воскресенье, 9 июня 2024 г.

How the court and the FSB “roof” saved the leader of VIP pedophiles

“The “major” from the Directorate “M” Aguzarov was actively running through the authorities”

As the telegam channel VChK-OGPU found out, agent of Directorate “K” of the FSB, VIP pedophile Alexander Sytin was released on June 4. By the decision of the Serpukhov City Court, Alexander Sytin was sentenced to 3 years for organizing a bribe to the head of the Rosreestr of the Serpukhov region, Armen Zakharyan. Sytin was detained and was in a pre-trial detention center in Serpukhov since August 4, 2021, plus he was under house arrest for a couple of months, therefore, according to the judge of the Serpukhov court Elena Arshikova, Sytin fully atoned for his guilt.

Elena Arshikova, like her colleague Olga Dvoryagina, conscientiously followed the instructions of the security forces protecting the VIP pedophile Sytin - they delayed the criminal case as much as possible, and sent them for further investigation to the Investigative Committee. Thanks to the high professionalism of the judges, the criminal case of the VIP pedophile Sytin was actually collapsed. After the statute of limitations expired, the episode of fraud in relation to the Vostok sports and fitness complex in the amount of about two billion rubles was expired. And the order to simply remove the pedophilia episode from the criminal case had to be given personally to Deputy Prosecutor General Anatoly Razinkin.

During the investigative actions and the trial, pressure was exerted by FSB officers, so with the demand to immediately release the pedophile, not to seize part of his property, which will be used to pay for services for the collapse of the criminal case, the “major” from the “M” Directorate of the FSB, Sergei, actively ran through various authorities Aguzarov.

As Alexander Sytin says, first of all, upon being released, he must fulfill his filial duty and release his father, Boris Sytin, who was previously sentenced to 12 years of maximum security for murder, and over the past months has been with him in the next cell in the Serpukhov pre-trial detention center also on charges of pedophilia.

Rucriminal.info became aware of the details of the collapse of the criminal case of VIP pedophile Alexander Sytin by judges of the Serpukhov City Court Elena Arshikova and Olga Dvoryagina. The court was under pressure from the security forces protecting the pedophile and the Prosecutor General's Office. At the final court hearing, a mise-en-scene was played out: the prosecutor, for formality, demanded that Sytin be sentenced to 8 years for the only episode remaining in the criminal case - organizing a bribe to the head of Rosreestr of the Serpukhov region, but judge Elena Arshikova took pity on the pedophile and because Alexander Sytin, after taking bribes in the tens of millions of rubles it was already guaranteed that he would spend no more than three years in a pre-trial detention center, that cases of pedophilia and fraud would simply disappear from the criminal case file, that he would not be sent to the “zone” and would be released right in the courtroom, therefore honest and dutiful judges and They calculated that the 3-year term would expire around these days from the date of Sytin’s arrest on August 4, 2021 and his being under house arrest for about two months. The judges can be humanly understood, because they are about to retire, they have grandchildren, and the fate of other people’s grandchildren doesn’t bother them much. Moreover, how can you argue with a criminal, albeit a seasoned pedophile, but with such a “roof”, since half of the “K” and “M” departments of the FSB were “harnessed” to him, and after a bribe of 3.5 million dollars, the head of the Main Directorate for investigation of particularly important cases of the General Prosecutor's Office, Sergei Golkin seriously set up his boss, First Deputy Prosecutor General Anatoly Razinkin, by organizing the appropriate teams and removing materials on pedophilia from the criminal case. Earlier, the head of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for the Moscow Region, Alexander Starikov, after repeated tea parties with the “major” of the Directorate “M” of the FSB, Sergei Aguzarov, removed the investigator and gave the command to his subordinate Valery Ivarlak to remove from the list of property subject to seizure the most liquid assets of Sytin, for example, the Robinson helicopter. , which was sold within two weeks and tens of millions of rubles were immediately spent to pay for services for the collapse of the criminal case to the “protecting” security forces. Investigation of an episode of fraud worth 2 billion rubles. in relation to the Vostok sports and recreation complex in the Odintsovo district, which has been under investigation since 2015, the judges, again at the direction of Sytin’s curators, deliberately delayed until October last year so that the episode would no longer be valid due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. Thus, 9 hectares of land near Moscow, stolen by Sytin from the Federal Property Management Agency, were again taken out of state control in the interests of unknown persons. Corruption, it’s not only in the Ministry of Defense, it’s in our heads. The pedophile Sytin and his curator, the former acting director, were kept on a “short leash.” the head of the 8th department of the Directorate “K” of the FSB, Dmitry Goremykin, the son of the Deputy Minister of Defense, who actually carried out the instructions of his agent, collapsed the criminal cases brought against Sytin, based on Sytin’s denunciations, organized the persecution of witnesses and victims and did not object to the raider seizures of property organized by Sytin’s organized crime group . We are waiting for the prosecutor's office to appeal against Ser's decision Pukhovsky court, although the Prosecutor General's Office has previously shown its tolerant attitude towards pedophilia.

Yuri Prokov

To be continued

Source: www.rucrimianl.info

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