The unprecedented rise in food prices, which painfully hit the wallets of millions of Russians, various "interpreters" of Russian negativity were not connected with anything. And with rising prices for "fuel", and with the "conspiracy" of retailers. The government, after the people nevertheless began to grumble, took "tough" restrictive measures on markups. But in all this unhappy fuss, for some reason, no one named one of the main reasons for the price jump: “Unmeasurable show-offs and the desire to unscrew the maximum financial benefit for themselves from the situation for the highest Kuban officials.” No one in Russia finds it strange that after each Kuban agricultural record there is a sharp jump in food prices. For example, in 2021, another record harvest of wheat was received and ... and soon the price of bread increased by almost a quarter. A loaf of white bread, which in the Kuban is called a “brick”, has grown from 29 rubles (the price of the summer of 2021) to a “ten”. But after all, in any manual on economics (which even schoolchildren are now studying) it says: "The greater the supply, the lower the demand price." This postulate works all over the world. Except Kuban. And since it is the Krasnodar Territory that is the main supplier of Russian food, this “scientific justification” does not work for Russia as a whole. Let's try to figure it out.
In December, the TASS tape describing the Kuban prospects shone with great joy. December 12: “The objectives and goals of the regional project "Export of agricultural products" (part of the national project "International cooperation and export", - TASS note) are to increase exports in 2024 to $ 3.9 billion, develop priority export-oriented industries and create new marketable mass of agricultural products ... The largest volume of exports of the region - more than 64% - falls on grain crops. In 2021, a record harvest of grain crops was harvested in the region - 15 million 549 thousand tons ... The most demanded product ... is oil and fat products, in four years the volume of its exports has grown 2.5 times, in 2021 the export plan was overfulfilled by 62%, in monetary terms, goods worth $522 million were exported. The region already supplies products to 34 countries of the world and intends to expand the geography of importers, a number of European countries are showing interest. There are already applications for the purchase of vegetable oils from Germany and vegetable cakes from Switzerland and the Netherlands.”
The vice-governor of the Krasnodar Territory (Andrey Korobka) noted the success in the export of dairy products. According to him, the most demanded products are ice cream, condensed milk and cheeses, they are supplied to 26 countries of the world. Sugar export has grown 10 times in four years, it is purchased by 30 countries of the world ... As for the main type of products exported by the region, grain, Korobka said that over five years, the Kuban increased its supply by 46%, the number of buyer countries increased from 50 to 70 The agency's interlocutor named the countries of southern Africa and Southeast Asia as the key markets where the region notes growth points for itself. The vice-governor considers Turkey, Israel, Iran and Egypt to be the most stable importers of Kuban grain products... The second year of implementation of the region's regional project shows an increase in exports in all priority sectors. At the end of 2020, the agrarians of the region exported agricultural products worth more than 2.9 billion dollars against a plan of 2.5 billion”…
First, let's take a calculator and do some obvious calculations. We quote Korobka himself, a year ago:
“In the current (2021) year, the export figure will grow because the gross harvest has increased - we plan to send about 8-9 million tons to other countries” ( Subtracting from the record 15 million tons, 9 million tons of food wheat (which is for export), we get 6 million tons of almost pure ... fodder.
And that is why this festive report on the export achievements of the vice-governor of the Krasnodar Territory Andrei Korobka caused only an ironic, albeit sad smile among the inhabitants of the region itself? The answer is paradoxical at first glance: one of the main signs of Kuban during the reign of Veniamin Kondratiev is the following: the more record harvest, the steeper the percentage increase in food prices. The first increases in 2021 for bakery products happened a couple of days after the announcement of record numbers. The summer increase was 10-20 percent. Who remembers, in 2015 the budget "city" brick "in the Kuban cost 20 rubles and weighed 1 kilogram. And then came the annual Kondratieff "records" and the variation in the weight of the loaf in the direction of decreasing to the current 450 gr.
After the Kuban achievements of the past year, dairy products and vegetable oil have risen in price. And it is obvious that the laws of the market have not gone away. But in the conditions of the Kuban, it is necessary to introduce a couple more “variables” into them that will explain this “phenomenon”: the endless desire of the Kuban leadership, roughly speaking, to “show off” before export successes and by leaps and bounds growing corruption in this industry, which is strategic for the country.
With its bread, the Kuban could easily provide at least half of Russia and pour sunflower oil into a frying pan over an area comparable to the territory of the country. It could… But domestic Russian prices cannot be compared with world prices.
Both the President and the government have been concerned about the problem of rising food prices in recent years. By acts and decrees, the federal authorities are trying to somehow restrain the rise in prices. Hundreds of reasons for the rise in the cost of food are named. Guilty are called "numerous intermediaries", "collusion of retailers - large retail chains."
But for some reason, no one in the series of these "reasons" named the Kuban bureaucratic greed. Although, it would seem, is this not an obvious reason: when millions of tons of food wheat are being chased abroad for dollars (leaving fodder for our bakeries), vegetable oil is poured towards foreign buyers and cake is transported (in fact, it is the most important component of the livestock feed base) , then the part of the food remaining in the country is already close to not “record”. And here the law of the market operates quite logically: the smaller the supply, the higher the demand price. And what do you want - if the Kuban - the main granary of the country has increased its exports by 4.5 times during the years of Kondratyev's rule and the management of his agricultural vice Korobka branch!
One could, of course, explain such a strange position of the regional leadership, spitting on the interests of millions of Russians, by one act of showing off in front of the Moscow authorities. But this is the Kuban, there are show-offs here, but the main motivation of almost any official is “thinking about your pocket”.
How do the financial interests of Andrei Korobka, vice-governor of the Krasnodar Territory for agriculture, fit into this scheme? Easily.
Vice-Governor Andrei Nikolaevich Korobka is a proven person, and in some areas even highly experienced. In land, for example. In the pre-official biography of the agrarian vice-governor, there are no record sheaves, no champion milk yields, no drip irrigation successes. Prior to his appointment to a high regional post-farmer, Andrey Korobka was a Stakhanovite of a different role - in squeezing out other people's land shares. He honored the criminal code and absorbed land not for self-interest, but only in fulfillment of the will of those who sent him. In courtrooms and in strict accordance with the rapidly changing land laws. Andrey Korobka beat his numerous opponents, collective farmers (and these people are, unfortunately, inexperienced in legal nuances and corrupt traditions, at times). This earned him the honor and respect of senior comrades.
The ruddy-cheeked farmer Andrei Korobka received his first baptism of fire in the arbitration process in 2012. The Department of Property Relations of the Krasnodar Territory then filed a lawsuit to invalidate the lease agreement for a land plot dated March 2, 2009 No. 0700001733 with cadastral number No. 23:07:1401001:11 with a total area of 240,000 sq.m. and claiming it from K (F) X "A.N. Box".
In short, the essence of the claim was that the administration of the Dinskoy district transferred the lands that did not belong to it to a certain Andrometa LLC from the Kaluga region, but the farmer Korobka actually disposed of this land. The case lasted long enough, but Korobka found arguments to win the lawsuit. The arguments turned out to be so convincing that he found in the person of the regional department of property relations (over which Kondratiev then ruled) an ally and patron for all subsequent hostile takeovers of agricultural land.
In the same 2012, the farmer Korobka tried to attract the Office of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance in the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea. The reason for the claims was a business project in the style of the early Ostap Ibragimovich. The current curator of the agro-industrial complex of the Kuban earned money by renting agricultural land and ... setting up garbage dumps there!
We are talking about the case when the Krasnodar administration handed over a plot of 819,708 sq.m. with cadastral number 23:43:0424001:246 to the farmer Korobka. This is within the boundaries of the Starokorsunsky rural settlement. The plaintiff (Phytosanitary Inspectorate) filed an application with the defendant (Andrey Korobka) demanding the recovery of the cost of damage caused to agricultural land in the amount of 48,960,000 rubles. But there was no reparation. The third party of the lawsuit - the Department of Property Relations of the Krasnodar Territory (and obviously the curator of the department - V.I. Kondratyev) - considered the claim not subject to satisfaction due to lack of evidence of the amount of damage. The participants in the process had the conscience not to question the fact of causing damage, but the lawyers of the department built the defense of the Box, destroying the methodology for calculating the damage: why not 70 million or, for example, 15 ?! And the court on this basis decided to dismiss the claim.
With such support Andrei Korobka even decided to sue the Office of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance in the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea even three thousand rubles, for which he was fined for turning 10 hectares of farmland into a solid waste dump, but in high offices he was scolded for such a cynical feeling humor and the lawsuit were not satisfied.
Then there was the case of OAO KrasnodarAgroAlliance. A case unique in its elegance of implementation. The earth is not a machine, you can’t put on an alarm - it won’t squeak if the legal status or ownership of it is changed. As a result of the transfer of powers of the landlord from the region to the districts, Korobka contrived to use a legal incident in order to divide the farmland of this farm into small plots and quickly rent them.
And although KrasnodarAgroAlliance claimed, they say, this land was ours, and the priority right to rent is also ours! They were answered: you had the right to one large plot (24 hectares), and we divided them into three small ones. And while you were writing letters, the Box collected all the necessary seals. In court, it was decided to refuse to satisfy the claims of Krasnodaragroalliance LLC against the defendant Andrey Korobka.
Then there was a whole series of lawsuits in which agricultural enterprises or farms sued Korobka for the farmland squeezed out of them with impunity (claims from the KFH Suprunenko V.N., KFH Bogomolova L.V., KFH Demidova, etc.), but every time the lawyers of the future vice -governors turned out to be more sophisticated in the nuances of land legislation and the traditions of regional property relations.
The idyll of latifundia Korobka began to crumble from mid-2014, when the position of the authorities responsible for property relations began to change. And already at the end of 2014 and at the beginning of 2015, the arbitration courts accepted the claims against the farmer Korobka, including the claim of the Department of Property and Land Relations of the Administration of the Dinskoy District - with a statement to recognize the agreements concluded earlier as illegal!
But the stress of Andrei Korobka did not last long, on April 30, 2015, Andrei Nikolaevich Korobka was presented with a saucer with a gold border - he was appointed vice-governor in charge of all agriculture in the Kuban!
Box Andrey Nikolaevich
A native of the Dinsky district of the Krasnodar Territory. Graduate of KubGTU, specialty "Engineer-technologist for storage and processing of grain". Since 2007, he headed the Korobka peasant farm. Married, two children.
Place of birth: Krasnodar Territory, Dinskoy district, pos. Agronomist
OGRNIP: 307233027500069
TIN: 233008293260
Participation of Andrey Korobka in business structures: was a co-owner of the DROO PSK (Dinskoy district, the village of Pervorechenskoye, Lenina st., 100 K 5), the owner of 34% of KOLOS LLC (Dinskoy district, the village of Dinskaya, Krasnaya st., d 99), the owner of 25% of LLC "GREEN ROAD" (Dinskoy district, the village of Dinskaya, Krainaya st., 3), the sole owner of LLC A / F "KUBAN" (Dinskoy district, the village of Dinskaya, Krasnaya st., 156).
The story of A. Korobka's appointment to the vice-governor's position turned out to be more than touching: the pro-government Kuban media love such “snot extractors”, so they gladly told the bureaucratic love story told by the governor himself.
According to Veniamin Kondratiev, he first met Andrei Korobka in 2007, when he applied for land allocation - after numerous refusals from the district administration. Kondratiev called the “key to a working relationship” the fact that a 26-year-old farmer from the Dinsky district, even during an official meeting online, monitored prices on world grain markets.
This "love story", perhaps, was a success with the tearful young ladies of almost the entire Kuban. But she would hardly be able to “touch” even the most romantic ladies of Korobka’s native and governor Kondratyev of the Dinsky district of the Krasnodar Territory. Not so powerful in terms of population, the village of Dinskaya, many have known each other since childhood. And looking at the figures involved in the subsequent achievements of the Box, you see: here everything is intertwined for a long time and tightly. For example, a number of "issues" of already Vice-Governor Andrei Korobka were resolved with the assistance of the mother of the current Minister of Transport of the region Alexei Pereverzev. Pereverzev is a childhood friend of Kondratiev, who even then beat off the young Veniamin, who was already showing some unusual behavior from the attacks of evil "peers". As a sign of gratitude, Veniamin Ivanovich made Pereverzev a minister. Box - vice-governor. Both took full advantage of the new opportunities. Pereverzev usefully joined the board of directors of a dozen leading Kuban road enterprises. The Korobki family, continuing the exciting processes of squeezing out agricultural land, gradually became one of the largest landowners of the Kuban, certainly interested in increasing exports, including their own agricultural products. Because when the price of wheat on Western grain exchanges is $700 per ton, it’s more profitable than selling it domestically, where the maximum profit The government and the president are clearly interfering with the restrictions they impose.
Part of the profit, of course, has to be unfastened. Well, at least in the form of the sensational “Kondratiev estate” on the Kochety River, built in the water protection zone. With the master's estate, rotundas, own temple in the name of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia. And a helipad. From which a small helicopter "Robertson" sometimes starts in the direction of Gelendzhik with the governor on board. Transport Minister Pereverzev also happens to be at the helm.
Roman Trushkin
to be continued
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