среда, 14 сентября 2022 г.

Corrupt octopus of the Moscow region traffic police

Who covers werewolves in uniform

Rucriminal.info again I would like to talk about the "valiant" traffic police of the Moscow region, or rather about its anti-corruption division - KPO. According to the regulatory documentation, the tasks of the control and preventive units are: prevention, detection and suppression of violations of discipline and legality among traffic police officers. These units are supervised, and the heads of the territorial traffic police are personally responsible for their work. In the Moscow region, such a leader is the head of the UGIBDD, Major General of Police Viktor Kuznetsov.

But, according to our sources, KPO does not fulfill its tasks in the Moscow region and does not fight corruption. Apparently, because it is impossible to defeat corruption, which means that it is possible and necessary to lead it. The head of KPO Yezhov and his subordinates, in violation of the anti-corruption legislation, falsely declared their income and information about their property. During the inspections, millions of accounts and real estate were identified that were not included in the relevant certificates. Corruption fighters from KPO were brought to disciplinary responsibility, but not related to dismissal from service, which is an exception to the existing rules and undermines the authority of the internal affairs bodies.

At the same time, the employees of the GUSB revealed the facts of decisions made by the KPO management on positive approval when appointing employees in respect of which there was compromising information. The incident was ignored by the leadership of the UGIBDD and the perpetrators were not brought to due responsibility.

KPO employees turn a blind eye to violations committed in units commanded by "their" leaders. Especially "his own", according to the interlocutor of Rucri, inal.info, is the commander of the "Southern" regiment Berendin. With the latter, Yezhov has a common business related to illegal transportation. The CSS of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region documented such activities of employees of the 7th Security Service of the "Southern" Regiment, a criminal case was initiated, and the deputy commander was arrested. Thanks to Yezhov, the head of the 7th Security Council remained in office. Here it is, the personal responsibility of leaders, about which we are trumpeted every day from TV screens. Perhaps he will soon be promoted, because this issue is already being considered.

In addition, Yezhov, together with his deputy Elkin, patronize driving schools in the Moscow region. One of these driving schools is "Avtolyceum" (Lobnya), headed by former UGIBDD officer Aleksey Kobtsev, who was dismissed from the internal organs on the basis of compromising materials collected by CSS employees. Ezhov and Elkin, using their administrative resources, organize inspections by the UGIBDD of competitors' driving schools, thereby blocking their work. Scheduled inspections of profitable driving schools are carried out formally, eyes are turned a blind eye to significant shortcomings.

Yezhov also enjoys the favor of the Traffic Police Department of the Pushkinsky District, whose employees were involved in the illegal issuance of driver's licenses.

Yezhov and his wife (former UGIBDD employee) Fokina are actively investing their earnings. According to the source, recently the family has acquired an apartment in the town of Korolev and a land plot in the same place, on which construction is already underway at an accelerated pace. Fokina is still involved in the life of the Traffic Police Department, spreading rumors about the unprofessionalism of the leadership of the propaganda department. She believes that work on child injury prevention has been overwhelmed since her departure, as evidenced by a significant dip in performance. In fact, Fokina is simply taking revenge on the more successful and outwardly attractive employee Solenova, who was able to head the department.

Yezhov's protégés inside KPO deserve a separate discussion. Such is the employee of the department Semenova. At KPO, she oversees administrative practices. When performing the functions assigned to it, a complete failure was made in the supervised direction of work.

As part of a comprehensive audit, the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia gave an unsatisfactory assessment of this area of ​​activity. In addition, Semenova, with the assistance of Yezhov, fictitiously arranged her daughter in the office. She, receiving a salary, did not go to work in the office, did not fulfill the documents.

KPO employee Zimin, for a monetary reward, is engaged in escorting oversized vehicles and other equipment, the movement of which is prohibited without a permit, and therefore does not actually appear at work. With illegally earned money, Zimin built himself a mansion in the village of Luzhki, Serpukhov District.

The tricks of Yezhov and his team are also known in the regulatory authorities. But apparently they have no methods against Yezhov. During a polygraph survey organized by the GUSB officers Russian Interior Ministry, Yezhov just ran away. In this connection, it was not possible to confirm or refute the available information.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that at present there is no one to fight corruption within the traffic police near Moscow. Who will take on these functions, maybe the public. It got ridiculous, violations in 7 Sat are revealed by bloggers. But that's a completely different story..

Roman Trushkin

To be continued

Source: www.rucriminal.info

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