market ones, when drawing up estimates, a conjectural analysis of market prices for materials is used. How is the conjectural analysis of market prices for materials carried out in the UKS? And so: - all commercial proposals for the supply of materials are prepared by the contractors themselves (this is how it is in the UKS!). In case of conjectural analysis, there must be at least 3 commercial offers for the supply of a group or one type of materials. All real commercial proposals from suppliers are accepted as the lowest in terms of cost in the market analysis, while the other two proposals with a higher cost are simply “drawn”. The average price for the material of the three CPs, which is beneficial for the UKS and the Contractor, is included in the estimate. Thus, when paying for the work to the contractor, a certain “delta” is formed, which is then distributed among the interested parties ... The above also suggests the legality of the actions of the management of the UKS in the formation of the estimated cost.
In 2022, the main objects that are significant in monetary terms are the following:
- overhaul of the halls of the main building - Contractor STK-Grad LLC, more than 164 million rubles were spent
- organization of co-working on the 1st floor of the main building - the contractor LLC "Istok-Stroy", more than 90 million rubles were spent
- overhaul of the hostel building No. 11 - Contractor LLC "Sphere", more than 360 million rubles were spent
- overhaul of the conference hall of the Faculty of Economics - Contractor OOO "STK-Grad". The final cost of the object is unknown. It is assumed that it will be determined by the actual costs incurred in December 2022. The tender for construction and installation works is also planned to be announced only in December 2022. The question arises? On what basis did the contractor LLC "STK-Grad" work and work without tender procedures?
- overhaul of the premises of the EHF building with the organization of a canteen and co-working for students Contractor Rekstar LLC. The final cost of the object is unknown. It is assumed that it will be determined by the actual costs incurred in December 2022-January 2023. The tender for construction and installation works is also planned to be announced only in December 2022. The question arises? On what basis did the contractor Rekstar LLC work and work without tender procedures?
Control and supervisory authorities also have something to pay attention to when studying the process of preparation and construction of the above facilities.
As a source told Rucriminal.info, who attended the meetings held by the Vice-Rector for Capital Construction Gorovater B.G., he will be able to admire the clownery, or the theater of one actor...
- overhaul of the halls of the main building - Contractor STK-Grad LLC, more than 164 million rubles were spent
- organization of co-working on the 1st floor of the main building - the contractor LLC "Istok-Stroy", more than 90 million rubles were spent
- overhaul of the hostel building No. 11 - Contractor LLC "Sphere", more than 360 million rubles were spent
- overhaul of the conference hall of the Faculty of Economics - Contractor OOO "STK-Grad". The final cost of the object is unknown. It is assumed that it will be determined by the actual costs incurred in December 2022. The tender for construction and installation works is also planned to be announced only in December 2022. The question arises? On what basis did the contractor LLC "STK-Grad" work and work without tender procedures?
- overhaul of the premises of the EHF building with the organization of a canteen and co-working for students Contractor Rekstar LLC. The final cost of the object is unknown. It is assumed that it will be determined by the actual costs incurred in December 2022-January 2023. The tender for construction and installation works is also planned to be announced only in December 2022. The question arises? On what basis did the contractor Rekstar LLC work and work without tender procedures?
Control and supervisory authorities also have something to pay attention to when studying the process of preparation and construction of the above facilities.
As a source told Rucriminal.info, who attended the meetings held by the Vice-Rector for Capital Construction Gorovater B.G., he will be able to admire the clownery, or the theater of one actor...
All meetings on the course of overhaul or reconstruction of facilities are held either with the participation of UKS employees, or UKS employees, Contractors and invited representatives of the Operations Services.
And so about the meetings:
The time spent for meetings during one working day is approximately 2 to 5 hours - DAILY!!! The same specialists of the UKS participate in the meeting, only those invited to the meeting change. It is surprising when the specialists of the UKS manage to fulfill their immediate official duties?
At the meeting, as a rule, only one voice is heard - Gorovater B.G. At the same time, the same thought or sentence is uttered by him in a different sequence of words several times. Well, isn't it clownery? Isn't it a one-man theater? Not always Mr. Gorovater BG, as a specialist - civil engineer, makes the right and adequate decisions, because he is a very weak specialist, as a builder and engineer. On the other hand, he shows himself as a very "cool" businessman - a builder - he likes to express himself "nothing personal, just business!" At the same time, all sensible proposals or objections from the meeting participants are accepted by Gorovater B.G. very painful. During the meetings, often Mr. Gorovater B.G. not shy in terms of obscene words and obscene language and behaves simply in a boorish manner towards the participants of the meeting. From specialists who do not agree with the opinion of Gorovater B.G., he gets rid of in every possible way, or simply dismisses, violating the Labor legislation. As soon as the RUDN University leadership looks at such a specialist, a leader of such a rank as the Vice-Rector for Capital Construction
And so about the meetings:
The time spent for meetings during one working day is approximately 2 to 5 hours - DAILY!!! The same specialists of the UKS participate in the meeting, only those invited to the meeting change. It is surprising when the specialists of the UKS manage to fulfill their immediate official duties?
At the meeting, as a rule, only one voice is heard - Gorovater B.G. At the same time, the same thought or sentence is uttered by him in a different sequence of words several times. Well, isn't it clownery? Isn't it a one-man theater? Not always Mr. Gorovater BG, as a specialist - civil engineer, makes the right and adequate decisions, because he is a very weak specialist, as a builder and engineer. On the other hand, he shows himself as a very "cool" businessman - a builder - he likes to express himself "nothing personal, just business!" At the same time, all sensible proposals or objections from the meeting participants are accepted by Gorovater B.G. very painful. During the meetings, often Mr. Gorovater B.G. not shy in terms of obscene words and obscene language and behaves simply in a boorish manner towards the participants of the meeting. From specialists who do not agree with the opinion of Gorovater B.G., he gets rid of in every possible way, or simply dismisses, violating the Labor legislation. As soon as the RUDN University leadership looks at such a specialist, a leader of such a rank as the Vice-Rector for Capital Construction
And how does the Ministry of Education admit that a person who was declared bankrupt works in a budgetary organization (we already talked about this earlier)? But a source told Rucriminal.info after our last publications, RUDN presented explanations for this irreplaceable employee to the Ministry, and there they were allowed to continue his labor exploits, with one condition that such effective activities at the university continue, the main thing is that the ministry should not be offended ....
It's time to draw conclusions...
To be continued…
Denis Zhirnov
Source: www.rucriminal.info
It's time to draw conclusions...
To be continued…
Denis Zhirnov
Source: www.rucriminal.info
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